I am looking for good quality car seat, Any recommendation for car seat for babies from month to 6 year?
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RF after 6 months is legal but not very safe. The facebook group 'child restraints, is your child restrained correctly' is a great Australian facebook group.
There are now A4 - RF until 2-3 years approx on the market. They should be your first step.
Sorry would post more but it's crazy time with my 4 kids.
Steggles, did you mean to say "Front-facing after 6 months is legal but not very safe"?
Found a reference to the "A4" ones you mentioned: http://www.rearfacingdownunder.com/carseatguide.htm
Looks safe to me. Personally I never felt that the front-facing was safe during the infant / young toddler stage.Oops yes! FF after 6 months is legal but not very safe! Sorry was dealing with 4 kids when I wrote it!
My 17 month old is RF in a Meridian SICT.
Yeah I'd go rear-facing after a year old, not 6 months.
Also, does your car have Isofix mounts? They can be a lot easier, and a lot more secure than standard.
which brand is more comfortable and safe for car seats for children over 6 months +
There's no particular brand which is safer, they all have different models. And comfort is a very subjective thing, and not something my 1yo tells me about ;)
Check the link I posted above for safety.
i have a capsule for my 5 mo old (from a good brand) but i don't find my 5 mo old very comfortable in that
There are different types. The common ones I have seen are:
See also http://www.babycenter.com.au/a1033422/car-seat-laws-in-austr…
It is legal to allow your child to be forward facing from 6 months (height allowing), but in my opinion that is quite young. You asked for "month to 6 year", but I do not think it exists. I would recommend buying a rearward-facing capsule, and after that a forward facing convertible chair which takes you up to 8-years-old (convertible to booster seat). I have bought a convertible chair on special for 1y-8y for about $100 at Target (Hipod Senator). Just have to wait for a good special.
Do check on which version of AS/NZS 1754 it is compliant with. Some only comply with older versions. The old versions become no longer legal when new versions of AS/NZS 1754 are introduced, and you don't want your seat to become illegal before you finish using it.
Check out the safety ratings before you buy: http://www.howsafeisyourcar.com.au/how-safe-is-my-car-seat/