I'm after a genuine 9 cell battery for my Thinkpad W530. I see some Chinese specials on Ebay but doubt that they're genuine, or that they even have the capacity stated.
Where can I get cheap, genuine Lenovo batteries?

I imagine his assessment of quality is based on more than merely the country of origin. Compared to the no-frills knockoff manufacturers, Lenovo have some relatively decent QA.
I've also been a Lenovo user for 5+ years and not ever seen a better-than-genuine Lenovo battery (disregarding price). Would love to see some if you have any links to share.
So you have done a lot of research? Sure - dont buy some cheapie off ebay, you will likely get cheap crap, but most of the laptop batteries just contain standard 18650 cells and there are companies that specialise in repacking, re-manufacturing or reproducing them with some of the highest quality and capacity cells in the world.
I run a magnesium body Dell Latitude currently (ran a number of Thinkpads in the past) and honestly cbf doing the research among the heap of reliable companies out there without even a model number.
Look for a reliable company using panasonic, sanyo, sharp or LG cells (currently recognised as the best makers of lithium cells) with a high capacity and you should be able to get a higher capacity battery in the same case as your original, as has been the experience of MANY people.
If you have some skill in soldering you could even do it yourself.But what would an Electronic Engineering Technician know.
Here is a for instance - http://batteryrefill.com/ is a refiller in the US who guarantee 20% increase over new capacity.
Given Lenovo is Chinese, and Chinese Government owned, why would you think other chinese gear would be necessarily inferior? IMO your best bet is to look for BETTER than genuine in fact - with higher quality Japanese or Korean cells in a Chinese box with a Chinese BMS