This was posted 9 years 2 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Powercube 1.5m Original $10 & Powercube Extended USB $12 in @ Dick Smith Centro Bankstown NSW (In Store)


Hi this is my first deal ive posted since i joined ozb. Always been shy n thought id come out of my shell n post back to the community.
I went to DSE Centro Bankstown n they have the powercube extender for $10 as well as the powercube extender usb for $12.
Its the cheapest ive seen it. I brought one a while back for $20 n it was on sale. Cheapest deal i could find on here was $15.95. Its the 1.5m powercube i posted.
I brought 2 there are plenty more left at dse centro bankstown.
Happy hunting. N i just lost my ozb deal v card haha

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Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +1

    I see some 2 weeks ago but they are not discounted, did not scan at counter though. Bought one for $25 at HN during their warehouse sale, should have waited.

    • Hehe yep shouldve waited for a lower price. $25 from hardly normal (even though on sale) is $5 more than the $20 i paid for the powercube i brought a year ago. I thought that was a good deal then guess not.
      Though youll never know how long to wait before u see a retailer selling for lowest price

      • +3

        Ya, I know I shouldn't walk into HN.

        • Hehe just saying keep ur options open. Occassionally i see a few good deals @hn when combined with the ~once per email ~ $25 voucher.
          Myself, i just check ozb for any good deals from hn b4 i shop there.

  • +1

    I picked up one earlier today, great price. Also grabbed the 6 way belkin with 2x USB at $12 as well which was a fantastic price.

    • I can't find the 6 way belkin…

    • +1

      Picked one up as well.
      Ironically, the 4 way was priced at $15

  • +2

    can confirm also available at other stores.

  • +1

    All over Victoria. Sighted at Moonee Ponds, Airport West and Watergardens

  • Nice! Thx for confirming. Looks like its in all dse stores so its easily accessible for those who r after one near their local dse

  • +1

    Wonder if plenty stock in wa?

    • +1

      Just bought 1 from the Perth CBD store. Plenty of stock left of both types. They have grey and red ones

      • when you say both types, do you mean ones with usb ports and no usb ports?

        • Yup thats correct

    • It doesnt show up online on the dse site so wouldnt know & cant check sorry.
      Maybe some1 else here can help

      • I couldnt find anything on DS site (Vic), which sucks.

        Anyone checked in store (Knox/Eastland/etc)?

  • +1

    Got one at DJ sydney cbd. Scanned to be 12.

    • That would likely be the powercube extended usb for $12. Its got 4 power sockets n 1 side for 2 usb charging inputs. The extended (non usb) has 5 sockets so ur missing out on 1 power socket in the extended usb.

      • Cant really tell the difference on the package. Why would the extended usb has missing feature than the non usb one? but I like the USB as I need them for my devices.

        • yes , its not easy to tell from a quick glance.
          You would need to look at the pictures and the writing on the packaging in order to figure out if its usb or non usb.Should say either"Extended Usb" or "Extended".
          Well ill try to explain it.The powercube is in a shape of a cube with 6 faces/sides.1 side is being used for the extension cord in order to plug into the wall socket (Both usb and non usb - and on the powercube original it has a 3 pin plug instead-).That leaves 5 sides free remaining for inputs.On the extended USB powercube .The 2x usb ports are next to each other together and take up one side so that leaves 4 sides remaining for the power sockets.
          The non usb powercube extender doesnt have the usb ports to take up that side.So theres room for a power socket there.So add that side for the powersocket on the non usb powercube with the other 4 sides u will have 5 powersockets to use on the non usb powersocket.
          Only advantage i see on the usb extended is that the 2x usb ports take up less room , instead of me plugging in my usb wall charger in one of the powersockets on the non usb.
          Hope my explanation makes sense.

