This was posted 9 years 3 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nikon Lenses AF-S DX 35mm F1.8g $164.2/AF-S 50mm F1.8g $174.6 (after $35 Nikon Cashback), WU-1a Wi-Fi Adapter $32 @ TGG eBay


Been seeing a bit of love for Canon lenses and Sony cameras today but not much for Nikon. Well, in particular for those who got one of the D3300 deals recently and are looking for some extra gear to go with it, there's some great deals on Nikon lenses and the WU-1a Wi-Fi adapter at The Good Guys. Note that until the 29th November, Nikon have an extra $35 Cashback on both the Nikon Nikkor AF-S DX 35mm F1.8G Lens and the Nikkor AF-S 50mm 1.8G Lens. The Good Guys are an authorised Nikon reseller so there should be no problems claiming the Cashback. There's extra Cashback on other lenses also, but those lenses are priced well beyond my current budget!

All of these prices seem to be by far the best I can find anywhere. I'm heading overseas at Chrissy and the above 4 items should work out around $500 after the GST refund!

Apologies in advance for any minor calculation errors in the above prices… I've had a few wines over dinner.

Original eBay 20% off CXMASTECH deal

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Nikon AF-S DX 35mm F1.8G Lens for $164.2 is steal! Mandatory for all newbie.

    • bargainaus, I bought the 50mm f1.8g for my D3300 awhile ago so do you think that will be enough for a newbie or you reckon I should buy the 35mm as well? Yeah, I read a lot of reviews online about the two lenses but in the end I settled for the 50mm (though it sucks that I missed this cashback) and it's my first DSLR so I am still in that learning/novice phase. I mainly chose the 50mm for the "pokeh" thingy and I am not sure if it's wise/economical to have both (since I have also heard the 35mm is just for DX format cameras whereas you can use the 500mm for FX format cameras if you decide to upgrade in the future etc). Any professional help will be much appreciated, and sorry for the long-ass text.

      • +2

        Not a professional by any means but I would suggest don't bother.
        If you only have a 50mm you might find the fact that it's "permanently zoomed in" a bit annoying and need something wider, in which case I'd suggest you get a half decent zoom lens, like 18-140mm.
        The 50mm might be hard to use for short distance shots, like if you were sitting at your desk and the thing was also on your desk.
        If you have the kit 18-55, then I also wouldn't bother getting the 35 as well since I you would then have 2 other lenses that overlap the range.

      • +1

        It depends on use I think.

        If you want really nice portraits or street photography, the 50mm will be amazing.

        As a general all rounder the 35mm does most things nicely, but won't do superb portraits like the 50mm. Plus it gives a nicer bokeh than the 35mm.

      • +2

        It's called "Bokeh", Japanese for background blur.

        If you already have bought the 50mm, then don't bother. You can actually use that as all-around lens with a bit of effort, zoom in/out with your feet.

        I use 35mm 1.8G for everyday/event/street and 85mm 1.8G for portrait/bokeh. My 18-55mm kit lens is gathering dust in the bag, never used it. I'd be happy to sell it if anyone is interested. :)

        • Thanks, madpig83, Hoju & bargainaus. I was thinking to buy the Nikkor AF-S DX 55-300mm but after watching couple of review videos on YouTube I am not sure if I'll go that way because it has that annoying noise when focusing manually. It showed great picture quality but for videos (unless one has to put a music or some other audio on the videos) it isn't that good.

        • @AussieDaddy:

          Hmm well I know your pain because my old 17-50mm used to make a horrible AF noise during movies.

          bUT it's worth noting that with a bit of practice, manual focus is probably the best option for movies. Silent and it avoids the disasters of the camera struggling to focus and destroying a video (or focusing on the wrong thing)

        • @Hoju: I see. So that noise must be present in most cheap-ish lenses it seems then. Funny thing is, it is quiet when zooming (as I have seen other cameras having noise issues when zooming) but for these lenses they make those noises when focusing manually. Kinda weird. But the pictures this particular 55-300mm lens takes are amazing though.

        • -1

          @AussieDaddy: Prime lens are preferred over zoom for video works. Moreover, Canon is more popular for video works than Nikon, actually Nikon has no game in video.

