This was posted 9 years 2 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

XB1 Bundles From $399, Until Dawn $29, God of War 3 PS4 $29, 3DS NFC Reader $22 + More @ Target


Target Deals Starts Thursday- Some live now. More Deals in Link

XB1 500GB + HALO 5 + FIFA 16 + EA Access + Project Spark $399
XB1 1TB + Halo 5 + Rare Replay + Gears Of War + Ori & The Blind Forrest $448
PS4 1TB + Uncharted + The Crew + LBP3 + 3MTHS Stan $494
PS4 500GB White $395
Tearaway Unfolded Special Edition $29
Until Dawn PS4 $29
God Of War 3 Remastered PS4 $29
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. 3DS $29
Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader $22
Super Mario 3D World Wii U $55
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze Wii U $55
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker Wii U $44
New Super Mario Bros U Wii U $55
XB1 Play & Charge Kit $14
Shovel Knight PS4/WIIU/3DS $37
Battlefield Hardline PS4/XB1 $29 - PS3/XB360 $20
LEGO Jurassic World All Consoles $49 - 3DS $25
The Hobbit Wii U $20
Disney Infinity 3.0 Figures $13
Disney Infinity 3.0 Playsets $29
Buy 1 Get 1 Half Price On Fisher Price Toys
20% Off Facebook Gift Cards
20% Off Play-Doh
20% Off Vtech Toys
20% Off Range Of LEGO Sets

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Anyone else thinking Until Dawn might end up on PS+ soon?

    Remember Me saw similar heavy discounts almost immediately after release and 5 months later was a monthly game.

    • +4

      Just bought it for $29 myself, hope not!

      AAA title, PS4 exclusive with good reviews on PS Plus?

      Tell him he's dreaming!

    • +2

      There hasn't been a big name game on ps+ on ps4 from memory.

      We've been waiting 2 years for Knack and Killzone.

      • yeah, reasons why I recently paid $20 new for Knack and $10 new for Killzone. $29 for Until Dawn I might just do.. GoW3? undecided.

        • Oh no, you paid for Knack?
          That's a regretful decision :(

        • +2

          @legiong: my 8 year old enjoys it, so figure was worth it.

        • +2

          Fair enough, sorry to stir.

        • @legiong: hehe that's cool.. yeah bit of a fail as a launch title, unless Sony were planning on trying to compete with Nintendo.. adult / horror games have always been more Sony's forte.

    • Buy it, play it, then trade it at EB for some cash. The game is definitely worth $20 odd.

  • Seeing all these amiibo starting to go cheap is annoying me a little. I suppose it was expected but argh!.

    • I own every single amiibo except the village crossing ones. Doesn't really bother me much, over the entire collection its probably 50-100 bucks all up.

      • You bought the whole amiibo collection for 50-100 bucks?? O.o

        • no, that's how much money he could have saved.

        • No probably spent 1000ish. Saving 2 or so dollars a amiibo's isn't exactly big dollars.

        • ahh what are you doing on ozbargain? $2 could buy you so many envelopes you could buy for $2!

    • Me too!!

  • I got a 10% off ebay voucher but they rarely lower prices there

    i want an xbox one console, 500gb or 1tb i dont care.. just want cheapest i can find

  • +2

    '20 Percent Off Vtech Toys'

    After what happened recently.. never again, Vtech.

  • damn, I just bought Until Dawn for $35 from the EB Mad Monday sale…I never learn.

    • +1

      Return to your local EB it for a full Refund! I did the same and I am returning as soon as it arrives!

      • will do, thanks! :)

      • do they refund the shipping cost as well?

  • im still waiting for that crazy ps4 deal that comes around in December every year, last year it was ps4 with 3 fairly new games for 399 delivered. this year not many good ps4 deals that are worth mentioning and some taht do come with avereage games are around the 499 mark

    • +4

      You posted the same thing in November last year. By the time you buy one, the PS5 will be here.

      • +1

        than I guess ill just have to wait for the ps5, or wait for a deal with better games

        • Why bother at all then? Seriously - not stirring. Things will always get cheaper eventually - it just comes down to will you have enough fun with buying something now over later?

  • +1

    Damn, Codename S.T.E.A.M. prices have dropped quickly. EB selling for $25, Target selling for $29…I'm guessing it's just not been popular, despite being developed by Intelligent Systems (Fire Emblem).

