At $47.98 it's not a bad price at all…or try at wooly petrol station for $49.99.
Mother Energy Drink 500ML Pk/24 for $47.98
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Drinking/Eating lots of sugar doesn't give you Diabetes… God I hate that piece of misinformation. If you already have diabetes, then drinking/eating stuff like this is bad because of the large spike in blood sugar levels which would normally be taken care of by your pancreas (and synthetic insulin doesn't automatically react to deal with it).
If you drink heaps of these, eat unhealthy food, and don't exercise, a generally unhealthy lifestyle, then you are more at risk of Type II.
People that get Type I are just unlucky. They don't really know what causes it. I was diagnosed when I was 13 and I had a relatively healthy lifestyle (as much as any kid does).
Anyway, medical lesson over for today ;)
Well the average adult doesn't get that much exercise.
Those who have lots of sugar are bound to eat other unhealthy foods.
So in conclusion Mother should be avoided like the plague!It also rots your teeth !!!
Drinking and eating lots of sugar is heavily associated with Type-2 diabetes:…'s been theorised that it's due to the large spike blood sugar levels contributes to insulin resistance.
If you drink heaps of these, eat unhealthy food, are fat, and don't exercise, then you're more at risk of GETTING Type-2 diabetes. The level in adolescents has jumped through the roof in the past 10 years.
It might even be carcinogenic !!!
so true..
daily intake of sugar in 1 can!
I can think of cheaper ways to destroy your insides that aren't illegal.
so should motorbikes, but who are we to make the laws? pretty poor excuse to vote negative
"These should be banned in Aus."
Having one every couple of weeks will do nothing to a healthy adult who exercises regularly. You know what will do damage no matter how often they are consumed, cigarettes…yet their still legal, and you never see Today Tonight pushing for cigarettes to be banned, why? Because it wouldn't be good for ratings, but making out these drinks, that are mostly consumed by young people, are evil, plays nicely into their old ignorant audience.
i heard u can get stomach cancer out of V and Mother and similar drinks ..
Love the stuff but it is not a bargain as u can pick this up on special normally 4 for $8 at woolies and coles and what Dazza mentioned the reject shop.
I Would say its bargain if it was 40 bucks a slab but this gives you no benefit of buying it in bulkagreed, no bargain
What is with oz bargain member and talking about dietary requirements every time an energy drink deal is posted?!
I think people have been watching too much today tonight and a current affair .
If you're meant to die at certain age or certain day, than no matter what you do to take care of your health, if it's meant to be, it is meant to be.
The reject shop has the 4packs for $8… better to just buy it like that then get half way through a slab and realise this crap gave you diabetes…