Help with Chirstmas Gift, Need a Good Cheap PS4 Headset for My Step Brother

Hi all im looking for a cheap headset for my step brother as he is getting a PS4 for Christmas I want one under $30 he does have a big head. I mean big big head. So if anyone can Recommend me one would be helpful even if a link to a website that sells them cheap, thanks


  • In ear earphones that has a mic and you plug into the controller.

    I used Xiaomi Piston 2.1 for ages and they worked great

    you wont get any thing decent for such a low price but these are great

    • is the mic good and are sounds good?

      • Good enough but you can't exspect anything of great quality from less then $30

        • might just do what you said cause then he can use them with his phone as well

  • I got these last week but they were just shy of $100…. Under $30, don't think you'll find anything with mic included but any headphones will work.

  • Walked into a Dick Smith on Friday and found a set of Turtle Beach P11 PS4 headset with mic for $1

    Might not be stock anywhere but may be worth ringing and asking if any stores have them, as the store I went to didn't even know they were supposed to be marked down.

    Same thing for Timex Ironman watches for anyone looking for pressies for tweenie aged kids… All but one store I've been into has them still marked full price except Perth store reduced $129 to $39 for 50 lap model and $119 to $29 for 30 lap model… Bought three… Saw tonnes in stock at Midland Gate yesterday still not marked down. Nice bright colours and slimline versions for girls too.

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