This was posted 9 years 3 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

GOG's Big Winter Sale 500+ Deals up to 90% off, $4.19 Mystery Games, and Free Games for shopping


THE Big Winter Sale Starts Now, 500+ deals up to 90% off, $4.19 mystery games, and free games just for shopping. Following the 48-hour launch offer of the STAR WARS catalog at up to 77% off, including the X-Wing & TIE Fighter series, Galactic Battlegrounds Saga, Knights of the Old Republic I + II, Battlefront II, and more, all bundles and deals will change every 24 hours. The sale will last for 11 days, until December 13, 1:59 PM GMT / 2:59 PM CET / 5:59 AM PST / 8:59 AM EST. Enjoy.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Took the Mystery game plunge and got crusader kings complete , which i didn't really want / know of, However it was more than the money i paid. Will Probably buy a few games and mystery games again soon!

    Thanks OP!

    • If it was a steam key and hence giftable I would be happy to have it. Was always curious about that game given what people say about CK II but was never curious enough to buy it on Steam.

    • I'm interested in crusaders kings too. If its a redeemable coupon would you like to swap for Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, also on GOG?

      Lysander - It won't be on steam, GOG doesn't have any steam stuff.

    • Just contact GOG support, they will probably transfer the game to a gift - they did that for me when I purchased one of their "pinyata" mystery deals a few months back. And, frankly, I would buy that CK collection off you if you have not already taken one of the other offers - it is a really good deal.

      • I later Purchased a Mystery game myself, and, what are the odds - got Crusader Kings Complete. Happy ;-)

  • +2

    Tempted. Would love to hear from others what Mystery games they came up with

    I got 2 mystery games

    Broken Age: Complete Adventure
    Saints Row 2

  • +3

    I'm seeing the mystery games priced at AU $4.19 - so maybe specify that it's US dollars in your title? Thanks OP.

    • +1

      Sorry about that, posted early hours in the morning, thank you for letting me know.

  • +2

    Keen to know the general OzBargain opinion on whether mystery box deals are considered bargains.

    • +3

      They State the item you will be receiving is over $10 AUD, However i wouldn't class this as an actual good bargain unless you get something you wanted. I think they are just giving away keys from games that are unpopular? Or games that have been marked up to the "$10" minimum

    • +3

      If you really value DRM free games, and you sort of like to make the purchase itself a bit of a game, then these mystery bundles are probably good value.

      However, GOG prices are set at a little bit of a premium - I buy from them, because I really appreciate that the products are DRM Free, and that GOG try really hard to keep prices to Aussies reasonable. GOG have a stated commitment to keeping prices level to all markets, while other sellers are gradually using geolocation to bring in the "Australia Tax".

      In the spirit of OzBargain, I would have to say you can probably get these games cheaper in bundles or sales if you are willing to wait, but they would likely be steam versions.

      • +3

        Yes, I agree. There are fewer 75% off sale items on GoG than there are on Steam, and often to get 75% off you have to purchase a bundle with games you are not interested in. However, DRMfree are keepers. I recently had a scare when my Steam account was hacked. Unlike physical items, you can never own DRM-protected digital purchases, and it is very easy for a dedicated hacker to steal your digital library. Even if Gog went bankrupt or your account was usurped, you could still play everything you had downloaded from them.

  • +2

    I got crappy mystery games.
    - Triple Town
    - Shantae: Risky's Revenge Directors Cut

    Considering how much I have bought on GOG was hoping for something better :(

    Note that the mystery games will have a retail value of between $9.99 and $34.99.

    • +2

      Both of those may not be expensive games but they are great!

  • +1

    Just bought another mystery game, SUPREME LEAGUE OF PATRIOTS: SEASON PASS.

    Honestly it is probably not worth getting the Mystery games. i could of gotten something nice for the 8.20 i spent…

  • +1

    I have an overwhelming urge to buy TIE Fighter Special Editíon.

  • +2

    Thread on GOG forums with mystery games received so far. Seems like GOG support might send you a new mystery game if you have a duplicate and you can buy it as a gift key so it's swappable.

    • +4

      To save people a jump (or in my case work prox block). I would be pretty mad to get Jade Empire considering its free on Origin at the moment.


      A Golden Wake
      Agarest: Generations of War
      Airline Tycoon Deluxe
      Anna's Quest
      Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition
      Battle Realms + Winter Of The Wolf
      Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
      Breach & Clear
      Breach & Clear: Deadline
      Broken Age: The Complete Adventure
      Brutal Legend
      Cities in Motion
      Consortium: Master Edition
      Crusaders Kings: Complete
      Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
      Dust: An Elysian Tale
      Elminage Gothic
      Europa Universalis III Complete
      Evil Genius
      Gabriel Knight 20th Anniversary
      Gemini Rue
      Gone Home
      Grey Matter
      Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure
      Hearts of Iron II: Complete
      Jade Empire: Special Edition
      King's Bounty: Crossworlds GOTY
      King's Bounty: Dark Side - Premium Edition
      King's Bounty: Warriors of the North Complete Edition
      Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded
      Lilly Looking Through
      Long Live the Queen
      Massive Assault
      Pier Solar and the Great Architects
      Raiden III Digital Edition
      Rogue Legacy
      Saint's Row - The Third
      Saint's Row 2
      Shadowrun Returns
      Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
      SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition
      Space Colony HD
      Stronghold Crusader HD
      Supreme League of Patriots Season Pass
      The Bard's Tale
      Tiny & Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
      Train Fever
      Triple Town

      • +1

        Yeah my issue. I own most of the mysterybox titles already and while i suspect they wouldn't give a game already tied your gog account ill likely end up with a duplicate

  • +1

    Spent $6 and got 3 games all $15+ ea so cant complain on that :)

  • +2

    Outlaws is on special for the first time since adding it to my wishlist four months ago ($3.39 down from $8.39).

    • +1

      Thanks!!!! Many memories of this game in school computer lab.

      Edit: I bought it when it was last on sale for $3.99 US.

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