This was posted 9 years 3 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

JB Hi-Fi Extra 5% off for Wicked Wednesday (2/12) for Newsletter Subscribers


There's going to be crackin' deals right across the store and as a JB Instant Deals Member you get a 5% OFF Discount Coupon* for you to reduce even further the already discounted prices on a massive range of products. Watch your inbox tomorrow - Wednesday 2nd December - for all the Wicked JB Hi-Fi Deals. If you want to make sure your friends can take advantage of the extra 5% OFF make sure they sign up to JB Instant Deals by Wednesday so they can receive the special voucher too.

According to the email, there are going to price cuts on video games which is a nice change.

Excludes- Apple Products, Mobile Phones & Contracts, Hitachi VZ655100 65" FHD LED LCD TV (sku 849836), Agency Products (i.e. Miele, Asko, Dell Built to Order), Pre-Paid cards & Gift cards, Pre Orders, Extended Warranties, & Delivery

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +1

    This should be good

  • Yep, they already have this running

    • This is for 5% on top of the 25%.

      • 25%?

        • My comment was originally meant to be "5% on top for 25%" :D

        • @Dagmar: ah yes but is it 25% or 5% on top off the 20% off price? Mmmm

        • @clarky:

          24% off I believe

        • @karlgr90: Yep :)

        • @clarky:

          I honestly read, re-read and re-read your comment again and couldn't make sense of it (<insert excuse here>). I came to the conclusion you were either trying to be funny or you were trolling me. I apologise now that I see you were asking a legitimate question. @Karlgr90 is right(ish), the correct discount is 24.02%.

        • @Dagmar: lol, trying to be funny yes but no trolling. When you double stack percentages usually its a percent off the last percentage, not added together.

  • +2

    And as was mentioned here all stores look to be open till 9pm (instead of 6pm)

  • +2

    Code in the email works online now.

  • Only got this in the last hour or so. Would've been great to have seen it before earlier today.

    • +2

      What, that there's a sale tomorrow?

      • Hehehe…my bad.

        Was convinced it was Wednesday.

        Wishful thinking that hump day was here.

  • +1

    bought the 529 xbone bundle today… fffffff

    • Same. Plus a few other things. Grrrr

    • +1

      but at 529 the bundle was such a good deal anyway that im not even that mad.

    • Do you think the discount would stack on this as well? I'm planning to pick up the bundle later tonight.

  • instore only?

    • both in-store and online… and the code can be used online already.

  • +2

    Spent $952 dollars there today..

    The ozbargainer in me wants to cry

    • return it all and purchase it again?

    • +1

      how many cameras did you buy from DSE?

      • I think he meant JB-Hifi

  • +1

    ahhh. my credit card..

  • Supposedly DSE is having a very big clearance sale in a few days. They're in trouble with too much inventory

    This sounds like a JB-Hifi pre-emptive strike

    • +3

      Yep - DSE share price has fallen through the floor in recent weeks and the Sydney Morning Herald reported today that 'DSE is preparing to kick off a "70 per cent off everything" sale to clear excess stock, potentially prompting rivals to follow suit'

      See here:…

      JB HiFi/ Hardly Normal is highly likely to respond, giving shoppers a big discount bonus in the lead up to Xmas.

      My humble suggestion to OzBargainers is to hold off on any big electronics/electrical purchases for a few days!

      • +4

        There is no way DSE is selling everything for 70% off. This would not reduce their crap stock that much, but would relieve them of all their worthwhile stock at 50-60% below "ozbargain price", which is just stupid. Granted, only slightly more stupid than believing an equity group would turn around a dying business, rather than trying to cash in a quick buck, but still I think this would be more stupid.

        • Good point.

  • Must resist and wait for weekend 70% off sales.

    • Dicksmith - - DO MORE….SAVE MORE

  • +3

    Just had a closer look at the email, and right down the bottom it says you're even able to redeem the 5% discount during checkout online. That was a pleasant surprise.

  • I've signed up but haven't received the code yet. I want to use it now!