  • What's it mean by original is there another version?also what does extended mean on the USB one?am I right you can join these together

    • +2

      Just reading last post it maybe cause one has 5 sockets and other is 4 with USB right,there are no other versions newer ones right out there or am I wrong

      • I dont have too much product knowledge on the powercube. But from what i read the powercube original is just the cube by itself. There is no extension cable on it.…

        The one with 5 sockets is just the powercube with no "usb" in its name.
        And extended just means theres an extension cable.
        I think they sell either the 1.5m or 3m extended powercubes.
        Thats about all ive read unsure if they released any newer models in their range

      • +1

        The 2 versions on sale have extension cables. One has 5 sockets and the other has 4 sockets with 2 USB

  • Reading reviews on Amazon people say can't pkug in right leaving it not safe,have a nightmare sometimes getting plugs in and even out again and others falling apart or break within weeks anyone had same issues?

    • Im guessing that might be the powercube original ? Bc its just a big cube that takes up space on ur wall powersocket or board.
      Ive never owned just the original powercube.
      And wouldnt buy it since the powercube extension has a extension cord inbuilt.
      Im happy with my powercube extended that ive owned for a year. I place it next to my bed to charge things right next to me when i sleep.
      It comes with wall mount clip with 2x 3m command strips. Occasionally removing the clip from the powercube can be a pain n hard to remove. Besides that the powersockets work well. Its just like plugging in things on a powerboard. But if u have a big transformer power brick (like those ones that power external hdd)
      then its not practical on the powercube. But if its just plugging in a usb charger brick then i have no problem. As well as plugging in a laptop power supply - since it uses either a 2 or 3 pin extension plug - it works fine for me. No issues.
      Just be careful how much weight u add to the powercube if u mount it on the wall. Might fall

  • -1

    So not as good without the extension cord thought there be a reason behind its price

    • +4

      Yup. But the ones for sale from dse are all powercubes with extension cords

  • +3

    None at Sydney CBD Westfield or George St. but David Jones Market St. has them at that price. Approx. 1/2 dozen non-USB ones left on shelf after I bought the last USB one. I already have one of these and like it, thanks.

    • +1

      Thanks for this - I found the last USB one at DJ market st (in grey) and a normal powercube. There was probably 4 left of the normal (non-usb) powercubes about an hour ago

  • +1

    Cheers, got 2 red ones. They didn't have any USB's left :(

    Strangely blue weren't on sale?

    • +2

      Yeh interesting I had brought a few of these and a blue one along with some other stuff, powerboards, laptop bag etc paid and walked out.
      Upon checking receipt it said $29 so had to go back and he said blue wasn't on sale so I said will just swap the colour, but he over rode the code and gave it to me at the discount price.

  • Any other DSE who have stock?

    • about 15 left at blacktown a few hours ago. more of the non usb versions

  • +1

    Thanks, I got 1 cube with extended version (5 sockets) for $10 and Belkin 6 socket powerboard for $12. Belkin 4 socket one was for $15.

  • +1

    Just got a few from Menai Dick Smith. Still more.

  • +1

    there still a lots in Dicksmith Swanton and Bourke
    Surge board for 25 and Kaise bass Hifi for 30$

    Coudl post a picture of the reciept, dont know why

  • +1

    I've been using these when I travel to replace a larger power board + individual USB chargers. Couldn't be happier with them!

  • +2

    Beenleigh Qld store has approx 20 @ sale price

  • Anyone know if there are any in the Adelaide, Rundle Mall store?

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got two at Liverpool Westfield NSW - all they had.

  • +1

    Dandenong in Vic had 5 left of each variety.

  • +1

    5 left in Merrylands NSW. 2 extended ones in red and blue.

  • Any up in QLD?

    • +1

      plenty at mt ommaney

  • Just tried a store said blue not that price is 29 is this right

    • if it was the powercube extended then as others have said here DSE is selling them for $10 or $12 sale price.
      Looks like the sales guy is being difficult to u. I would just go to a diff store.Or wait for another sales person to serve u.

  • +1

    Thanks picked up two extended at Wynnum plaza, no sign indicating they are on sale, plenty of stock

  • For those who are unsure i asked the dick guy and he told me that if you want the usb one than it is clearly written on the top of package and also says on the side ways as extended usb.i got the usb green one

  • +2

    Parkmore (VIC) had about 20 but got brodened by three very efficient consumers in a matter of seconds. Managed to get two before they hit.

