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Xiaomi Piston 3 Earphones for AU $16.40 (US $11.83) after Coupon Code @ Banggood

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Tested out the XMAS06 coupon code and it works on these earphones. This brings the checkout price to AU$16.40 including free shipping.

Use CashRewards and you get another 4.8% back and you will save another $0.79, bringing it down to AU$15.61. Enjoy.

Good reviews of this Xiaomi Piston 3 earphones:


Credit for coupon: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/218356

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closed Comments

  • Good deal - comes up as $11.83 (USD) for me with the coupon.

    • Yes, I should update the title to reflect the discounted USD price. Thanks.

  • +2

    Was about to buy some then saw this:

    Note:Except Xiaomi phones Some Phones May can Listenning Music and talk calling Only,Control Key Buttons may do not works

    • Works with Android but generally not with iOs

      • I think they were referring to the horrible punctuation.

        • Nope, i have apple device so no point buying these.
          Pretty annoying when genuine apple ones are way overpriced….

        • @Hirolol: Do you need the buttons? Can't you just use the phone itself, or were you hoping to use handsfree?

        • @ilikeradiohead:
          Yup i need the hands free.
          Also need to pause it frequently, dont want to miss anything on the dr karl podcast, science is srs business

        • +1

          @Hirolol: Play/pause & hold for siri and mic work. only thing that doesn't is the volume keys.

        • @Hirolol: Yeah bought a set of these that arrived a few weeks ago. Disappointed when volume keys didn't work on my iPhone. Also, the control are halfway up the individual cable to one of the earbuds, so it hangs right against your face. The tiny buttons and awkward position make it hard to use anyway.

          Ended up buying this: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/161315856547

          Still on its way so time will tell if it's any good…

        • @Hirolol: easy fix, buy an android, save $$$

      • +1

        You win some, you lose some. Bose is the exact reverse. 3 buttons, only the middle one works on Android. There's an android model but all they did was remove the two side buttons..

        • Lol Thats awesome!!

      • Works with windows phone too

  • +2

    As far as I'm aware, all the controls work on android phones.

    On IOS, the volume +/- does not work.

    • +1

      Yep, can confirm that's the case.

      • Can you confirm with the new Nexus 6P? Afaik many people claim the controls do not work properly on Piston 2.1 and 3.

      • Not all android phones but most.

        • LG G3 and Sony phones?

        • +2

          The z2 don't work well with them. You need to press the buttons a few times everything you plug them in.

          The volume buttons also do not work.

        • +2


          Thanks, looks like i skip it then.

        • +1


          Yeah it sucks.. But I think it might work with z3 onwards? If you have one of the newer models perhaps you should double check.

    • +3

      For the couple people that are interested, I can confirm they work on Windows Phone 8.1 as well

  • +1

    I love my Piston 3s. Would recommend them to anyone, even at full price. Prefer them over my (much more expensive) Sennheiser CX 280 (which I also loved, until the Pistons).

    • +1

      I loved my Piston 3 as well, until I got the new Hybrids.

      • +1

        Are the hybrids any good?

        • Just got them and reviewing them now. Build is nicer with the chrome but the metal joint at the headphone split is now rubber. Audio-wise, they seem to have a little more bass than the Piston 3's but I've only used them for 2 days.

        • @Darkscythe:

          Yea, the join at the Y is now rubber instead of metal on the Piston 3. When I first got the Hybrids I thought they were a let down. The bass was bloated and muddy, and there was so much sibilance. But after burning them in for over 30 hours, they have replaced my Piston 3 for my daily use.

        • @chewkl:

          Some people complained that the mids are weaker. Is that the case for you?

        • @KaTst3R: Before the burn-in, yes. But after that, I believe the bass and the highs were "tamed" and that brought out the mids slightly.

          I have to admit these are my first armature earphones, so they sounded a little bit weird to me at first but like I said, the burn-in improved them tremendously.

