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PlayStation Free Games for December Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon + More (Subscription Req'd)


Games available for free:

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, PS3

Freedom Wars, PS Vita

Gauntlet: Slayer Edition, PS4

King’s Quest — Chapter 1: A Knight to Remember, PS4

Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken, PS Vita


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closed Comments

    • +26

      They are the PS+ monthly "free" games. There is no pricing

      I do enjoy these posts as they always seem to cause debate :-P

  • +6
  • +7

    wow! freedom wars for free? lucky I delayed my purchasing!

    • I 2nd that!

      • 3 Up!

    • +1

      Bought for a fiver 6 months ago…. Have only played a few minutes of it. :( I really need more self control.

      • +1

        Same here!

        May 17th 2015
        Freedom Wars (Full Game 1.51GB) $4.80
        Soul Sacrifice™ Delta (Downloadable Game) $4.86

        • How do you see your purchase history like this!?

        • +1

          @TheWinterCold: If you use gmail search your inbox for

          from:Playstation subject:Thank You For Your Purchase

  • +1

    wanted to buy freedom war and try out gauntlet…. glad i held off :)

  • +3

    Excited about Gauntlet.. but it hasn't been much the last couple of months with PS+

    • +1

      Yep, it's been pretty poor lately.

      • This month is awesome!

    • +3

      Really? Mass Effect 2, Beyond Good and Evil, Super Meat Boy, Broken Age. They're pretty awesome games, available the last few months.

      I don't know about the rest, since I haven't played them. I'm looking forward to checking out King's Quest next month, as well as Gauntlet and SSX.

      • Shame it's only Chapter 1 of Kings Quest, most episodic games are releasing their first episode free as a teaser on all platforms. For instance Game of Thrones, Resident Evil Revelations 2

        • +2

          There's only ever been one chapter released for this version of King's Quest. The next chapter is supposed to be released by the end of this year. Perhaps that's why the first chapter has been released on PS+. Help to drum up interest in the next one.

          Anyway, I'm a fan of the old King's Quest games. So I'm interested in how they've developed the modern version.

  • +11

    Someone posts this every month but:

    If you are paying for a service, and the point of that service is to get games in exchange for a subscription fee, then when you get those games they are neither "free" nor are they a "bargain" in any significant sense.

    Your access to these games ceases if you stop paying for the service. There is no way to get the games without paying money.

    These posts are roughly like posting "this month's FREE movies!" about Netflix every month.

    Now, for the downvoting to commence…

    • +1

      I have xboxlive gold and same lock in model do you renew in the future or loose your games….once you have you have a few "free" games you renew……

      • -5

        You don't lose them on XBOX for the record… PS+ you do, till you re-subscribe.

        • +5

          On 360 you keep the games forever. On XB1 you need to keep subscribing or you can't play them (when you resubscribe you get all your old "purchased" free games back).

        • +1

          You don't lose them, but you can't access them until you resubscribe. This is only the case for Xbox one, xbox 360 you keep forever regardless.

        • @Benjamin7711:
          Should've refreshed - beaten by another Ben!

    • +1

      True they are not free but they are a bargain.

    • +4

      These posts are relevant to people like me who have lapsed subscriptions though.

    • +4

      You primarily buy playstation plus for the online functionality.

      The free games are a bonus to most.

      Think of it this way, I find most of the games to be horrible, if I was directly paying for the games I would be unhappy, but I'm not.

      • +3

        Sony makes you pay for previously free online functionality, yes.

        So you're getting these games either way, while people who don't separately subscribe to this service can't get them for free at all. Hence they are not really aligned with the purpose of this site, which is to alert people to bargains.

        And continuing to call these games "free" when you have to pay money in order to get them is misleading.

        • +2

          So just neg the deal, and move on. Everyone already knows your point. It gets brought up every month like it's a scam that no one knows about. It already says "subscription required" in the post title, so no one is being taken for a ride. If you didn't know the games are free to subscribers only, you've been living under a rock the past 5 years.

          The post is confirmed by mods to be within the rules. Move on already.

        • +2

          Hence I refuse to buy PS4 because subscription it requires for online play. PS3 was free. PS4 is no place for casual gamers. I hop on maybe once every two weeks. Don't expect me to pay for going online its too expensive

        • @neonlight: XBOX / XBOX 360 / XBOX One all required paying for online play. It's pretty annoying :(

          On PS4 if you can be bothered you can just make a new account and activate the free trial of PS+ and then you can play online on your main account until the trial ends then you just delete the new account you made and create a new one next time you want to play online.

        • -2

          @lostn: I think you might be the one who needs to move on.