        • @bargainaus: Good. Thanks for clarifying that, mate (in my comment above where I was talking about the noise on the videos, I probably mistook turning the ring on the prime lens to focus for zooming). I am actually picking up a lot of useful info/knowledge on here than the so-called "pro" forums where geeks bombard you with way too technical/complicated stuff that a beginner like me would struggle to understand.

        • +1

          @AussieDaddy: Here, read through one by one section -

          I also benefited from OZB people, my journey only started 4 months ago!

        • @bargainaus: O man! That link looks like what I have been looking for since the day I realized my interest in and enthusiasm for photography, way before I even bought my first camera. I cannot thank you enough, buddy. I have a lot of learning to do for the rest of the weekend now. Thanks again, bargainaus. :)

        • +2


          zoom in/out with your feet.

          Sorry but I hate that phrase and it really bugs me when people use it.

          First, angle of view is not the same as subject distance. When you zoom optically you change how "compressed" the background is compared to the foreground. In other words shooting a person with a 300mm lens might show one sail on the operhouse in the background. Now put the same person at a distance where you can shoot them with the 35mm lens and you might fit in the whole opera house and a good part of Circular Quay.

          Ignore the video in the link and scroll down to the 3 images here:

          Slightly bigger download but page 127 in the Canon Lenswork III book is even better at explaining:

          Second you can't always "zoom with your feet" because you might end up trying to shoot through a wall, off the edge of a cliff or in a cage with a wild animal.

          "Zoom with your feet" makes about as much sense as "punch with your eyeballs".

        • +1

          @AussieDaddy: Happy to help!

        • @AussieDaddy:

          If you can sprint for the extra cash the 70-300VR is a beautiful lens. Be warned that a lot of these lenses with built in motors can become a paperweight if the motor dies, and the 70-300VR did have an issue with a higher failure rate earlier in it's life (I don't know if it still has an issue). I love this lens enough to replace it when they dies. (I have only had one die).

        • +1

          @syousef: We have discussed about this in past threads and there is no need to bring it again. Sure its not perfect, but please do keep in mind that we are focusing on "Amateur/Starter/Casual Photography" here.

        • +1


          Sorry bargainaus, wrong is wrong whether you're an amateur or not.

          In fact the sooner an amateur gets a grip on what optical zoom and angle of view means, the sooner they can create stunning pictures. If you have no idea why the Opera House looks tiny in the background of an image of your friend, and you don't even know what the right equipment is to change that, it won't matter how much you spend.

          Also in the spirit of bargain hunting, if you understand what you're buying and what it can do, you can get more value out of it and potentially avoid additional purchases. For some people a fixed lens is the right choice. For others a zoom. It all depends on what you shoot and how you shoot it.

        • @syousef: Thanks, syousef. Unfortunately the 70-300mm VR lens isn't one of the lenses in this cashback list and I am still a beginner so I might have to do a lot of reading & practicing with the 50mm prime lens I recently bought for now. If my enthusiasm will still be as strong as it's now and I learn more about photography I might even buy a bigger (perhaps a full frame one) camera in the near future so I might have to put off buying multiple lenses at this stage. Thanks for the help and tips though, guys. I really appreciate it.

        • +1


          No problem. You have to find your own way in the end. Other people's point of view are just that - other people's. All the very best to you in your hobby.

        • @bargainaus: Nikon has no game in video.

          What is this nonsense?

          Nikon's have been used far and wide for plenty of professional commercial shoots. And really good at it too. Sadly like yourself, most of the general uninformed public have no idea what Nikon's can do on a film shoot.

          Hell, Nikon even hosts short film contests.

          I work in the film industry. Though I wouldn't use either a Nikon or Canon for a multi million film shoot, Nikon's have proved more than capable on their end, even as a second camera. I've shot plenty of small projects myself with a variety of Nikon cameras (as well as canon).

          Fact is Canon were in the game first, and their lenses are at a cheaper price point compared to Nikon. Canon heavily advertise the video end whilst Nikon doesn't.

          But please don't go around saying Nikon has no game in video. That's just plain ignorant.