          I don't think you can go wrong with it for USD17.99 (now cheaper still I think).

        • @chewkl:

          Is there such thing as a 'burn in'? or is it just your ears getting used to the earphones over time?

        • @montorola:

          I did a A-B comparison straight out of the box with my Piston 3. Then I burned them in over 2 days without ever listening them again (used my Piston 3 that time). Then I did another A-B, with the same test songs. The difference is definitely noticeable.

        • @chewkl:

          Great, can I ask how you burned them in?

          Is there a special music file (say on youtube) that is used to burn it in?

        • +1


          I alternate between JLab at night and playing my music during the day. The 1st day I played at about 33% volume and 2nd day bumped it up to 50%.

        • @chewkl:

          Thanks chewkl, I'll give that a go too

      • Cool. Didn't know about the Xiaomi Hybrids.

      • are they the same price as the 3?

        • +1

          Slightly more expensive (about US$22 vs $17 from memory)

    • I actually prefer the Piston 2.0s over the 3s.

      When I went from the 2s to the 3s I felt that the bass didn't have as much of a punch as the 2.0s did.

      • +1

        I had the 2 as well before I got the 3. The 2 is more V-shape which would appeal more to the casual user but I prefer the 3 which is more balanced (but still V-shaped).

    • got on to the last deal on the piston 3 from banggood.. came through eventually.. build quality and packaging on the headphones is quite good, especially for the price..leave them plugged in to my laptop at work.. won't comment on the sound quality as this can be quite subjective.. and no burn-in yet.. and i'd be comparing to my westone 4r which realy wouldnt be fair..

  • +1

    I got these and agree they sound good for the price, but the tips that came with my set are too small for my ears, even the largest one is still not as snug as I would like. Anyone else had this problem?

    • +2

      I replaced the tips with a different set salvaged from some older earphones. If you look closely the ear tips are pretty generic and many tips can be used with the pistons.

      • Thanks scrimshaw, I will try that.

    • I couldn't get any of the tips to fit and ended up buying some Comply foam tips. Those work great.

      • What model / size? I just ordered medium TX-400s from eBay.

    • I've heard comply foam tips are very comfortable and work with the Pistons, though you might want to confirm. They have some at Minidisc in Chatswood, don't know the sizing though.

  • +10

    I'm still waiting for my order from last time round they were on sale through Banggood / posted on Ozbargain.

    • +3

      I am still waiting as well.

      • +2

        Yup still waiting on mine…

    • Mine arrived today, so that was a month?

      • Yep mine arrived today as well!

    • +2

      Ordered 5th Nov, was on backorder, posted 20th Nov. Only been a little over 2 weeks since they were posted for me, so going by normal China post times it'll probably arrive within the next week or two.

      Banggood is decent about delivering on orders, if a bit slow.

      • What a coincidence. It arrived today :D

      • maybe not during the holidays…

        • Sorry, I meant my pair was expected within another two weeks.

          A new pair ordered now, I'd guess 3-4 weeks.

    • +1

      Mine finally arrived today. Banggood originally emailed me that they were out of stock and asked if I wanted to wait. Yes, I replied. Then another email stating still out of stock and then an email stating "shipped".

      Parcel appeared to come from Ventiane Lao.

      • Same process for me, and arrived today too.

    • I just got mine yesterday finally! Ordered on 5th Nov, but had to wait until 21st Nov untill they got the stock back for shipment.

  • +1

    Anyone else think that these aren't as good as it's hyped up to be? I've finally bit the bullet and bought these for 8c from this deal:

    IMO the sound quality is only a little bit better than the headphones that came with my galaxy note 4, these sound really flat to me, i was expecting it to be comparable to my $50 soundmagic e30 based on the hype and reviews.

    These are great for this price point, no doubt. Just don't expect any miracles

    And yes, they were genuine.

    • I too found this the case with my Note 4. I am comparing with my Philips SHE39xx and I still prefer the Philips. Its punchier with a deeper bass. The Pistons however do sound better than stock earphones and the cheaper SHE35xx series.

