Anyone know a good feeless card that will be elligable for the AMEX rewards they currently have going on?
I have a proper AMEX one, the Velocity Frequent flyer, but I'm curious what options are best for a secondary card?
I know some crazy people have gone up to nine cards. I don't need to take it that far.
I'm unemployed and got my AMEX about 3 months back, no issue. But was declined for the great $500/$250 back commonwealth card 2 weeks ago. Why I don't know, yeah not employed buy serious cash behind me (over 200, liquid) I make like 7k a year in interest and dividends, anyhow.
Anyone know? Was surprised AMEX approved me TBH, it was instant and they didn't check on my income.
No sure about being eligible for the AMEX rewards but the HSBC platinum is fee free (no annual fee) also comes with its own reward program or you can transfer to velocity frequent flyer