          So long as this non-bargain keeps getting posted every month, I think you can expect people are going to keep commenting on it.

        • @neonlight:
          Yeah, it sux that we need to pay for something that was free before. I can understand where it comes from, though.

          Before, it would be Sony and the game studios bearing the cost of keeping game servers online. Now, they're trying to spread that cost to the consumer base.

          On the positive side, it should mean that game servers are kept online, instead of shutting them down when the game starts to wane in popularity, and the studios are not receiving much money from the game.

    • +1

      I disagree.

      I pay for xbox live so that I can play online and all the other stuff you get with a gold subscription. As of a couple years ago, free games every month wasn't even a thing.

      So yeah, they are "free"

      • +1

        So you get them without paying any money? And you would get them even if you didn't pay for a gold subscription?

        • +3

          No, just stating that I'm not paying my subscription to get them, as I'd be paying either way :)

        • The question is if they would charge less without the free games, and the answer seems to be, No.

        • -1

          @samfisher5986: You have no way of knowing that. And the fact remains that they are not 'free' and they are not a 'bargain' in the conventional sense.

        • As he said, the money he paid was for playing online, and he would have paid it with or without any games included.

          He got them free without paying any more than he was already paying.

        • @caitsith01:

          You have no way of knowing that. And the fact remains that they are not 'free' and they are not a 'bargain' in the conventional sense.

          We have every way of knowing that. As he said, he pays for Xbox Live, which charged the same as he pays now when it didn't include free games.

    • Now, for the downvoting to commence…

      That happened.

    • +1

      Thanks for that news flash. None of us knew how the deal worked.

      • -1

        Happy to help.

    • +1

      AFAIK the point of the service is not to get free games.

      But I agree, while interesting (as a PS+ member) I don't really consider them a "bargain" per se.

  • +4

    What a shit line up

    • +7

      Ssx, blood dragon and freedom wars are great!

      • +4

        IF you have a PS3, I have a PS4.

        • +2

          You can just about get a PS3 for the price of annual ps+ membership, go buy one!

        • +2

          Then you can play Gauntlet.

        • +2

          I have both PS3 and PS4, i still think these "free" games are crap!

        • +1


          not SSX surely.
          SSX Tricky was my fav on the PS2

        • +1

          @Venom_TAG: yeah at least it's co-op, so will play with family. But disappointing for an end of year lineup.

    • +3

      Yeah I know right? Games that average 8/10 scores bah, they shouldn't be giving out anything with less than a 9/10 review.

      • +1

        game could have a 10/10 score, but if it's not a genre I enjoy or am interested in (eg: golf), then it's of still of no interest even if it's the most amazing golf game in history.

        • +1

          Same could be said for any game really, different people have different tastes and they can't please everyone.

  • +14

    I hate when people bag out these posts.

    I'd rather check on this website that I visit everyday to see what games are free this month, rather than opening or going to the PlayStation Store (which I almost never visit).

    PlayStation Plus isn't JUST about the free games you know. You have to buy a subscription to play online, update your console automatically and get cloud storage for save games - all services which make me pay for it. The games are just an added bonus.

  • Wow great games. I just finished Far Cry 3so blood dragon came at a great time.

  • +1

    Blood Dragon is awesome!

  • -3

    at least put US in the title…

    • +3

      it's the same for AU

      • +1

        I apologize, haven't had a subscription for a while, when did that change??

        • its been the same for like the last year

      • +1

        not all the time, maybe it is this month.
        Australia is part of the EU release so should really like to that as officially we dont use the US store.

  • +2

    I love it how they're free!

  • +3

    Wish Blood Dragon was ported to PS4..

  • I was going to post this as a deal but didnt want to start a fight so I droped it into the forum early this morning :-P


    • Why would there be a fight? Who would fight you over it? I seem to recall that you are always the one objecting to these posts.

      • +1

        ……have you read the comments

        Thats the very reason I didn't post it as a deal

        I feel its good value for me but as someone pointed out in an previous comment users dont post every new show on netflix or every new song on spotify. Its no different.

  • A bit iffy to give us one episode of a game. Many platforms do this already in order to encourage you to buy the rest.

    • +1

      Well, to be fair, seems like the next episode isn't actually released yet, much less the complete game. Not much Sony can do about that.

      • Yeah, I know, but unless they give us the remaining episode(s) down the line then this entry isn't a very good choice.

    • It's the only episode that exists right now.

  • +1

    Sweet. I was livid when I missed the $5 flash sale on Freedom Wars. All I did was blink and it was over. This makes up for it.

  • Awesome month.
    Blood Dragon & Freedom Wars! & I will be checking out the others

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