Feeless AMEX options for secondary card?

Anyone know a good feeless card that will be elligable for the AMEX rewards they currently have going on?

I have a proper AMEX one, the Velocity Frequent flyer, but I'm curious what options are best for a secondary card?
I know some crazy people have gone up to nine cards. I don't need to take it that far.
I'm unemployed and got my AMEX about 3 months back, no issue. But was declined for the great $500/$250 back commonwealth card 2 weeks ago. Why I don't know, yeah not employed buy serious cash behind me (over 200, liquid) I make like 7k a year in interest and dividends, anyhow.

Anyone know? Was surprised AMEX approved me TBH, it was instant and they didn't check on my income.


  • No sure about being eligible for the AMEX rewards but the HSBC platinum is fee free (no annual fee) also comes with its own reward program or you can transfer to velocity frequent flyer http://www.hsbc.com.au/1/2/personal/credit-cards/platinum

    • Sorry maybe my post confusing.
      I THINK? all AMEX cards are eligible for the AMEX deals that have been posted on OzB lately.
      I already have several feeless CCs, but I mean specifically AMEX as the type, rather than VISA or Mastercard, which I've already got.

      I'm aware of a few members here though, with ANZ based AMEX for example, my only issue is those poor members often have issues getting the emails or rewards.(example the current ten dollars back, shop smart credit)

      • Oh I see =) In that case this is the one I use no annual fee and has supplementary cards and is eligible for the shop small promotion

  • So you ticked unemployed and they gave you a card?

    • Well to be honest, no - I didn't. I ticked employed, put in the details of the agency I was with earlier in the year and bam it just went through, $17k card
      I'm stupid good with money, I've paid $9 interest in my entire life.

      That being said, yeah, honestly - I did tell porky pies. I'll never not pay them though, it's just how I roll :/
      Problem is convincing banks to continue to do the same for me. CommBank insisted on pay slips, so I phoned up, explained between contracts, provided screenshots of my bank balance and shares - still shot me down on a $1500 limit card, I was blown away.

      • Haha I am not one to judge.

        When you say agency, you mean like a recruitment agency?

        Anyway I would be surprised if you got lucky a second time especially in such a short time frame, but good luck.

        • Yeah recruitment agency.
          I wonder if already having an account would help? I have Bankwest, Ubank (NAB?), RAMS, and HSBC accounts.

          I only know of ANZ doing AMEX too, any others?

  • Always curious as to whether or not it matters how truthful you are re: earnings, job etc? I havent had a credit card ask me for proof before…anyone else?

    • AMEX, zero problems, I did blatently lie (but I had a good credit rating)
      CBA, denied, tried lying, they didn't approve or deny but I called with what I thought was a very plausible excuse - no luck.
      Don't know how our Credit system works in this country, but I imagine if I apply for another one in a short amount of time, I'll get denied :/ because of CBA.

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