        • +1


          The inability to control aperture whilst in live view really sticks in the craw of serious film shooters. Yes you can work around it but it's a pain and a limitation Canon shooters don't have to deal with. I don't know enough to confirm but I've been told it's a limitation of the Nikon F mount and that allowing aperture in live view would require Nikon to change it's lens system the way Canon did in the 80s. That creates a lot of pain for shooters who already have a range of equipment and it's one of Nikon's stengths that you can with modification use lenses from the 60s and 70s (albeit with manual focus and/or exposure).

          Also Canon's new STM lenses really are spectacular. Even the consumer ones exceed expectations set by decades of lens production. Combined with touch screen focus and articulating screens not found in the higher end Nikon bodies it becomes a much nicer system to use. Canon have made a real effort to be compelling here. It's not that Nikon's not in the game. It's just that they haven't focused on videography the way Canon has.

        • @syousef: I'm not up to speed on shooting video on DSLRs, but I know for a fact that my D750 is able to control aperture while in live view, so if it was a limitation once, it isn't any longer. The D750 also has an articulating screen; no touch though.

        • @ASeawright:

          Your D750 does have the ability to control aperture in live view as shown here:

          The D610 does not. Most Nikons still do not. Even the bottom of the line Canons do.

          Something about an additional motor being used to do it?

        • @syousef:

          Can I ask what the problem with this is? As in, wouldn't a bump in ISO be enough, if not ideal.

          For the average user, surely the thing that is going to take most of their attention is keeping the darn subject in focus (god knows AF in movie mode is awful, unreliable and can ruin a movie, and manual requires full attention)!!

        • @syousef: The D610 is a 2013 camera, that's 2 years old. The d750 was released in 2014, so still a year old now. My point was that Nikon are obviously aware of the limitations and are working to rectify it with their newer models, so the earlier claim that Nikon isn't good for video was a little uninformed, especially as we are mostly talking about new purchases here.

          @Hoju: You can do some cool things on video by being able to dynamically control the aperture while filming; just changing the ISO doesn't quite achieve the same thing.

        • @ASeawright:

          My D7200 was released this year and behaves exactly the same way - once you go into live view you're stuck with the aperture. The 6 year old Canon lower end models (500D) were able to allow this when using magic lantern. Since Feb 2011 (600D) Canon has this built in at this price point. Then there's touch screen focusing introduced with the 700D. Nikon are WAY behind on video. But for the IQ and dynamic range for stills Nikon is better. I also own a 700D and stm lenses and I'd use that over my D7200 in a heartbeat for video..

          Although both Canon and Nikon need to get innovating before they end up unable to compete with the likes of Sony. Have you seen the low light shooting ability on the A7S? MUCH better than human vision in near total. My jaw dropped when I saw this. If you're impatient start from 1:30

        • @ASeawright:

          Yeh I can imagine there being some cool things especially with depth of field effects, but for the casual / family shooter is there much benefit?

          I just sold a 4 year old 550D with the kit lens for $100 more than a brand new d3300 with kit lens (admittedly by combining 3 cash back / coupon offers). The IQ of the Nikon is far supreme and video is also, however I didn't try any aperture adjustments when using the canon so wonder if j missed something exceptionally useful

        • @syousef: The D7200 is a DX camera though, motors are built into the lenses as opposed to the camera for FX; so there would be different solutions required (maybe this is what you mean about the lens being an issue?). I imagine if Nikon has only just started with the D750 (I'm not sure if there's others) that the feature will be filtered through the latest FX updates first before they tackle DX.

          I've heard good things about the new A7S, but the D750 has good low light capability as well, and ranks higher on dxomark.

          @Hoju: I'm not sure as I don't use my SLR for video; but you're right, I doubt that it matters for basic family/home videos. I own a Xiaomi Yi for that kind of thing, so the using an SLR is at least a step up from that…

        • @ASeawright:

          Motors are built into ALL new Nikon lenses, DX and FX. In fact many DX lenses will work on an FX body if the FX body is set to crop mode or if you're willing to live with black circle/vignetting.

          The Canon cameras I mentioned above are all crop factor cameras.

          The A7S is only a 12MP camera but has been nicknamed "Queen of the Night" for a reason. It can do things that your D750 can't (and vice versa).

