Star Wars Light FX Disney Infinity 3.0

So I am not sure if anyone else is interested in this. It was announced months ago that these figures would be released in Australia. But personally despite looking could not find any further info in the months following. They have now been released in America after a bit of digging I found this site… not sure how accurate the info is, could not find any official sources, but it seems the Light FX figures will be released in Australia on December 17 with 3 figures being exclusive to Big W and 3 being exclusive to Target

Big W
*Luke Skywalker
*Darth Vader
*Anakin Skywalker

*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Kanan Jarrus

Just thought I would pass this along if there was anyone else interested


  • Thanks for the info mate!
    I had read about which stores had which figures exclusively in the US but didn't know how it was going to work here in Australia.
    Much appreciated :)

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