Melbourne or London University

So I'm currently studying my diploma of community services and upon completion intend on going to uni to study my bachelor of social work. I'm stuck between choosing sticking to what I know what I know,expect and am comfortable with (melb obviously) or put myself out there for a completely new challenge and experience…

I'd appreciate some advice or opinions from those in a similar situation or who is aussie and has spent a generous amount of time in London and knows a fair bit about the universities there :):)


  • london

  • +1

    If you have the money to pay international student fees, or the UK citizenship + eligibility to get a UK student loan, plus the grades to get in I'd consider London as it would be a fun experience. But would it be enough to justify the cost? Unless you are eligible for scholarships or discounts in most instances it is more expensive to study in the UK as the average cost of a degree there is higher. Plus there is living costs, and the exchange rate if you are being sent money from Australia.

    Where do you intend to work? Would an UK degree qualify you to work in Australia? Would an Australian degree qualify you to work in the UK? Enough time on Google should answer that question for you. You should also compare the actual course content. Does one or both offer internships or placements that would help you get a job later? If you have a long term plan to live there it might be worth the cost, but you might be able to use an Australian qualification to work there.

    If you are only going for life experience, you can get that through going on exchange from an Australian uni and/or travelling/working/volunteering in the long summer breaks instead.

    Overall the longer term implications of the course you choose - the debt you accrue and the job prospects you have after - are very important, not just the experience of living in London.

    • Thankyou toniyellow that really helps alot.I totaly understand where you are coming from…. In the long run its the future implications that count in the end… Seems I have a lot more researching to do than I thought.
      Thankyou again.

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