          I rarely use video either. People don't have the patience or inclination to watch them. Typically i'll use a phone to record video if there's a need, but sometimes I will use the DSLR. If I knew for a fact that I was shooting video I'd pick up my Canon 700D and leave the D7200 at home.

      • While I had my D7000, I originally owned the 50mm 1.8d and found it was just too tight for taking photos around the house. I sold it and bought the 35mm 1.8g and never looked back. I found the 35mm much more versatile. I think 50mm is an awkward focal length on a DX camera. Too long around the house and too short out on the street because you still have to get into people's faces.

        • I wasn't planning to use it for taking photos in my a one-person-dwelling apartment unit (plus I don't have any pets) so that's why I settled for the 50mm (as well as for the Bokeh factor/effect).

      • +3

        50mm (non-DX) acts like a 75mm on a 3300, so it would be fantastic for portraits, whereas the 35mm DX is a 35mm on your camera, so they would be 2 very different lenses on your body.

        If you're talking bokeh, well there's not really a comparison - the 50mm you own wins out hands down.

        If it's a wider-angle lens, such as the 35, it's much more difficult to get the background completely blown out. You need to be pretty close to your subject and the background needs to be pretty far away because maths.

        However, 35mm is the bomb for environmental portraits.

        Here's a couple of videos on it for you to chew over:

        Why you need a 50mm:

        Why you need a 35mm:

        35 Vs 50mm

        Personally, I reckon if you have the 50, just supplement it with a nice standard zoom (not like an 18-300mm ridicu-zoom, but the 18-55 kit lens does a nice job for the money)

        • Yeah, I saw those exact clips and that's actually why I decided to buy the 50mm. And from this deal I ordered the 55-300mm so I'll pick that up either today or tomorrow from TGG store here and those two will keep me going for awhile as a beginner, hopefully.

  • +1

    Looks like a bunch of good deals, however my limited experience with TGG is that they date their invoices when the item ships (or effectively when they've processed the order). As the cash back ends tomorrow, will TGG date the invoice as the date of purchase on ebay?

    • Yeh I think you might be right on that. Probably Click and Collect before COB Sunday 29th November is best to ensure Nikon Cashback.

      • I did a C&C once but it still took them a couple of days to let me know that it was ready for pickup. I might ring one of the stores with stock to see if they'll invoice it as the ebay buy date (after all I've handed the $ across). That said still good even with the 20% discount alone.

        • I did C&C order earlier yesterday (Friday) evening and my order has an estimated pick up time of 1:45pm today… The store was closed at the time though so I've yet to hear for sure. Finger crossed for Sunday at the latest though!

        • Thanks!

    • +1

      I bought a 50mm 1.8g earlier today and it was processed soon afterwards with an invoice date of 27th nov

      • Which store did you pick? I suspect that the staff may not have time on weekends to process orders?

        • +1

          I chose for delivery and it was processed from caringbah store

    • Unfortunately I couldn't C&C as no stock was available anywhere near me.

      My hope and expectation is that I can just submit my paypal receipt as proof of DATE of purchase, as well as TGG receipt as more formal purchase receipt if required.

      • — removed as my question is answered at the end —

  • I like the idea of adding the wifi adapter to my D7100 (or D90 if compatible too) but I'm just not sure I'll find value in having it - maybe more useful when travelling if you want to share images in real time etc.

    • +2

      Yes - I've done this while travelling (using a compact camera) but eventually found it easier to simply use my phone to take a shot that I wanted to email or put on social media.

      • +1


      • +1

        Put the money towards a phone with a good camera. LG G4 or upcoming V10. Samsung Galaxy S6, iPhone…

    • Not compatible with the D90. D90 uses GP-1 unit for GPS but has no interface for wireless. You can use a 3rd party product like the Eye-Fi wireless SD card but they have their own limitations. It might be easier to just upgrade if you need that. That said I have a D7100 and a D7200 and I'm not that tempted by this offer to get one for the D7100. I just don't use the built in functionality in the D7200 enough to warrant any extra spend…and I can always fall back on the D7200 anyway if I need it.

