Injured eastern Rosella please help!

Hi there

A little injured Rosella has just flown onto our property. It only has 1 leg and is hopping around and is clearly hurt.

Iv'e given it seeds and water and it's munching away. Is there anyone I can call for help, any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Iv'e called the little one Spiderman…


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  • Thanks so much. I just rung the RSPCA and they said no rangers come out, I hope these people can help.

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    +1 Wires. Please remember they are volunteers and often don't get reimbursed for their expenses.

    I believe that if you can catch the bird you can 'surrender' it to a Vet. (You would need to contact them first & explain that it is a wild bird) It would probably mean that the bird would humanely be put down.

    Wires may have sufficient budget to have the bird treated & then released/looked after.

    (I volunteer for a similar organisation interstate)

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    Call your local vet. They won't make you pay.. And will give the best advice.

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    Spiderman has gone now it's dark times. I'll give wires a call in the morning. I hope they can nurse little one back to health:)

  • What do you call a bird that sells roses ?

    ROSE - SELLA ?

  • We recently rescued an injured baby magpie that was only a few days out of the nest - the parents and older siblings often visit our yard and we'd been watching the parents raise two babies in a nest in the park next to our house. (note I've referred to little one as "he" rather than just "it" just for ease of reference, no idea whether it was male or female). Little guy had been savagely attacked several times by his parents and older siblings, which we witnessed, much to our horror, and we were eventually able to retrieve him but he had quite nasty injuries on his head by that stage. Poor little sod seemed fit and healthy enough otherwise, very vocal and very hungry, he was able to potter around our shed whilst we were putting together a dog crate to keep him in until we found someone to take him, and could even fly/flutter short distances (at low altitude of course), so not sure why the others attacked him but maybe there was something wrong with him that wasn't obvious to us.

    We live in Perth and tried multiple times to contact the WA equivalent to Wires - the Wildcare Helpline - but just kept getting a recorded message that the service was unavailable. We rang several of the local vets, and finally found one that was happy for us to take the little guy in and they would look at him. Unfortunately due to his injuries, they did end up putting him to sleep which was very sad but at least it was a peaceful and humane ending to his short little life and better than being pecked to death or abandoned and left to starve or be killed by a cat :( .

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