  • +1

    Great for travels:

    I bought a 1.5m Powercube USB in May 2015 and travelled around Europe/UK for 3.5 months with just a few adapters. I had a good run with it. I paid ~$25 as a last minute purchase at Officeworks.

    I almost lost it and 2 xiaomi power banks when I left it at a hostel in Brussels, but luckily I had a friend still there who grabbed it for me.

    (electrical tape on the power banks to stop them scratching things)


    • Exactly why I bought two. After Guatemalan customs chucked out a powerboard in my carry on (no reason given.. 'strangulation cord' maybe? Just hate tourists more likely though), I was lacking

  • +1

    thanks OP. Bought one.

  • the compact size make these a must have for travelling. especially the usb model that sacrifices one power socket for 2x usb ports

  • +1

    Bought 6 dont know why wanted the usb ones but was none

  • +1

    Bought the extended one for $10 at my local DSE.

  • +1

    Bought 4 extended ones with USB today in Westfield Innaloo DSE, was not advertised in store on special but scanned at the reduced price. Will be giving a couple to family members as stocking fillers. The store still had several of each type left

    • were there any left?

      • Yes, the store had several of each type left!

  • +1

    I got 6 today but with no usb went onto another store and they had one with usb so asked if i could swap for the usb one and pay difference.
    Would have loved three of each as i have a use for all to me used around house and get rid of my others.
    Hopefully i can find two other usb ones and swap over with others.
    Can you use a hard drive with these on usb?

    • thats good to hear.Well hoping u find another 2 usb powercubes at a local dse.There were quite a few powercube usb extended at dse centro bankstown.Dunno if its close by to u or not ?
      No you wouldnt be able to use the usb to power a portable hdd.Its bc u need to connect the usb to your computer in order to connect the hdd to the computer and transfer or view files.If it was a wireless usb drive then yes.But i wouldnt think you would be using one of those.
      U can plug a desktop size usb hdd and plug the transformer into the power socket on the powercube to power the hdd.
      Thats not usb though.

  • +1

    Think I grabbed the last one at DJ DSE CBD, cheers OP

  • Was the blue one ever $10 as I'm sure it's a blue one in the post pic,but it's funny when I asked a store today and he said it was 29 or whatever there price was.he seemed to be surprised and asked the other guy something then waited to tell me it's not 10 maybe he wanted it himself,said red ones are 10 says hold one says one in stock,goes out back and comes back sorry none.
    Just wondered if others got the blue one today for 10

    • the colour doesnt , green , red , or grey. Its just the colour.U need to look on the box to see if it says "powercube extended" or "powercube extended usb"

  • PowerCubes have 1.0 amps usb
    Philips wall surge protector has 2.1 amps usb
    Belkin wall surge protector has 2.4 amps usb

    Not sure if any of these are QC compliant probably not?

  • If anybody in Perth would like the non-usb for $10 let me know.

    I picked up two. Don't need them and am happy to pass the love on rather than simply return to store. Must pick up quickly.

  • Plenty of stock for Extended one at Spearwood and Gateway, WA store.

  • Just wondered if there a preference to these being usb or without i have 6 in total one only being usb as thats all i could find or get on the day.
    I just feel having three of each makes sense but maybe not,i was going to use these around house but do i need usb ones?

    • If u dont need the USB one, I'm happy to buy it off u

      • Sorry im trying to get more of the usb ones seems harder to find

  • Not sure when you was at gateway but im here now and only one grey all others are blue full price. No usb ones

  • +1

    If you missed out they are on eBay for $11.27…

    • +1

      Not quite the same. That's the original model without a cord.

      Which may potentially be better for travel if bundled with a 1m extension cord (vs the 1.5m that is permanently attached to the others)?