    • yup, definitely bought on hype from ozb community. Received and can admit they are good, but can't notice a whole lot of difference compared to the headphones that came with my Samsung tablet. I would probably only buy if looking for a spare, or your current headphones are dying imho

  • The new ones supposedly sound better but I still like this design more :) Good deal!

  • +1

    Be warned
    - I had two pairs and they are not gym friendly 1 drop of sweat and the controls go haywire.
    - Depending on your ears the tips will not 'fit'.

    • Try swapping the left and right side. It helped me out tremendously.

      • +1

        I had spare tips from my Klipsch luckily so I was good.

        • +1

          I had the same issue and had to swap from an old pair of Yamahas. The Xiaomi tips are too pointy and have a mat finish so not enough grip. Not much point having better sound if they don't stay in your ears so be warned if planning on purchasing.

    • Yeah I bought these about a month ago, the left tip fits really well, but the right one keeps falling out within a few minutes. Kind of annoying, I dont really know how to fix it.

  • The Hybrid is also available from Banggood. Is it worth it at this price?


    • Reviews of the product seem to be positive. An "excellent" upgrade from Piston 3.

    • Just bought some, I'm an Xiaomi fan (especially Piston 2s), so reviews say this is better than the 2s. Let's see!

      $23.80 delivered if you use code: 3706ac.

      Edit: Try your luck with Cashrewards 4.8% cashback too

    • Thanks for the feedback guys :)

  • +1

    I bought some a month ago from BG and paid a tiny bit more (around $1.50 from memory) for upgraded shipping and received them within 1 week. I know it's not ozbargain style to pay more, but it was so much faster than standard shipping and worth it IMO.

    • Probably should have done the same. I waited 1 month and 2 days for mine to arrive.

  • It says Coupon has been used when I applied the discount code of XMAS06.
    Anyone encountered the same problem?

  • Just bought one from https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/224105 . Any idea if the ones I bough are comparable to pistons. Otherwise I might probably cancel.

    • There are more and better reviews of Piston 3 vs this Sacred Sound. However, given how cheap this is, I would just order both and test it out.

      • Yeah that is what I will end up doing. Thanks mate!

  • +1

    Piston 3- $7.41 daily deal at Buyincoins…

    • +1

      Is that genuine? Pretty big price difference

    • +1

      Doesn't look real. If you look at the photos there is no Xiaomi logo on the packaging (the picture that shows "1moredesign" whereas the logo is apparent on bang good's website

  • Just got mine yesterday. Does anyone know how do I make sure mine are Piston 3 (not 2 or anything?) as I can't find the model name on the packaging neither on the headphones?

    • I got mine yesterday too. You'll know they're the Piston 3s because the 2s look like this: http://s21.postimg.org/l6yqwpqyv/piston_2.jpg

      I realised I actually have both. I feel like buying another pair even though these are my second Piston 3s (I just started using a pair and the others are still in packaging).

      • Why don't you go for their latest Hybrid one? Apparently reviews say it's better than both 2 and 3!

        • I might if it gets to this price. True OzB style.

      • thanks! so mine are piston 3. :)

  • +1

    I need some new earphones so picked up one of these - we'll see how we go.

    Cheers OP.

  • Are the hybrid ones better for gaming and movies than the 3? I don't care about music.

  • Does the pause button work for iphone 6? thanks

    • When I was reading through reviews, as far as I understand it's only the volume (+/-) that doesn't work on ios. However, better to get someone with an iphone to verify.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Bought One.

  • Just wanted to say I ordered these the last time they showed up here. Got mine about 2 days ago after having to wait for restock.
    They sound great. A little crisp but as others have suggested a burn in period will help with that.
    The mic and pause play functions work with Apple devices but no the volume. (Not a big issue for me).


  • +1

    Thanks for the heads up, mate. Just ordered one.

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