    • I just re-signed, got the code 10 minutes later. Was going to buy some cheap games tomorrow with my 7.5% off gift card, so here's hoping it's a few percent more + gift card + this 5%.

    • Absolutely nuts. I had to use another email address in the end, and got it instantly. Lame.

  • Barcodes seem to be unique values

    • +1

      Can confirm. I have 2 very different barcodes on 2 email subscriptions.

      • If you sign up now, you get a generic barcode value.

  • Using $100 DVD box set as example:

    $100 less current 20% off discount = $80


    $80 less Wednesday 5% off discount = $76

    This is how the discount will be applied?

    • +1

      Tested it online; it takes 5% off the reduced price. So you're getting a 24.02% discount*

      *Unless I can't math properly.

  • ta

  • +1

    This is the disclaimer on the email. Are my eyes deceiving me or have they missed the word "exclusion". My reading of the disclaimer is they specifically mention these as having the discount. However, not sure how far you could go arguing this.

    This coupon is unique and can only be used once. Discount coupon is for 5% off selected product purchases on Wednesday 2nd December 2015. Only one coupon is redeemable per customer. Redeemable instore and online as single transaction only. 5% Off Discount is for product purchases Apple Products, Mobile Phones & Contracts, Hitachi VZ655100 65" FHD LED LCD TV (sku 849836), Agency Products (i.e. Miele, Asko, Dell Built to Order), Pre-Paid cards & Gift cards, Pre Orders, Extended Warranties, & Delivery. Discount is calculated off the current ticketed or promotional price (whichever is the lesser). Coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon offers. Coupon and barcode must be legible and surrendered upon use.

    • That's hilarious. i don't know that staff will allow this, but it's worth a try.

    • Just checked my email and it says

      "*5% coupon excludes Apple Products, Mobile Phones & Contracts, Hitachi VZ655100 65" FHD LED LCD TV (sku 849836), Agency Products (i.e. Miele, Asko, Dell Built to Order), Pre-Paid cards & Gift cards, Pre Orders, Extended Warranties, & Delivery. Full Terms and Conditions Below"

      • Not sure why they would be different. I cut this from the disclaimer box.

  • +2

    Just bought these 2 SONOS beauties for $502 :-)

    • Me too. plan to keep one and sell the other!

  • Anything worth buying? 5% off is nice. The general discounts are good too. But just not much of interest.

  • +1

    Is there any price change on games? It all looks the same to me.

    • +1

      Yep, Fallout 4 and Black Ops 3 are back down to $59. Those are the only ones that I know were reduced.

  • cant see any discounts on games online? anyone know if they are discounted instore?

  • Target still cheaper for Star Wars Battlefront at $64. JB is $69 less 5%

    • Price match then discount code?

  • I have been wanting to get/try out a convertible notebook for a while so bought the Acer R3-131T-P73T for $482.88 which is fanless yet upgradeable with standard parts and plan to replace the HDD with an SSD. There is also a lowered spec'd model available cheaper.

  • +3

    I've used my code twice, despite saying it's once only, and with a different account to the email I signed up with.

    Code is 92076623000 if anyone wants to avoid JB's spam :P

    • I got the same code too. lol

      but my other email did get a different code.

    • Thanks, worked for me too :)

    • Thanks :)

  • Is $408 a good price for the ps4 1 tb? Don't care about any extras as its for my brother in law.

    • the 500GB Is $368 on Sat @ Big W So depends on whether you want the 1TB, Also i think the 1TB Might be the new version but you would have to confirm, not too sure about the 500gb being new version

      • Got the 1tb version for just under $399 instore. Also they price matched a laptop for my brother (which was $100+ overpriced anyway) but wouldn't let him get an extra 5% off.

  • hi, anybody have extra code that is not used i can use please? many thanks

    • Try 92076623000 from magicmoose with lurv <3

      • coolies thank you

  • If any one's interested some good prices on window/wall aircons with the 5% off code (free delivery as well)……

  • Saved an extra $3 off the already 20%. Thanks OP!

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