I purchased a Breville Scraper mixer on JB Hifi online and initially they advised that it was out of stock after a payment for an order was made while showing it was in stock. Then I got an email saying that they will stock more so I should expect soon. This morning they rang to come pickup the item so we went. Then they gave the item without the bonus items (promotional ice cream bowl and gingerbread house mould) which were included in the deal. We asked them and they advised us to contact the manufacturer. When we rang Breville they said it was in house redemption and we have to call JB Hifi HQ. I tried to find a contact number and no luck so far.
Thus among the manufacturer, Doncaster branch and JB Hifi HQ, how do I make them supply the bonus items?
I think it is unfair for us to call and convince them to fulfill the deal to obtain the items since it was part of the deal. It looks like 'while stocks last' for the bonus items which I don’t recall during the ad and ordering.
I learnt a lesson and in the future, should avoid dealing with this seller JB Hifi who don't respect or honor what they advertised.
Maybe you should go back to the retailer. It's their problem to resolve. Doncaster cannot fob you off to the "manufacturer". Tell them you'll go to fair trading/VCAT.