Tony Abbott on OzBargain as well ?

Tony Abbott may have lost the Prime Ministership and his ministerial cabinet, but he's the proud new owner of a second-hand refrigerator. 

After leaving all his old white goods back at Kirribilli House, Mr Abbott and his wife Margie turned to classifieds website Gumtree in search of a fridge just in time for Christmas.



    • lol someone's got too much time on their hands :P

      • +2

        It's from OzBargain's 8th birthday competition last year. He won $568 from that entry so I think the effort is totally worth it.

        • Ah cool. Obviously a lot of effort went into it! I don't know how I missed that!

  • +4

    thanks op. good read - just share the news with my boy - think Tony and wife have demonstrated the great traditional quality of being down to earth Australian people. best wishes to the xPM and family for coming Xmas and new year holiday.

  • Yeah, his pension is hardly enough for food and bills - not many entitlements as well.

  • +5

    I've met old mate Tony and he's a good bloke. It's a shame the media have crucified him, although his gaffes haven't helped his cause. He's a funny, genuine and smart guy.

    • I have heard the same from people who know him fairly well, but his relentless negativity when in power (and opposition, of course) damned him. People can't see you as a visionary statesman if you are constantly blaming your predecessors for your problems.
      I think this is where Turnbull has stolen the advantage. He seems to be relentlessly positive, bringing in new ideas and approaches. He doesn't seem to care if doing something doesn't hurt the Labor party, he is running his race. It will be interesting to see how he handles some of the tougher aspects of the job (e.g. super reform, age pension reform, CGT/neg gearing) where there will definitely be losers if he does the right thing.

      • He doesn't seem to care if doing something doesn't hurt the Labor party, he is running his race.

        Apart from the NBN. That didn't only hurt the Labor party, that hurt Australia. But hey, the younger generation of Australia (who will eventually need the NBN to compete globally) don't voice their concerns loud enough. Pokies don't require NBN, so the older folks don't really recognise the importance of improved communications infrastructure. Honestly the only way to get the NBN is to wait it out until the dominant voting group are people who are in touch with technology.

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