Last week my boyfriend got new wheels & brakes put in by a mechanic. The coolant system was leaking and so we took it back yesterday so he could fix it (seperately), he didn't have time to check it so we went to Ultra tune today instead. They informed us that 1 of the brakes were put on back to front and fixed it, it cost $120. They did it before confirming with us which we don't mind as it would've been too time consuming to go back and forth. My question is, is there any way we could get a part refund from the original mechanic?

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  • +1

    Show the original mechanic the receipt to prove that Ultratune had to fix it, and ask for a partial refund. It wouldn't be $120, lucky if you got $40. If he doesn't agree to a refund, then it wouldn't be worth pursuing and I'd just tell the mechanic that you won't be using him again or recommending him to anyone.

    • Ultratune asked my bf who did his brakes and they knew exactly who he was talking about. They must've called the original mechanic because he called my bf today and asked how the car was going. I mean it's not really about the money, I guess would just like things done properly the 1st time. I'm just happy that the problem was fixed in the end so I'll just let it go.

  • +1

    What mechanic is this? Name and shame if he/she doesn't agree to a partial refund. It is unsafe for this mechanic to service anyone's cars.

  • +2

    No idea how brakes can be put back to front.. They just bolt one way.. Caliper brake pads are the same inside and out. Never heard of such a thing unless you are talking piston to brake pad and shim to rotor. In that case, woah. Gross incompetence and the mechanic should lose their shop..

    • Was thinking the same thing.. That's the only mistake I can think of, and it's a bit like putting a wheel on inside out.

      • Maybe they put the wear indicator against the rotation, however not sure that could cause a burning smell as OP suggested in one of the comments?

        • I can't imagine so.. I've never had wear indicators on brakes I have changed out, but I imagine that you want the rotor pulling the indicator away from the surface so that it doesn't clash…

        • @airzone: Yeah thats the philosophy I have gone with haha. Its odd you mention that coz all the ones I have purchased have had the wear indicator

      • it's a bit like putting a wheel on inside out.

        I did that once with my trailer - i was young and in a hurry to get Sydney. drove from Melbourne to Tarcutta and had a break. got a coffee and looked out the roadhouse window and thought "hmm, that wheel looks weird". went out and got closer and saw that the bearings on the left wheel were totally was stuffed and the wheel was moments from falling off. found a local mechanic who put a new bearing on and it's been fine since (20 years). lesson well learnt.

    • Could have put the caliper back to front so left on right snd right on left. So bleed nipple upside down rather than at the top, especiall if removed to have pistons and seals redone

  • I am truly sorry if i am the only one, do not understand your whole scenario?? (English is not my first language)

  • +1

    you are unlikely to get any money from the 1st mechanic at this time

    ultratune did work they were not asked to do

    you are not required to pay for work you did not request

    you are entitled to get ultratune to refund that money or they can put the brakes back to the way they were and the 1st mechanic can correct the mistake

  • +1

    I doubt it. You have no proof that the brakes was put on wrong. Unless Ultratune (who are known for over quotes and unnecessary repairs) would provide photos/evidence. If the brakes were out on in reverse, you should have heard some screeching/squealing from the metal/metal contact. $120 sounds awfully expebnsive for labour for a single brake and Ultratune have no authority to conduct any repairs without your prior approval.

    • We actually did here screeching and also a burning smell. My boyfriend googled it and thought it's just what new brakes smell like.. He's not the smartest cookie but he is the sweetest ;)

  • I think u got Jipped by ultra tunes brake pads can only fit one way……

    • +1

      Potentially you could put the pad with the brake surface pointing to the piston and the backing plate on the rotor..

      • +4

        only if you had just smoked 3 or 4 massive cones

    • Beg to differ. I managed to do it myself, not six months ago. Brakes were squealing, so I replaced both the Disks and pads, front and rear, But I got distracted inserting the front left, and wondered why it was still squealing after the job.
      The disk managed to shear off some bits on the back (temporary front) of the pad, but it also scored the disk. So check if the disk is scored.
      And ask Ultratune for your damaged pad back, which they should have done anyway everytime, as a reminder of how much damage it could do.

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