      • +1

        Thats diff. Looks like the powercube original. Imo i rather use the extended bc the one in the link u posted takes up to much space on a powerboard or wall outlet that is pluged into the powercube to save power. Really depends on ur setup n how u want to use the powercube. I think that the powercube original could save space so u dont have to have a power board lying on the floor.
        Just my opinion.

    • +1

      Could you plug this into extended ones so stack them have more sockets where plugs would be,i have seen vids of these stacking but was more the standard ones but im sure these would all work together

  • Just to confirm, these don't come with international plugs/ travel adaptor?

    • No it doesnt. Its just the 3 pin aus power plug

  • I have three USB versions and three of the other now and wondering if I should change the non USB versions I have to also USB versions?
    Or am I just nuts?
    It's good to have USB on them but it also depends what you want them for also and cause they are such a good price I'm temped to get sone more lol

    • You are nuts, but it depends on what ru using it for
      The one with USB is great for travelling esp if you are travelling with another person or have many devices.
      They are also harder to find. No stock at Morley/ Belmont/ Midland.
      I called Perth/ DJ/ Inaloo and they have ran out.

      • These are not for traveling but could stick one aside for that reason but just thought having 4 sockets and USB vs 5 sockets was a better option even if the USB might not be used on some..wonder why there are more left of the 5 socket ones?i suppose with eveyone these days and there tech it's handy to have USB on them.

        • Better value for money! 6 ports (2usb + 4 sockets) vs 5 sockets.
          I was wondering that too, so I assume ppl buy the usb ones for the bedroom and to travel.
          I don't think these are appropriate for the Home theatre room (harder to conceal behind the entertainment unit) or Study/PC room (not enough sockets).
          I think most ppl own the long sockets ones already, so there's no point doubling up.

          Edit: Just saw u bought 6. Was that intentional or did ozbargain get you? lol

        • yes oz bargains got me just keep thinking I have a use for them and I maybe will but cause these go from 25 to 30 each could not help myself to be honest,have very little wall sockets and messy long adaptors all over the places so thought I get these to tidy it up a little was sort of for the two tv rooms ,bedrooms and possibly PC study area.
          Why not enough sockets? I must be thinking of others but thought these could stack together but not these ones must be the ones with no lead.
          Yes did get 6 and thinking of getting another two,I maybe have been better off getting the Philips 6 socket ones which where also on a deal.
          You can stick these cubes on shells etc right so not sure why you could not hide them.
          But yes your right the long ones are out of site,I may just go back and return them all lol 3 USB ones and 3 non USB $66 in total think I just keep them for I'm sure I will have use for them if not now later.

        • @bwatt99:
          I manage to track down the usb one, so I going to use it in my bedroom, and when I travel.
          I need at least 6 sockets for the study room (pc, 2 monitors, speakers, modem, hard drive)
          Still need an extra socket for the printer or when i get the 3rd monitor :P
          Home theatre room: You'll need sockets for TV, blu ray player, ps4/xbone, speakers/soundbar, chromecast. So it could possibly work, but the cube is 'bulky' esp when all the sockets are used.
          Don't forget that if u hang it up on a shelf, you will lose one socket.
          I dont see the need for USB ports in the TV room?

  • +1

    Thanks op, bought last 6 at broadmeadows, 3 usb ones and 3 non usb.

  • +1

    thanks op. Bought the last 2 usb version in hurstville (outside Westfield) and I see there's still about 4 of the regular version.

  • Im tempted to buy another 2 usb ones have three already and 3 non usb i think ozbargains has ozbargained me.

    • Where did you find the usb ones ? Which store ?

  • The rockingham store when i was there yesterday i swapped two of my non usb ones for usb ones,was tempted to get the other two but thought three was enough.
    Decided to head back and grab them and was gone,well its saturday after all and they probably got snapped up today.
    They did have about 4 or 5 non usb ones.
    And crazy my local store even closer to me baldivis which sometimes does not have much of anything being a smaller store. It was the place i should have checked out went first as by the looks of it but too late by going by the labels they had all colours both usb and non.
    Green,red,grey, and yes blue has now been reduced as was more these past days.
    Having purchased 6 from other store all non usb i have now managed to swap 3 to usb version.
    And got last usb one at baldivis.
    I should have gone there first and would probably have gotten from day one all colours in both versions.
    If your just looking for non usb they had a bunch of grey ones,bunch of blue ones and one ted and green,i have been inva few dick smith stores last few days being in the areas thought i have look in them but first green non usb one i seen yet.

