Cheap Decent Lightening to USB Cables for iPhone 6 Plus?

I am a connoisseur of the Apple Ecosystem and I need your help please Oz Bargainers

Where can I get cheap decent lightening to usb cables for my iphone 6 plus?

Dick and Smith had these advertised lately and I went to 3 different stores but no stock - in one shop I took the label off the rack and went to the store manager to ask him if he had any stock. He in turn asked me where the label was from , told me he did not have any stock and nor was he getting any in and then proceeded to put the label back where I had gotten it from.


  • +4

    Pretty sure you don't know what the word connoisseur means

    • -1

      an expert judge in matters of taste.

      • -1

        so nothing to do with performance or function just Taste and Style. If thats the case then you should buy the original to stay in the good style with correct logo :) Or do you mean like the overpriced Ice Cream of the same connoisseur name?

        I was going to say DSmith as there were heaps the other day at our local on the Gold Coast.

        I have bought from Banggood, Blitzwolf double sided usb (for android), great quality and cheap. see if they have Apple cables.

        edit eg…

  • +2

    You need an MFI cable if you want it to last more than 3 weeks.

  • +1

    The iphone cables aiks by crazy on ebay have been really good and only $1 each

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