is it good for everyday use and how does it compare to other phones. haven't seen anyone review it. im not expecting much for a $60 hone but is it ok for playing games or multitasking
Is The Telstra 4GX Buzz Any Good?

RedRocket21 on 12/12/2015 - 22:09
It's good for a phone of it price and most people I'm sure could live with it for day to day use. Lower end phones perform fine nowadays. Only thing that would stop me from using these lower end phones is the screen (hard to see in sunlight) and camera is a pos. That what you find for $60 at the end of the day.
I took photos of exactly the same thing in low light Telstra shop. The Alcatel cameras were woeful, the Buzz was on par with $300 phones (but lower res, which made no difference in low light). I found the Sony E4G camera the best by a lot, and went with that. Its screen is also actually brighter than an IPhone 6 & battery lasts 2 days. At $53 for the Buzz u can't go wrong either.