This was posted 15 years 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Even More "Command & Conquer" Titles Released FREE


"Command & Conquer: Gold" and "Command & Conquer: Red Alert" have been released free in the past, I guess in conjunction with a sequel being released. Now that "Command & Conquer 4" is coming, you can now download even more for free!

I've retrieved the headers for each of the files, and the values given by the servers are as follows:

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn (GDI) = 608987136 bytes = 0.57gb ISO
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn (NOD) = 592476160 bytes = 0.55gb ISO
Command & Conquer: Red Alert (Allied) = 524014608 bytes = 0.48gb RAR
Command & Conquer: Red Alert (Soviet) = 526433084 bytes = 0.49gb RAR
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun + Firestorm = 1334180630 bytes = 1.24gb RAR

Total = 3586091618 bytes = 3.34gb

Burn each of the ISOs using your favourite program. I've been using ImgBurn ( ) for many years now because it's 100% free and works exceptionally well.

Alternatively, you can mount the ISO directly without burning by using a virtual CD/DVD program such as Daemon Tools Lite ( ). Again, I've been using this program for many years with no problems whatsoever.

Enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • Apparently C&C: Tiberian Dawn is the original game, so I assume C&C: Gold and C&C: Tiberian Dawn are the same title. I've removed the link to Gold in the original post and put it here as an alternative mirror :)

    Command & Conquer: Gold -

    Sorry for any confusion.

    • Or alternatively, if any C&C fans can post what is what, that would be great. I'd like to update the first post with some proper information. I feel that my lack of knowledge might confuse people and lead to unnecessary bandwidth wasting.

      • +1

        Thanks for all of the information everyone has provided, and to those that provided mirrors for iiNet and Internode. Very handy! :)

        I've updated the first post with the games sorted in the order that they were released, and added sizes and file types :)

  • oh f**ing sweet!

  • Good one, I have been getting bored with Combat Arms. I love a free game!

  • Anyone knows about their file sizes?

  • Got it
    * Tiberian Sun/Firestorm (1.2 GB)
    * Tiberian Dawn GDI/NOD ISO’s (600MB each)
    * Red Alert 1 Allied/Soviet ISO’s (520MB each)

  • +8

    Command and Conquer Tiberian Wars is 1.2gb

    For those with IINET and Westnet accounts. You can get the original Command and Conquer Games quota free from the 3FL Games mirror

    Command & Conquer Gold NOD ISO (Full Game)415.36 MB

    Command & Conquer Gold GDI ISO (Full Game)426.86 MB

    Command & Conquer Red Alert 1 Allied Disk (Full Game)499.74 MB

    Command & Conquer Red Alert 1 Soviet Disk (Full Game)502.05 MB

  • +1

    any C&C: Renegade? lol

    • C&C: sole survivor is where its at. I remember when tiberian sun was coming out and it had those mech like machines. I wasn't so happy with it - same old really. the lighting from what i remember wasn't too bad.

      • the lighting was cool. that was it.

  • do they have yuri's revenge?

    that was my favourite!!

  • OMG

    this is not spam .

    i have a C&C fetish . i swear i've been playing these games since

    windows 95 . HOLY CRAP <3333

    ily whoever posted this

    • ZOMG

      this is not spam .

      i have a C&C fetish . i swear i’ve been playing these games since

      windows 95 . HOLY CRAP

  • +1

    For those interested;

    1995 – Command & Conquer - AKA: Tiberian Dawn
    1996 – Command & Conquer: Red Alert
    1999 – Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun

    So CnC:TS is the latest free version available. If you want to play them in order, refer above. :)

    They all rock, and I'll be downloading ASAP. Free nostalgia FTW!

  • While I'm not complaining since it's free, I think this is more just a nostalgia fix for those that played them back in the days. Never played any of them and not going to. I'm sure they were good back in the day but I can't see any newcomers playing them unless they're desperately in need of games to play..

    • +2

      Why? Because the graphics aren't as good as Crysis?


      • +2

        Another person trying to put words into my mouth. People seem a bit on edge here. But yes graphics make a difference, I won't deny it…and this is coming from someone that defends the Wii and understands that gameplay comes before graphics. However improved graphics adds effects, atmosphere, physics etc which ultimately affects the gameplay. That said though, it's mainly the gameplay mechanics that are outdated. When you've played the more recent RTS games like CoH, it's hard to not find the older games lacking. E.g Goldeneye was an awesome fps when it came out but now I'd only play it for nostalgia because it's outdated, graphics and gameplay wise. And I wouldn't expect people who've never played it to pick it up and realise how good a game it WAS. God, I don't know why I need to explain this. Surely you can understand my point. If not, then well…I guess you're the one that fails..

  • +3

    I would hate to see you when you are complaining! If they suck so what. I have paid for a lot of games that suck.

    • +1

      God, dude..I said I wasn't complaining. Neither did I say they suck…stop taking things the wrong way. I'm guessing you're one of those that are desperately in need of a game to play and took my comment personally..

  • +1

    how to install the game?
    "one or more dll missing or damaged"

    • so far I'm getting the same thing…….
      I'll keep trying

      • Make sure you install the files so that it's eg: c:\program files\EA Games…… etc.

        Then right click on "Play Tiberian Sun" somewhere into the directories, and select "Run as Administrator".

        Well, that worked for me in Vista, anyways.

        Excuse me, but I have an hour or two of nostalgia to catch up on!!

        • +1

          Thanks.. it works

  • Vale Westwood

  • +1

    just get Tiberian Sun + Firestorm

    its faster gameplay compared to the rest of the C&C series

    don't bother playing the rest :)


    • I'm gonna play em all. Start to finish. :)

  • This is awesome. Sure it's a marketing ploy to get people in the loop with C&C4, but I'm not complaining. Thanks randomusername!

  • These are Windows only, right?

  • Please people, this is really really good. If you want to play some of the classic games from Appogee (now 3D realms, which closed down), you still have to pay for them. Graphics inferrior to Crysis? I think so!

    BTW Commander Keen is still awesome but hello, no one wants to pay for that if C&C is now free!

  • Not compatible with Windows x64. Or, to be precise, my finding is that Red Alert is not compatible with Windows 7 x64. Any other permutation I am not qualified to comment on… :)

  • C&C Tiberian Sun + Firestorm Expansion (full game) 1.2gb

    has been added to the freezone download content for iiNet & Westnet users.

  • subterranean unit detected!!!
    free is good. =D
    wanted to play Tiberian Sun again. :P

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