This was posted 9 years 3 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

25% off Sitewide @ Dungeon Crawl


Hey guys,

Here is a 25% off site wide coupon for you all - Merry Christmas!
Valid from now until 12/12/15 - just enter the coupon code on the first checkout screen. Discount is valid for anything on the site!

Few points:

  • We import most of our stock, this isn't an issue for most platforms, but for Vita/PS3/PS4 you may need to make a Region 1 or Region 3 PSN account in order to activate/buy DLC for some titles. If concerned about the region for a title, please ask :)

  • Our search function is playing up on the site, so some items that are sold out are still appearing in the search menus. If you click on a title and a blank page comes up, that means it is unfortunately sold out :(

  • If you run into any issues with the code, please just let us know and we can help.

Have a great Christmas guys!

  • DC Team

UPDATE 04/12: We have to let our rep go for the evening (apparently he needs 'food' & 'sleep' pfft), but he will be back Monday. Any questions please post in comments and we'll get back to you then!)

UPDATE 07/12: Rep is back to handle your questions! You guys smashed our inventory over the weekend, but we're working hard to get all weekend orders shipped today. Unfortunately this means some titles are sold out. Just to confirm, we are not getting any restocks before Christmas unfortunately, so nothing will be restocked before then.

UPDATE 07/12: Product team have listen to some of the feedback regarding pricing (by listened, we mean that we hid their lunches until they agreed to lower prices). So we now have the following prices for some product lines:

Destiny The Taken King (PS4/PS3/360/XB1): $37.43 Delivered (With coupon code - without code $49.90) (PAL UK for the PS Stock, Region 3 NTSC-J for the Xbox stock)

Rocksmith 2014 with Real Tone Cable (PS4/XB1/PC): $44.93 Delivered (with coupon code - without code $59.90) (all PAL AUS Stock)

FIFA 16 (360/PS3): $44.93 Delivered (with coupon code - without code $59.90) (PS3 = PAL UK, 360 = NTSC-J REGION 3 with no region lock)

Bloodborne GOTY (PS4): $59.93 delivered (with Coupon Code - without code $79.90) (PAL AUS stock)

We think these are pretty awesome prices, but if you have any concerns or questions - of if we have missed some better prices elsewhere let us know :)

Mod: New discount code added here which expires 16/12.

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Dungeon Crawl
Dungeon Crawl

closed Comments

  • +1

    valid for PSN e-code?

    • Should be valid for everything :)

      • +2

        Looks like the $50 US PSN card has been taken off the store…

        • +5

          Not taken off - sold out. We actually started overselling, so pulled it to avoid having too many disappointed customers. Apologies

        • +2

          The $20 USD card is still available.

  • +1

    How do I know if the game is version is UK or US?
    I don't mind the UK ver. but really don't want US ver.

  • no need for speed :(

    • +16

      Apologies - that sold out. I guess people really felt the need for…driving games.

  • +1

    Haha, great! Love the code. Guess this is better than using "OLDGEN25", "NINTENDO25" and "TABLETOP25" (and I assume other varieties) for the various items to get the discount :)

    • It saves us having to brainstorm new codes. (Not that the current ones are super original… :P)

  • $44 for Uncharted Collection……AWESOME!

    • Rep what is with uncharted ? It isn't showing for me

      • Sold out :( We had about 6 left, and they all went super fast.

      • I must have gotten the last copy :(

      • +1

        If blank, = sold out. Assuming their database/server is getting a bit of a hammering :P

  • +1

    I take these guys sell sealed copies and not pre owned as would hope to get sealed copies

    • +1

      Hey bwatt99 - yes all new sealed imported stock. We don't sell pre owned stuff (fortunately/unfortunately depending on how you look at it)

      • Imported from where as have Xbox one uk and oz is pal I'm taking other countries are different so how do you know what you get?

        • +1

          We can check for you - everything we import we make sure is compatible with local consoles. Stock is imported from UK. US and Hong Kong. The Xbox One has no region lock in place for its games so you won't run into any issues with running the disk, or buying DLC from the XB Australian store :)

        • sent you a pm

        • by the ways what's dlc?

        • +1

          @bwatt99: Downloadable Content :)

        • +1

          all xbox one games are region free

  • +2

    Ack, crap. why you gotta do this, Dungeon Crawl… now my wallet has a bigger hole in it ;__; Buying PS4 games even though I've yet to buy a PS4 haha…

    • +2

      Sorry/ not sorry :P

  • +1

    do you have just cause 3 available yet or not?

    • +1

      We did, but sold out on pre orders - awaiting more stock but don't think we will get it before Christmas :S

  • +1

    no love for controllers?

    • Is the code not working for the controllers? It should be, so let us know and we'll double check it

  • +1

    Grabbed a board game thanks

    • +1

      Good choice - it's excellent to see more and more people embracing Board Game/ Table Top stuff!

  • No Guildwars 2? :(

    • Haven't stocked that one for a while unfortunately :(

  • +1

    Awesome deal! was waiting for a price drop in Disgaea 5 and for $50 im happy. Was also tempted to purchase few other games but i'm really trying to cut down on the amount of games i play lol.

    • +1

      Thanks mate!

    • +4

      It's no longer about "playing games" for me, but collecting… My collection grows faster than I play them, and I don't see this changing any time soon…

      • +1

        I'm in the same boat. I've purchased close to 20 games this year… Havent finished any…

    • Hey sage, as we mentioned in the description:

      'Our search function is playing up on the site, so some items that are sold out are still appearing in the search menus. If you click on a title and a blank page comes up, that means it is unfortunately sold out :('

      • -1

        Ah man. It says in stock. Should fix the system to change to "Out of stock" when it's out of stock instead of disappearing from search results.
        Thanks anyway.

