This was posted 9 years 2 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Coles Frozen Prawn Hargow 300g $3.75


Pretty good value for $3.75 (50% off).

Doesn't taste as good as the fresh made ones from yum cha, but not too far off.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Where is this made? Might give it a go if it's not China.

    • Can't remember if it's Thailand or Vietnam (likely Thailand from memory). Not sure which is worse.

      • +2

        Weren't thai prawns at Coles recently proven to breach child labour laws?

        • +2

          So are the Nike shoes I wear, and the Adidas tee that I have bought.

          Not saying such is justify-able, but if those whinger who really does care (oppose to thinking that they care), act, and make a change by doing something. Not just pretend to care.

          I am here to post a deal. Not to strike up an ethics debate, nor to direct comments at anyone personally.

        • +2


          Wrong. Firstly, the more exposure of this the better for those children who are victims.
          Because you want to remain an ignorant consumer is your choice. However you have no right to silence those who are exposing those profiteering from child slavery.

          As for Nike and Adidas you are also wrong. They were publicly explosed circa the year 2000 and after public criticism, have made progress to change their ways. Shareholders don't care. Governments have limited jurisdiction. It is consumers who have the loudest and most powerful voice. That is because they can choose where their money goes…


        • +4


          1. No evidence on product in this post is related to the scandal (it may be). And yes, agree, what's been reported is disguising.

          2. Media always tend to be one sided with their stories.

          In Nike's sweatshop example, what happens in the after match?…

          There is always the debate as to whether such case is creating an opportunity, or exploitation. From an equality argument, it's not equal, not right, nor ethical. However, maybe the ones that have been exploited would not share the same view? Please, look at slide 13.

          We are fortunate, to be living in a first world country.

          1. Applying "ethical" people's justification, they will likely to be living in stone era. Such that Apple (and other manufacturers) exploit their workers. Many of the restaurant that we dine in on a daily basis would have likely exploited its workers. Fruits picked from Aussie farms are likely to be have been picked from workers paid below legal wage.

          2. I am not justifying exploitation here. Ethics is an endless topic for debates. Debates should be left in forums. I am posting a deal here.

        • -1


          Tommyc probably wants all Syrian "refugees" to be allowed in with no screening too…

          Too many bleeding hearts.

        • @GreatWhiteHunter:

          On the contrary, too few.

        • @googleyahoo69:

          Slide 13 is quoting from a Law school graduate via a Harvard publication. Not truly representative of children in slaverly right there…

          I'm not arguing against globalisation or creating "factories".
          Simply saying that awareness of child exploitation shouldn't be silenced because "you just want a bargain".

        • @tommyc:


          If everyone felt like you we would be flooded with economic refugees…

          Oh wait, we already are….

        • @googleyahoo69:

          Better over-reporting than under-

        • @tightwad:

          That's what APRA, ASIC and AUSTRAC say.

        • @googleyahoo69:
          Results matter everything else is hot air.

    • I buy these regularly when on special, tastes like the restaurant ones but cheaper and you don't have to go out, or try and decipher the bill at the restaurant, or the language barrier.

      they also have a prawn and ginger one, which initially weigh less an cost the same but the ginger ones have 20% more prawn meat in them, hence same price but less yum cha.

  • I saw these last night but didn't buy it as I didn't know if these were any good. I hope they are as good as you say ☺

  • +1

    Go to Chinese restaurant for 4 pieces costs you at least $5 of that medium size.
    You can't go wrong with this.
    We normally buy from Woolworths when they are 50% off, I don't remember are they the same brand.

    • Mum bought these, and I was skeptical. But turned out they are a good size with tasty skin and meat. Credentials = we are Chinese.

      The shanghai buns I think were also on 50% sale, but they weren't that good.

      • any good recommendation for the shanghai buns (frozen)?

  • +1

    I'm not a greeny but this is pretty bad so I won't buy any prawns from S.E. Asia…

    • +1

      That means far north queensland fruit is out of the question as well. They're (apparently) 'exploiting' the fruit pickers there.

      Mind you, you can't blame the farmers, as they're competing with other countries that pay and treat pickers at a worse level. The challenge for our farmers is that they have Australian keyboard warriors ready to dig their grave but at the same time wanting very cheap fruit.

      • Having competitive businesses is the main priority? So…..if America still had slaves we should, too?

        There's only one keyboard warrior here.

        • -2

          Well if supporting Australian farmers makes me a keyboard warrior. so be it.

          And comparing slavery, with fruit pickers just proves my point. The only naive people here are the PC supporters. Even the fruit pickers didn't expect the Australia PC brigade to be so supportive. But they might as well use them.

  • Gonna buy a few, cheers

  • Bulk at Costco….can't remember how much though but really yum!

    • about $15 for 40 I think…bought some a couple of weeks ago.

      • +1

        From memory I think Costco's price is $16.90.

  • according to this site it's quite well received……

  • how do you cook these?

    • Very easy. 8 mins in the steamer.

      Usually put it into the steamer when I get up, and they are ready after I got ready for the day.

      • ok well i would need to buy a steamer then :)

        • You can also boil them (simmer) for 8 minutes. Got a pot? Or use a microwave container…

          We went through a couple of packs on Wednesday (dressed with sesame oil, sweet soy and a splash of Tabasco) and happy with the results. Could have had more 'solid' prawn character - but at the price I'm not going to fuss.

    • Steam them.

      Edit: beaten! :)

      • +2

        Steam them

        Edit: Eaten !!!

    • You can also fry if you want - vege oil in a fry pan, dumplings go in, fry until brown on the contact surface then cover frypan and (carefully!!) add a ladle of water. It will sizzle like crazy and when the water has cooked off they are ready.

    • Put it in microwave for 5m if you are lazy to do other methods. This particular type is good, my wife buys it all the time. Still have 3 boxes in the fridge from the last sale.

  • Put a "paper" on a plate and the Hargow on it. Then boil the water for 10 minutes.

  • I've bought the Costco ones (1kg = 2 trays of 20pcs/tray) 51 times since I started keeping records.. it's the most-bought item from Costco for me (family of 3 and 7yo hasn't liked them since turning 4).
    Last one bought was 9Oct15 at $13.99, it used to be $13.29 back in Jan'12.
    Every now and then there's been a discount of $3-4. Wish I could stock up on them at those prices but unfortunately not enough freezer space #firstworldproblems.
    Best when steamed on top of baking paper (to prevent sticking).

  • Awesome price - will get heaps. My daughter demolishes them. Of all the frozen dumplings we've tried these ones look by far the "fanciest" for her :p

  • Just tried the Shanghai dumpling. not too bad. Made in Aust too.

    The prawn dumplings are made in Vietnam, not Thailand as initially thought.

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