I don't want to name the university for certain reasons but I think it is quite excessive as an "annual" fee increase.
They also state that it is "dependent on annual review" i.e. they can keep increasing it every year.
As I am a current student of the university I argued that I should be "locked into the old rate" as this is what I anticipated to pay when I commenced the course back in 2015. They said I must pay the increase and that it applies equally to all students.
When I queried why the fee increase was so steep the lady said that she "could not comment" and that "she doesn't make these decisions". A friend suggested it it might have something to do with the government "cost cutting" i.e. reducing educational subsidies. If I don't pay my fees upfront there is a ridiculous 25% loan levy for "FEE-HELP" so deferring it is not an option.
I will just have to cough up a further $800 for next semester it seems which means either work more over christmas and/or tighten the belt further(i.e. reduce spending as close to $0).
I am a domestic full fee paying student.
not sure how much is your course but I suggest trying to work out whether putting that money in a bank for interest (defer to hecs) will be better than paying upfront………you may end up with more than $800 interest in that year