        • It's something we want and is a great suggestion, but it's a limitation to the back end we use for the site. Out of stock items shouldn't appear at all in the search options, as it understandably causes some confusion with customers! Apologies for the confusion/disappointment caused.

  • +1

    nvm, my question was answered

    • +1

      Apparently that means it's out of stock. They're having a problem with their system.

      • Real shame, thought i'd finally get Final Fantasy X on PS4 local for a good price

        • Sorry for the disappointment caused Awsam - the glitch is annoying the crap out of us as well!

  • +1

    Why is Rainbow Six Siege still pre-order? :(

    • +1

      Similar story to JC3, sold out on pre orders. Hopefully have more post-xmas.

  • What's up with stuff listing as in stock in searches, but showing a blank page? O_o

    • Hey Dreademperor - apologies for this, it's a bug in our search function as per our description:

      'Our search function is playing up on the site, so some items that are sold out are still appearing in the search menus. If you click on a title and a blank page comes up, that means it is unfortunately sold out :('

      • +1

        Ah, roger, didn't see that - Derp! :P

  • +1

    The link to viewing all PS4 games takes me to the main page. what happened?…

  • +1

    Some good board game options - you can get Puerto Rico for $60 including shipping. Better than anything here:!/se…

    • Thanks Drillvoice - and Puerto Rico is an ace game!

  • +1

    Hey, just wanted to check if One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 for Vita was a US region version:…

    • +1

      Hey Axis - this one is Region 2 PAL UK :)

      • +1

        Thanks - bought anyway along with Persona. Appreciate the quick responses!

  • +1

    Any chance this offer will be repeated for XBox One?

    • No idea as of yet - nothing planned for the momen.But with the coupon code, it should be the same price as that offer :)

  • I can't seem to get to the listing for the Wii U Pro Controller to buy it:…

    Actually this is happening with pretty much every item I choose, and in three different browsers.

    Can you help please? Thanks.

    • Apologies for any confusion, we explain this in our description:

      ''Our search function is playing up on the site, so some items that are sold out are still appearing in the search menus. If you click on a title and a blank page comes up, that means it is unfortunately sold out :(''

  • +7

    Game prices seem expensive to begin with - eg fallout 4 $80, blops3 $90… 25% off that makes pricing on par with retail stores….dont really see any bargains here?

  • +1…

    The content is missing on this page….. want to check out the price

    • +1

      Hey Harrison, apologies for any confusion, we explain this in our description:

      ''Our search function is playing up on the site, so some items that are sold out are still appearing in the search menus. If you click on a title and a blank page comes up, that means it is unfortunately sold out :(''

      • +1

        My bad, was eager to find a deal and didn't read carefully. May I know what's the price before and any chance of more stocks? Thanks.

        • All good! From memory last price was about $79.90 - should have more in after Christmas. (and will probably be cheaper)

        • @DungeonCrawl: Need one as Christmas gift :(

  • No rainbow 6 , no star wars battlefront …

    • +1

      Hey Troyww,

      Apologies for any disappointment caused - Both sold out unfortunately and this close to Christmas, hard to find stock through suppliers (that isn't a silly price). Should have a restock after Christmas!

  • just wondering are fallout and bloodbone Asia version? cause i'm Chinese and Asia version will have Chinese in the game, hard to find Asia version in au so i have to buy digital copies which are really expensive

    • Hey mate, Unfortunately Fallout is UK PAL Region 2, and Bloodborne (both versions) are AUS PAL REGION 4 :(

  • +1

    Hey i bought Xbox Live code from you yesterday and got your confirmation e-mail (and shipping e-mail) but still no code by e-mail!

    • Hey chir0nex , We're sorry to hear about this. Can you shoot us a PM and we'll see if we can get it sorted for you for the weekend!

      • +1

        Thanks, all sorted. Thanks for the quick resolution!!!

    • Rare replay: PAL UK

      Kingdom Hearts 2.5: US Region 1

      Broken Sword: UK PAL

      Record of Agarest: UK PAL

  • -4

    Overpriced crap TBH.

    Especially their $35 Amiibos /whatajoke

    • +5

      Thanks for flagging this SilentBob (Great username/avatar btw!) - apologies for any confusion. The search feature on our site is a bit bonkers at the moment so it's showing old pricing (from when we imported some amiibo lines earlier in the year) or out of stock items. If you click on an item, it should should the correct price for the Amiibo (or come up blank if its out of stock).

      If there are any instock amiibos over 30, please let us know as this is definitely incorrect :)

  • +3

    Any chance I can get the vita 64GB card at yesterdays price of $120? Increasing it to $155.79 is taking the piss

    • +6

      Hmmm shouldnt be that high. Give us 5 - we'll check this

      EDIT: Fixed - give it 5/10 min and should be back to $119.90 :)

      • +2

        I ordered one. $89.93 with the code..

        Thanks nephilim and DungeonCrawl.

      • +1

        Wow, just when I was got my 16GB card yesterday….and now there is a sale on the 64GB one? =.= Bad timing for me - could have waited one more day, but nooo I was too impatient! haha

        • +1

          The 64GB is a great deal. It's a great shame the Vita doesn't get as much love as it should :(

        • @DungeonCrawl: Yeah, maybe I might take the plunge @ $89.93 with the code - seems to be a great deal like you said as apparently at this price range is where you'll see 32GB ones), if it's still in stock….and just sell my 16GB card on Gumtree or something(as I don't think DS will take back my card …or will they? I've only had it for a few days… hahaha)….

          Yeah, you have other mobile platforms competing with the Vita. Plus with stores with hardly any Vita games/accessories on the shelves doesn't help this at all!

        • @Zachary: If you are after one, definitely get the order processed ASAP on the site as we only have a couple left.

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