Hi guys,
I built a desktop for my dad 8 years ago. with e2160, 2gb ram, cheapest graphics card, 500gb hdd.
Currently it is running windows 7 without any glitches but it is getting slow.
Looking at task manager seems at busy times my RAM is upto 80% used. So I'm going to buy another 2 gigs of ram and maybe an SSD and I think things should be much better.
The CPU is overclocked to about 3ghz and does not ever seem to be a bottle neck.
It is simply used a a home office computer for word processing and browsing. Newer OS's and software haven't really increased hardware requirements over the last 8 years and it seems that its not going to increase any time soon.
So is it possible for home office desktops to last over 15 years?
Or you could just get a new laptop for like…300bux