Hi everyone I need help, im looking to buy Logitech z506 speakers, they were $82 dollars at dicksmith online and the goodguys the other day but I missed that sale and I need to pay in store with a gift card I got so I cant buy online, would officeworks price match MSY or PCL online prices which are 80 dollars? they are $110 at officeworks
if so how do I get them to price match? sorry never been them before so I got no clue
Officeworks Price Matching Online Stores? MSY?

Last edited 13/12/2015 - 08:28
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+1. I've bought a few electronic items. Rock up, show them the price on your phone receive price match. The item must be in stock, in Aust and postage costs are included.
The first one I price matched was a printer, before I had a smart phone. They wanted to see a printout of the price to match…umm, I need to buy a printer first… Oh, you can use one of the computers in store to look it up to show us.
+1 I've pricematched SD cards from MSY before
From what I've heard, they should, since it's an Australian store. If you have MSY brick and mortar store near you, you'd get the price matched from online price. If not, they will add the shipping cost on top of the online price.
I might be wrong though, I've never tried it myself.
I also have the worse luck what if a staff member says no?
Quote their price beat policy.
If that doesn't work, ask to speak to a manager.
Stay calm, they deal with ruder people asking for more unreasonable things every day.
Officeworks price matches online stores but factors in postage price also.
Identical products are price matched against online stores but as with any other kind of store, the item must be currently in stock. When price matching online stores we also take into account the added cost of delivery. If the identical product can be purchased and delivered via an online store for a total price lower than the one we are offering, we will beat that total price by 5%.
We price match MSY all the time.
cool so does anyone know how much more ill have to pay? as its probably 10 dollars for postage with MSY so ill end up paying around 87? <bad at maths.
MSY has a pickup option. So Office Works will not factor in the cost of shipping into the price
I price matched an SD card from an online store… Got at least 50% off their original price.
As MSY have brick and mortar stores, you dont need to factor in shipping costs. I've done it often at officeworks. As long as the Officeworks is relatively close to an MSY you shouldn't have any problems. My nearest MSY is about 15km from my Officeworks. MSY were out of stock but I didn't mention that to Officeworks. They gave me the matched price minus 5%.
Got it for 85 dollars had to count shipping
Just call up and ask beforehand.
If they refuse, don't bother arguing with them, it's just a waste of your time. Call up another Officeworks store in the area and usually they'll be fine with it, better to give your business to someone who makes your life easy anyway.
Usually they're fine with pricematching MSY, however, I have heard some stories of them refusing in the past.
My local Officeworks sometimes refuses to match MSY. They use the piss-poor excuse that the store they're price matching has to have the same return policy as Officeworks (i.e: allow change of mind returns). However they will price match MSY on things like Office 365 or Sandisk flash memory, but not on Microsoft peripherals like mice or keyboards. They've never been able to show me the full price match terms and conditions and the public version online doesn't mention a thing about a competing store's return policy being a factor in whether the price will be matched or now, so I think it's that particular store manager simply weaselling out of their own policy as not to sell too far under cost or something similar.
You can also do it over the phone then ask to pick up. That's using the National Number as opposed to the store number.
As an aside Jetstar price beat I great… I rang up asking to price beat - they asked which flight and I said - I think its 'X' time… But I just need to check… My browser timed out. They said - "Don't worry I'll look it up for you". They told me what the cheapest matchable flights were. Great service!
Office works have price matched MSY for me a few times