    • I wouldn't recommend it - I feel it's a waste of money, personally. As suggested, use your phone - the sony Xperia range have great cameras on them and there's a few apps that allow you not full, but more manual control of your settings (aperture and shutter speed seem to be fixed on nearly all phones). I use Camera FV-5

  • Damn it! I bought the 50mm f1.8g for $262 from HN about 10 days ago right after I bought Nikon D3300 from that great deal about 2 weeks ago. Though I received the $100 cashback from Nikon but still it sucks to see the prime lens I bought to be almost $90 bucks cheaper now. :(

    PS: Does anyone know if I can claim cashback for the 50mm lens if I bought mine almost 2 weeks ago from HN?

    Edit: I've just checked the link above and the purchase date should be between 26th November – 29th November 2015. Well, you win some and you lose some, it seems.

    • +2

      If you still have your HN receipt couldn't you just buy the lens now from Good Guys, claim your cash back, and return the new lens back to HN? I'm pretty sure you could claim the cash back with the serial number of the lens you bought from HN originally if you haven't already registered that serial number with Nikon. If you need to use the new serial number for the cashback and then return that lens, maybe they would work it out, I'm not sure. But at least you would get the 20% discount…

      • I dont know about nikon but for each canon lens has a serial number that printed in the receipt. at least this what I got when I bought the canon 50mm 1.8 few weeks back

        • Usual disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, check with one if you need legal advice.

          Not to mention it's actually fraud. You probably won't be caught or if you are you just get refused the cashback, but why risk doing something criminal over $90.

      • Thanks for the reply, slackarse. Hmm, I don't know. When it comes to the true OzBargainer spirit I am a failure and not good at hassling. I bought it back the 18th of this month and I've actually used it so I am not sure if I can take it back and what line of reasoning I can give them to refund. Also, I've read a comment above where someone was saying that TGG might not make the purchase date for today (e.g. if one buys it now) and will put the purchase date when they process/finalize/when you pick it up or something like that? It's kinda risky so I might just accept this loss this time and wallow in my sorrow.

  • Ignore me,
    I missed the cutback

  • Is anyone else still waiting for their cash back to be approved for the D3300? Thanks.

    • Yeah, I've received my $100 cashback back last Monday.

      • Same - process was rather quick.

    • I submitted my cash back 7 days ago and it's still processing.

    • I'm still waiting to receive my cashback. Submitted on 12th of November. I just sent them an email to chase them up. :|

  • WOW. Another OzBargain special. You couldn't get these lenses USED for this price, so it's an amazing deal. THANK YOU OP!

    SO. I've just bitten the bullet thanks for the link. This will go nicely with the D3300 deal from Bing Lee. Eeeks, too much spending.

    Tried for Cash Rewards too so it's a really great price. (please let them track this one and my D3300, pleeeease!)

    My thoughts are that you could provide the paypal receipt as proof of purchase within the specified dates? On the ebay listing it says it will ship from Melbourne, as there was no local pickup available anywhere near me.

    Anyone else have any thoughts on this? I think for $35 they wouldn't kick up a fuss and the purchase has definitely been made in the specified period.

  • HI Guys ,

    r these compatible with Nikon D5100 , i am really interested , which one should i go for?

    Please advice

    • Yes, they are. Nikon DX lenses.

    • All three will work with D5100 and autofocus. However, as the 50mm f1.8G is not a DX lens, it will work as a 75mm lens for D5100, which is better for portrait photography :)

  • The 50mm would've been the only one of interest, but no stock for C&C, so might miss out.

    Excellent effort by OP however.

    • Why not pay the $5 postage? Still a bargain! Already have an email saying they are processing my order so that's two bits of evidence proving I paid within the purchase period

      • Which store location did you use for the claim?

        • +1

          The pdf invoice says Frankston store so I guess when I do the claim I'll put that in. Assuming it has an option for it.

        • +1


          Well, I went for it, looking to use that $100 eBay voucher from last month anyway, so there. Hope you're right and we both get the $35 rebate as well!

        • @quarrymaster:

          Reckon we will be all good! The store will process it pretty quickly and the invoice will be sent off with today's date. Win!

          For what it's worth my d3300 had two receipts with it. One for the day I ordered it and a copy made on the day I picked it up. So I was covered fine.

        • @Hoju:

          Got my invoice this afternoon. Just need to wait for the lens to confirm the serial number I suppose, as I don't think that's on the invoice.

          I also have no idea what My Nikon member number is.

