I am starting to get over having to collect and carry multitudes of coupons and cards just to receive genuine pricing.
At the moment to do my shopping I need to activate an email, present a card and two coupons and spend a certain amount. On top of that it needs to be the right week to buy my soft drink or t.p etc.
I understand part of this is being a savvy shopper, but I also know it's mostly about making me 'think' I am getting a bargain and feel special by presenting me a lower perceived price point. I am though getting sick of the hassle and it really makes shopping a chore.
It would be nice to just stop and get takeaway without having to plan ahead to bring the right coupons. KFC is a classic for this , I never get KFC as I don't get their coupons, so their marketing actually keeps me away.
Every single place you shop you need to be a member to get special pricing, so approaching a checkout starts becoming like an exam, do I have the right membership, did I spend the right amount or am I short 5 cents to get my discount etc.
Another example Masters 10% off constantly, so 10% less is their genuine price as far as I'm concerned, so if i need to go to Masters I need to acquire a catalogue / docket or code first, this is just making shopping there a poor experience. Result is either I go there but am annoyed or I go to Bunnings rather than pay the extra 10%.
How to sum up? Absolutely.
Particularly Woolworths Online for me over the last six months. Deadly lot of hard work.
Genuine bargains and bargain hunting is great fun, but any company rising prices for a sale, are scammers/crooks, and I no longer buy from them if I can get cheaper overseas.
Glad you bought this up OP.