Hey guys,
My wife wants the LG Tone bluetooth headphones and they seem to be very difficult to purchase in Australia.
I checked eBay and they seem to go for a lot cheaper than I was expecting.
I was expecting to pay $60 - $100 for these, but they seem to be going for $20-$30 on eBay. (and some unrealistically low prices)
The sellers all seem to be 98 - 99% so I'm not sure what to think.
I rarely buy on eBay (due to this exact problem), but my wife really wants one and I can't seem to find any big retailer in aus selling them.…
Anyone able to give me some idea as to whether these are fake?
They sell for over $38 US on Amazon, so I would say these are fake. There are a lot of fakes available for purchase from China and Hong Kong.