Catch of the Day free day
Everything is free on this site, you just need to pay shipping
Until 12noon on the 25th Feb
mod - added to the title that shipping needs to be paid for
mod - members report there is a 2 item minimum per order
Catch of the Day free day
Everything is free on this site, you just need to pay shipping
Until 12noon on the 25th Feb
mod - added to the title that shipping needs to be paid for
mod - members report there is a 2 item minimum per order
same, the site is down. :(
If postage is more than $5, I'm voting -ve !!!
Postage on most things I saw was $4.95 (didn't see any lower than that).
I added some bathers, batteries, lights, etc to my cart and then check shipping. It was $177!
Not so free, but more shipping scam.
the site is crashing, and I don't understand why, I don't see any stuff sold out yet either
lol yeah down for me too , pity they dont sell bandwidth servers :)
what?????? catchoftheday crashes ??? omg thats unheard of….
More junk from cotd.
Their servers dont run on computer hardware, they run on hopes and dreams.
problem is that when hopes and dreams rise, that's when they start crashing, not the other way round
they need to learn from honda
Even when you do get on and add items to your cart..When you try to check out the site crashes again and you loose it all….(not that there is anything too special available). Would be nice if they reserved sessions like Ticketek.
The site is struggling.
But this has been done in the past before. My experience? They didn't have a postage cap on items back then. That means that your postage skyrockets the more you buy. It got to a point where you gotta wonder whether your 'postage' is paying for the items you're buying.
I completed the order. There is no combine shipping. It's about $5 per an item. I bought 4 items costing about $20 for shipping.
I want a solar powered cockroach!
who doesnt!??
Im pretty sure that they did one day have a solar powered torch!
Slightly more useful than the cockroach….. :)
DAMMIT. Can't add to cart.
It's on eBay… for $4.41 :P
"Designed as an educational tool" to show you what crap looks like ;-)
It was crashing on me earlier but is working now although tis sloooowwww
I got the Iphone Ac pack and the Book :)
Never seen the site crash before. Crash Of The Day!
lol.. crash of the day.. cant evemn open it..
crap of the day more like it
Worked for a while there, enough to put a few things in my cart. Now won't do a thing at all (e.g. checkout, or look at cart). Crash of the day it is… :)
Edit: I'm giving up, just returns the error instantly now, doesn't even try to refresh (this is for checking out, not sure how other pages are going).
Where is the "meh" button.
It's all rubbish… don't waste your mouse click…
I can not check items out, their website stop working on view cart page. disappointed.
Crash of the Day.. site is terrible. Upgrade your damn servers CoTD ffs.
Basically $5 per item with FREE SHIPPING!!
Yeah! They should call it that instead. It's less confusing for the buyers. $5/each + free shipping.
Funny how you can't you combine shipping for these today. Min two items per order = ~$10 Hmmm… :-(
condoms and solar cockaroch
don't get them confused !!!!
Crabs are different to cockroaches ;-)
Crash of the day.
This sale is a farce. "Free" isn't really free. You're covering postage costs, which is fine for one item, but when you buy more than one, you're almost definitely covering the costs of items. They know this, and they're capitalising on it.
Each item has a minimum of $5 postage as far as I can see. Every other sale had combined shipping or a shipping cap. This sale conveniently doesn't have it.
COTD is a shadow of what it used to be. Remember back when they launched? They had some quality items at genuinely good prices. You wanted to go back to the site each and every day. Yes, their servers were horrible, but you still wanted to refresh very few seconds to see if you could get in.
With all the exposure they've had in the last couple of years, they've taken the opportunity to relaunch "Daily Deals", albeit under the COTD name. "Daily Deals" was mediocre, and now COTD has followed suit.
I definitely won't give this a positive. That'll never happen for one of these "sales".
I won't give this a negative because yes, there's some cheap stuff on there, like a PC joypad for $5 delivered.
I'll just stay away.
agree completely mate.
Why pay $5 for a joypad when you can use your X360 or PS3 controllers for free !!!
Yeah but for people that don't own an Xbox or PS3, it'll be cheaper to get the controller for 5 bucks instead of spending 400 and getting the console first. Not defending Catchoftheday. Just pointing out the obvious lack of logic there.
