Bundle includes: PlayStation 4 500GB console with wireless DualShock Controller, Little Big Planet PS4 game and STAN 3 month subscription.
Not the best price but a decent basic bundle
Don't forget cash back from cashrewards to get $3 back
Bundle includes: PlayStation 4 500GB console with wireless DualShock Controller, Little Big Planet PS4 game and STAN 3 month subscription.
Not the best price but a decent basic bundle
Don't forget cash back from cashrewards to get $3 back
Would also like to know on the controllers
Quick search says DSE has DS4 for $79.98. I would get it price matched at JB provided my local DSE has stock then use the 20% off voucher from buying a $50 GC. Should be $63.98.
Target has them for $74 so it's now $59.20 after 20% off.
If you act quickly you can get them from target for $47 or so from this deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/224771
Jb isn't going to price match and give 20% off.
Saw costco auburn for $64 if you're a member
Thanks, but a two hour drive to another city. No thanks.
Is this the new cooler, quieter model?
I think the new one's are the “CUH-1200” models, cant tell if these are the same.
if you can, ensure you don't get the old models. The eject button issue is very prevalent in the older models and very annoying.
Is that so. Glad I have the new model then. I thought I missing out with the new model
last year target same price with 3 games, but now only one. seems one year passed deal getting worse. I will wait and see more deal competition comes
Hope next year is not "Console Only" and no controller included.
Yeah I reckon after christmas deals for me.
Sadly not available on the Target eBay store, yet.
Waiting for LBGTI rainbow bundle.
Google it :D
Still showing on on their website but the page won't load :/
i thought the EB games deal for the 1tb play station with 3 good games was worth it for $495 - but it depends what you play
I just got sick of shopping around and even if you paid $50 for each of these games it works out ok in my mind
i like this deal most games I really keen on
yes please a deal with 2 controllers or if someone has tried exchanging the included games for a controller
take a pic of receipt so we can try at the local stores
I purchased this deal about 2 weeks ago in store at my local target.
Bought white.
Was the CUH-1202A 500GB model. So yes, the new cooler, quieter, more energy efficient model.
Looks like it has sold out, page no longer works.
Next Thursday ps4 500gb will be $368 at big w apparently.
Source: family member works at big w and is going to get me a 5% discount to bring it down to $349
I legit wrote my source, I asked the staff member to get it to me today, she told me wait for next week and she can get it for $368+ 5% off, All I know is that I'm getting a ps4 for $349
When I was a kid I was an idiot. I spent a bunch of money at the arcades. Had a lot of fun but my poor parents funded my idiocy.
Now the difference is you're expected to buy the arcade and install it in your home ;-)
For those who want to neg this, just be aware it's tongue in cheek. Merry Christmas.
the console deals are all coming now.
I need a ps4 controller deal. Who has the cheapest controllers at the moment.