Windscreen cracked for no reason

As per title, my wife car's windscreen was fine one day then the next day the cracked appear for no reason. There isn't any tree near it, and it doesn't appear to be damaged from outside either. It seems like the crack start somewhere in the middle layer.

My question is what is/are our option ? She is with RACV.
Note: We don't want to do anything shifty or dishonest. The poll is just a convenience method.
The insurer doesnt cover the cost of windscreen replacement.

Poll Options

  • 25
    Sucks it up and paid the cost
  • 3
    Change insurer
  • 0
    Other ( please stated )


  • Note: We don't want to do anything shifty or dishonest.

    Not sure what you mean… just get three quotes and pick the cheapest.

  • +1

    Act of God ?

    • @Baysew Really ? Im more than happy to get into that kind of discussion with you ( privately ).

      • What has the choice of insurer got to do with a windscreen cracking for no reason?

        • Idk may be other insurer offers the same plus windscreen replacement … just a thought

      • I'm curious to hear what that discussion would be like (publicly)

        • Your curiosity wont be satisfied in the public ( internet ) domain … at least in this case any way

  • +2

    Chip that wasn't noticed and subsequently developed into a crack?
    The middle layers is the glass, the outer layers are plastic laminated to the glass to reduce the chance of it slicing you open if you were in a crash.

    I take it your insurer is not covering it cause you didn't have windscreen replacement?
    Or have you not even asked them?

    • Thanks for the info, yes we asked the insurer … the cost they offers is twice as much as the local business can offers. About the crack it was right where the rear vision mirror is

      • +1

        Don't have free windshield replacement on your policy?

        Just pay for it, you don't really have any other options. Shop around for a local windscreen business, they'll usually be much the same price really.

        It sucks, but that is the nature of glass. Could have been a small scratch or a tiny stone chip, through heat or cold or a bump of any kind can cause it to crack.

    • +6

      The middle layers is the glass, the outer layers are plastic laminated to the glass

      Other way around. Inner is the layer of plastic film.

      The bonding causes the glass to progressively fracture, not splinter.

      OP, if no obvious point of impact, then, as Drew22 indicated, various other things (including poor installation), can be involved.

      Explore, if you wish -

  • Could be rust under the windscreen seal. It expands and cracks the glass.

  • Stress crack even. You can run a ballpoint pen along the crack to see if it jams anywhere.. If it does, that's probably where the crack started.

    But there is nothing you can do - quote up a new screen.

  • +1

    Windscreens can crack with a uneven level of temperature from the outside to the inside of the car.

    I was on holiday years ago. It was a really hot day and my car was parked in direct sun light. The sun set and the temperature plummeted. Went out in the morning and the windscreen was cracked.

    • I was thinking about that too. The day b4 it happened was quite hot … Then it also make me wonder how those card in the sale yard survives

      • I'd assume there was maybe a hairline crack. or possibly the windscreen was installed properly or had shifted a little or frame not quite right so that there pressure on it so it was probe to crack more easily.

        It happens, it sucks.

        • That possibly is the case :(

  • I had that happen with a fiat some years ago, it was a rust bubble pressing against the edge of the screen.

  • +1

    I had a windscreen replaced at home for less than 25% of what the big names were quoting, so shop around.

  • Some cracks can be repaired with a liquid bond that prevents it from developing.
    From what you say it sounds as if the crack is not in the critical viewing area of the screen, so as long as it does not exceed the permitted length it could be repaired.

    • Interesting, could you please elaborate more about that? The crack is now stretching from the top ( in the middle ) down to the (nearly) bottom

  • Given the state of our roads its possible that the chassis can twist and crack a screen.

    Once cracked, it will develope more cracks

  • Sorry to all thinking repair. Aa crack in any part of the wiper swept area, within MM of any edge, and of min length is a fail. Therefor, without knowing what state the vehicle is registered in, then I can not state those particular standards, but this crack is well and truly outside Australian standards, and definately outside All State standards.

    Heat stress, a bird strike, impact but not sharp enough to chip, even a hand thump, are all unmarked reasons for a failed screen. Then as also stated, vehicle chassis issues and corrosion, pending vehicle condition and age, etc etc.

    Also, as stated, ring around, and choose the best quote based on all fac tors that are important to you. Don't even think 2nd hand, as getting structural and glued in screens out is nigh on impossible without damage, and then you pay for more than what you bargained for. plus, rubbers and clips etc are all possible extras for a screen to be fitted, some are in the quote, some are not. Again, shop around.

    Cars in car yards have vents open, windows possibly ajar a few MM, and failed screens from other than road flying debri(stones etc), is rare.

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