I completely agree with you, alot of COTD is mis-leading, if its a free day then make it free, don't mis-lead the buyer thinking is great when its only ok.
What would be better is charge the right amount for shipping and charge the right amount for goods. be honest to your "members".
I thought the AAA batteries were a good deal. For my remotes. But cannot add to cart. Site crashed. CatchOfTheDay really need to do something about their servers.
get the VARTAs and Bunnings instead… only about $2 more, and MUCH better batteries…
True but I gotta get a 2-hour Metcard and that works out to be double the cost. I'll just get some from Officeworks. They have Varta AAA for around 8 bucks as well. Thanks for suggesting Varta.
Thought of getting this too but meh, have to buy at least 2 items and site is too damn slow.
says minimum of 2 items so that comes to at least $10. Should not be advertised as free.
can't justify $99.00 shipping for my 20 solar powered cockroach !!! it's a SCAM.
lol, they're on eBay too for about a dollar cheaper.
and COTD sells a maximum of 5 cockroaches per customer :P
24.95 for 5 cockroaches. Wow.
catch of the day. pop down to my house, il give you bio powered cockroaches for free. sry, no postage.
It just worked, I just ordered 2 items, and paid them as well, just a bit slow.
Let us know when your receive your cockroaches !!!
There is nothing good to buy, all the crap they can't sell is on today.
terrible deal, 5 packs of condoms, $25 shipping!
..and hope you can wait a week to use them :p
Lol, wish I needed 5 packs of condoms.
Pretty average deal though, half the stuff isnt worth $5
No thanks COTD, I prefer getting my garbage from DealExtreme.
Is this mob still going? Would rather go to a garage sale.
you end up paying $9.90 for a "FREE" day sale.
all the stuff on there is junk
well, I bought joystick which I saw it is $ 29.95 on deals direct ( and I don't own any ps3 or xbox), so it is $ 5 only in COTD which is a bargain. The batteries are good price also, in ebay you'll pay more. Good deals so far to me !! :) Thanks ghopper.
5 packs of condoms.. that would be enough to last me, well FOREVER with about 4 packs left over. LOL
Missing the love???
In any case they have expiry dates, no use in having expired condoms
Must buy 2 Items - not worth cheaper elsewhere
Not free as stated. Exorbitant shipping costs for "free" items. BAD!
cockroach was $2 when I bought last time with 1.95 shipping, on a free day it is $1 more!!! They were supposed to run around but was circling around at the same spot - even my 2 year old didn't get scared - waste of money!
You were trying to scare your 2 year old? :P
Glad I didn't buy anything after reading this.
I could've got it for merely an extra $2 when I bought my last load of junk from them with the shipping cap. Can't believe how misleading some of their ads are. For fun I bought their mystery item which was $8 and they claimed they're making a loss on, but all I got was a 20c silicone skin for an ipod I don't even have.
WTF thats so bad!
Shipping scam, just like those ebayer who sells their stuffs for ultra low price but demand unreasonable price for shipping. Can't believe COTD will use the same cheap trick.
Edit : I just noticed that COTD has disabled combined shipping?
Thats has to be a premeditated choice if thats the case
If I had my way here - I would be voting more that one neg :(
I think COTD might possibly be skating on thin ice legally here
not because they have excessive shipping costs… but because they tell you aside from shipping your item is free
I think if you establish the cost actually incurred to them, and could establish a big difference then theres and argument for reimbursement
they are not saying pay the shipping + handling for example
Aside from that this is my PET HATE - if you offer an item for free - it should be - sure charge postage, but make it the actual postage, possibly even a margin to cover person + materials
but thats it!!
COTD shame on you - this is dodgy and the stuff you have put on is pretty crap IMHO.
I remember a while back COTD used to be avoided like the plague .. perhaps they are slippping?
Getting this off the main page. Just crap being sold today.
Why can't they cap the shipping cost? It's not as if they will send each item separately.
Shame on you COTD, you treat your members as if they're idiots.
Sorry, -ve for me
Ive got my 2 items today, speedy delivery, btw I'm in Melb also, I'm happy with my purchase.…
"It's not just you! looks down from here."