Don't have hope on cash rewards, do your shopping as normal

if ur purchase amount is >$500 , better give up the hope

The purchase done 6 months back , which was tracking till now has suddenly declined

Absolutely no email or explanation as why it was declined

You take the commission cash rewards but don't give hopes to people

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  • DId you return the product for an exchange?

    • +1


      i dint

  • Cash rewards doesnt track well for a number of stores like Ebay seems fine. Others just dont like to pay up. Even though it tracks initially.

    OP which store were you tracking

    • +1


  • have you contacted them yet? I get paid every single time. Very strange that they decline :-/

    • +1

      contacted and waiting for them to respond

    • +1

      and luckily I have the tracking email acknowledgement from them

      goods not returned or exchanged'

      Just curious as what explanation they will provide

      • no updates from them yet

  • These are some EBay purchases I've made in the year:

    $2000+ Amp receiver - paid
    $1400 Laptop - paid
    $700 monitor - paid
    $550 Tall speakers -paid
    $350 Bookshelf speakers -paid

    Never had one purchase declined, there's something you're doing that's stuffing up their tracking. It can be because you've been stuffing around with item searches or clicking on links, safest is to pre-add items to basket then go through CR or search directly the item number.

  • I had a purchase from eBay be declined months ago. I queried it and I can't remember what the response was but it made sense.

  • They paid/tracked most my purchases from Ebay but all purchases from DD either not tracked or declined.

  • The only cashback I've got from cashrewards is purchases made on ebay. Other stores are still pending with some easily over 6 months now. Customer support are not really helpful either when contacted.

  • I've gotten back all but one because I used a coupon code but I did have one purchase that took over a year before I received the money for. It happened to be the largest one too.

  • eBay even having a 5% affiliate system is just silly.

    eBay seller fees, and PayPal processing fees combined are 10%. That's insanely huge. It's no wonder all those niche Facebook buy/sell groups are getting pretty large number of daily posts.

    Think about how cash rewards works - they take advantage of the affiliate system to return 2.5%, but it's an EXTRA middle man claiming 2.5% of purchase price for no added 'affiliate' value as you would have found the product without their help.

    Sellers are paying the crazy high eBay/PayPal fees (which is where eBay gets its money to pay affiliates). These are costs which get passed on.

    I think (and hope) 'cash rewards' on days on eBay are numbered. Will be good once they remove this tragedy of the commons loophole

  • -1

    To my surprise when I logged in this morning, I had $60 I could withdraw from previous purchases over the last 12 months. Some from a very long time ago.

    Remember cashback via CR or any other site is a privilege not a right. So just set and forget, then check the balance of your account in a couple of months time. Think of it as just putting your loose change in a tin.

    Never assume / include any cashback in your reasoning for a purchase.

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