    But that's me must keep away from dicks before i spend more.
    3 grey usb and 1 blue usb and 3 red non usb ones.
    Have had plenty of opportunity to buy non usb ones since buying my first 6.
    But in the end was able to swap around.
    Thats $78 for all 7.
    Not bad when usb ones in officeworks sell for $37 usb and $27 non usb each or there about.

  • +1


  • Hey. Does anyone have any ideas how to fit the 3 pin plug into a 2 pin overseas adaptor?

    • Maybe one of these ?
      I found that travel adaptor to be a be abit loose though. But itll do the job.But Its not certified to aus electrical safety standards

      • so does a AU 3 pin fit into that?
        Its only for when i travel.(trying to minimise unnecessary luggage)

        • +1

          Ooh the product link i posted was for using international power plugs adapted to aus plugs.
          I didnt get what u meant b4 now i get what u are trying to say.
          Its supposed to accept any plug anywhere in the world to use for an aus socket. So yes it would accept the aus 3 pin plug. But itll be useless since the end if already a 3 pin aus plug as well.
          For travel to anywhere in the world youll need to get this
          That has an adjustable plug on both sides. I got one of those. Its abit flimsy but u can use it anywhere in the world.
          If u can tell me which country ur planning on going to then i can link u to the correct travel adaptor.
          Having the right travel adaptor would give a firm fit. N the powerplug wont wiggle around.
          Korjo makes some good quality travel adaptors. N it only costs $10
          But without knowing which country ur planning on going to. I wouldnt know which is the right one u can use

        • +1

          I'd usually avoid those multi-pin ones because some have a hazard where all the pins are connected and you can touch them.

          Also, they're not really that small when compared to separate adapters, which can be cheaper, safer and easier to use / less likely to fall out of the socket.

          This is the one that I've used for the European plug - it has 2 pins and also the earth. The LED is also useful to show when power is available.

          Watch out for some sockets in Europe though, as they can have thinner pins and your adapter won't fit! I've used this plus this to convert mine to thinner pins and this for the UK plug.

          If you troll around here, you might be able to get some of them for less than $1 including post (proof), but I recommend the better one which I linked to above with the LED for Europe.

        • @AzNDuDe:
          Looking to go to Japan.
          The Korjo 3 pack adaptors has 3 pins (to USA, UK, Europe), so there's no issue there.
          The Korjo to Japan or $2 generic brand has only 2 pins.
          I think the only workaround is to get a 3 pin to 2 pin AU converter if it exists, or a powerboard that has 2 pins only (which I dont think it exist).

          The other alternative is to do adaptception i.e. Buy a USA/UK/Erope to AU 2 pin adaptor
          Powerboard (3 pin) —-> Korjo USA adaptor (3 pin) —-> USA/EU to AU (2 pin) —-> Korjo/ Generic (2 pin) to Japan

          I wonder if the 3 pin AU plug would fit into the USA/EU to AU 2 pin adaptor?

          Total Cost
          Korjo 3 pack = $7.09
          Generic to Japan = $2 It's on clearance now, so check your local stores)
          US/EU to AU 2 pin = $1

          Total cost = 10.09 (I used dick smith gift cards too, so it was cheaper), but also less bulky to travel.
          Happy days

  • Hi sorry for the late reply. I didnt get the notification.
    Yes the 3 pin AU plug will fit into the USA/EU to AU 2 pin adaptor from ebay
    I tested on my USA/EU to AU 2 pin adaptor and it fits. Might need to apply abit of pressure but it will slot in.
    All the best with ur travels

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