  • I heard Tearaway is very good, with that said Super Mario 3d World, Captain Toad Treasure, Shovel Knight (includes new campaign on disc), Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Super Mario Wii U are great, id look at Guitar Hero Live for $99, unless its cheaper elsewhere.

    • +1

      Yep, Dungeon Crawl has Shovel Knight Wii U for $29.95 with current coupon code. Best price.

  • For Shovel Knight, what platform do you guys recommend? 3DS or PS4 or WIi U?

    • Wii U for Gamepad Inventory management, off-tv play.
      There is also the Shovel Knight Amiibo, which adds additional co-op and challenges. Cool game either way.

  • aww man i want that play n charge but still $19 :'(

  • DSE had it for $10..

  • Do you guys think these deals will be available on target's eBay store as well?
    I'm not sure whether they sell the entire range on eBay especially for Until Dawn because shows up on their website as unavailable online for $29 but its not on their eBay website.

    • +1

      some will be, sometimes it takes a day or 2 extra to show up there

    • +1

      Hi gavsav
      Check now. Just purchased one already.

      • I saw it too but I did did the whole amaysim ebay25 voucher thing.
        Have to wait 24hrs before getting it so i missed out unfortunately.
        Fingers crossed but I hope they put it up on ebay again tomorrow :/

  • Is Wii U worth it for the kids?

    • +1

      Wii U is great especially for Kids, lots of good games also new news yesterday Minecraft is arriving on Wii U this Month :)

    • +1


      Mario Kart 8
      Super Mario 3D World
      Yoshi's Wooly World
      Super Mario Bros U

      All fantastic, kid-friendly titles.

      And it's definitely worth buying Nintendoland if it doesn't come as a pack-in. My kids and I have had more fun with that game than any other game on any other console.

      Shame the prices still aren't that great. I bought mine 2 Christmases ago for less than they're charging now (I paid $199 including Nintendoland).

    • -1


      I love my Wii U, but the only thing it's really good for at this point is the Homebrew channel, which enables Wii U to do what my PS4 should be doing, and play PS2 (GameCube) gen games for free.

      The Wii U is great though if you find it for cheap, but really, most kiddie games are on the PS4 and Xbone and are better over there, plus you know those consoles will have a constant stream of games for at least a solid few more years where the Wii U's fate is more questionable.

      They say the NX isn't going to replace the Wii U or anything, but they said the DS wouldn't replace the GameBoy line when it was introduced too, they're just covering themselves in case NX tanks but if it does better than the Wii U, which isn't too hard to imagine, then I'd see them dumping the Wii U like they dumped the GameCube in the day.

  • Thanks for this OP, I've got an EB card from some crap I traded in a while back and will deffers go to EB for a price match on Until Dawn.

  • +1

    Just curious do the 1TB PS4's and Xbones run worse than the 500GB ones like I hear they do?

    • why would they be worse? slower drives?

  • what happened to the older post yesterday that already listed these Target deals.
    I had comments/questions and people replied answering my questions about Until Dawn.
    Cos of that post I bought it at Target today for $29.
    The post and all comments have disappeared it seems and now this one gets all the votes.

  • a question, I am assuming the 3 months Stan is just a trial?, It doesnt add up ie 3months plus 3 months plus 3 months?(I have quite a few for buying a console, games etc the last week.

  • Just dance 2016 $37 on major consoles
    $24 on Wii U

  • Xbox One 1TB Console & 3 Game Value Bundle HALO
    when clicked through shows $389…

    • Page not found on my mobile?

  • the console deals are all coming now.

    I need a ps4 controller deal. Who has the cheapest controllers at the moment.

  • Until Dawn is out of stock online, called up Forest Hill and they could only do $38 in-store price.

    • what? I thought these deals were in-store?

      • +3

        Yeah they are in-store prices, picked one up this morning and scanned at $29 (shelf price still showing $69).
        Go into the store and show them their own current catalogue price of $29 (page 35) and they wont be able to argue!

  • Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. 3DS $29 - not online. Might have to go to my local.

    EDIT: My bad. Disregard. Got it working via the catalogue link. :/

  • Thanks. Got JB to price match Target and picked up Until Dawn. Should be a silly bit of fun to play with the wife.

  • Thanks I got tearaway special edition + until dawn today and used the staff and friends discount = both for $55 very happy a great deal

  • Anybody able to find Mario and Luigi paper jam in stock? I've tried a few different local stores and no luck :/

    • Price match with Ebgames.. Thats how i got mine.. xD

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