50% off for 6 months on all subscriptions. Comes with 3 months access to Stan and NY Times. $3.50/month if you want a physical paper delivery on the weekend. Please set a reminder to cancel before the 6 months is up to avoid being charged the full rate.
SMH Digital and Print Subscriptions - 50% off for 6 Months - Starting at $1.75/W Incl. 3mo Stan

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wish the Fin Review was included
AFR digital is $99 a year if you know a uni kid :)
This is FREE. Every month they let you read 20 articles. When the pop up of "you are reaching the limit of…..", just use another browser, IE, Chrome, Firefox, Opera…… and each browser or version of browser let you read another 20 article. When you use all your browser on your mobile phone, use your tablet, laptop, work PC…
I never find the need to subscribe.Or just delete your cookies, then you can use the same browser again.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, I use CCleaner for things like this. It selectively deletes cookies. You can tell it to keep your important cookies so you don't need to keep re-entering your OzBargain password every time you visit, but delete everything else. There are probably better utilities available to manage cookies, but it works for me.
I stopped reading SMH a couple of years ago, the quality of their articles is mostly pathetic and it was full of spelling mistakes. If paid reporters can't even be bothered reading their own articles to check spelling, I'm not going to do it. When I did read a rare well-written article it usually said "Originally published in the New York Times" at the bottom. Sadly most news services seem to be like this now. I knew some fantastic talented people who used to write for SMH, but most of them have since retired.
retired or sacked?
they got rid of the talented experienced journos who gave insight and employed cadets from uni on low pay who cant analyse and just report twitter or rehash other articles.
very politically correct too.
free is all i will pay
The Age has the same deal too