        • @quarrymaster:

          Awesome glad it arrived just in time.
          Yeh no serial on the invoice but it'll be with you soon.

          The my Nikon life code I just took to be my username for My Nikon Life. At least that's what I put in and it accepted it. Logged into my Nikon life account and couldn't find a code anywhere!

        • @Hoju:

          Didn't reject "I don't know" as my member no. either!

        • @bargainaus:

          Thanks for the info. How bizarre!

  • +1

    Love the idea of the related deal to d3300. Well done !

  • You beauty!

    Can confirm I ordered my 50mm lens this morning and have just received my receipt via email from TGG with today's date on it.

    What a bargain. Now to hope the $7-8 cash rewards come in!

  • The 35mm lens is cheaper at Bing Lee ($235+$5) instead of ($249+$5.95) at TGG…

    edit: sorry the price just went up to $299 (four luck people purchased)

    • Haha yeh I was thinking ''wait no I checked BL price first pretty carefully before buying from TGG"
      Weird the price changed like that

      • Yeh I checked Bing Lee and Teds last night before posting and they were both more expensive at the time. Unless it was the wine goggles.

    • +1

      Weird! the price is now back at $235.

  • Thinking of upgrading my D5000 cropped frame body to a possibly full frame body next year. Should I get any of these prime lenses? The 35mm is a DX lens which won't suit a full frame body camera. What about the 50mm?

    • Same.

    • +1

      The reality is there will still be people on the crop setup. Get the lens for maximum enjoyment now and you can always sell it when you are done with it.

      Edit: on top of that if you're looking at the fx equivalent it'll most probably be more expensive, bigger and heavier.

      • Thanks, saw a few reviews, the 50mm is the FX lens and will work with a full frame body but will behave like a 75mm lens (as also pointed out above).

        • I'm buying this for my D5200 to use it like a "sort of" Portrait Lens.

  • +1

    Where was the "bit of love for Canon lenses"?

    • +1

      My question exactly, haha, I'm looking for a few links please! Thank you!

  • just paid d3300 from Binglee and looking for lens
    thanks OP

    got a question: Any idea about nikkor 18-140 lens? any good and can get cash back as well?

    • +1

      I believe this is a all purpose lens, pretty decent quality for money. It will save you carry some zoom lens for everyday use. Not for pros, but for someone like me (casual hobby).

  • seems to be soldout, I was too late to get this great deal, thx anyway

  • Excellent deal, thanks OP :-)

    I already had the 50mm 1.8f, which is my favourite lens by a mile. Have now added the 35mm to my collection.

    For those wondering about these (35 / 50mm primes), they're prime lenses (so no zooming, and you need to move around more). This means much better quality optics for your money. Lots of people advise new photographers to start with primes - they make you think about your framing, since you actually have to move around to frame stuff :-)

    • +1

      Bear in mind the crop factor if you didn't realise btw - Dx lens, but you sound like you know what you're doing.

      • Yeah, D5300 here, so no worries ;-)

        Thanks for your concern, though!

  • Ripper of a lens - enjoy, all!

    Oh one small issue I found - has trouble focusing in lower light where the kit lens (18-55mm f3.5-f5.6) would have no issue.

  • Thinking of getting 55-300 as a long distance lense, any experience you can pass on?

    • The same here but it seems no one wants to comment on it. I watched couple of review videos on YouTube last night and noticed it has an annoying noise when manual-focusing (it is fine to zoom in and out). But the picture quality is great. Just go on YouTube and see the some of the videos. That might give you an idea whether you have to go for it or not.

      • Are you sure that isn't the autofocus making the noise, not the manual?
        In my experience manual focusing is silent but can cause you to wobble the camera slightly. Autofocus is where the noise comes in. And zoom is generally pretty hard to hear

        • OK, being the novice that I am, I was confusing myself and got both the prime and zoom lenses mixed up (in another comment I replied to bargainaus a moment ago). I might be wrong but I was talking about the manual focusing on the 55-300 zoom lens. I am not sure if the link will show up here but if it does, check this 2 minute clip and see when the camera operator tries to focus after the one minute mark. There is too much noise, I don't know if that's auto or manual focus (it seems manual to me though).

          Here's the link:

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