Any Windows discounts for pensioners?


My parents computer is well pass due for an upgrade. They are both retired, and I am wondering if there are any deals for seniors on microsoft products?

Current computer is fine for what they are doing, word & web browsing. Unfortunately is running windows 2000. I had offered to upgrade the computer, but my dad said it did everything he needed already.

However, firefox/chrome/gmail refuse to support such an old OS. Now at the point where he cant do banking online, nor drivers for a new printer.

Trying to find the best deal to upgrade to get them back in the real world. I have been reluctant to do anything, since they are slow to reach into their pocket for $150 oem license. Also being old, they freak out when anything changes. Things like windows 8 metro interface would drive them bonkers.

The other issue I face, is microsoft office. I think they use office97 still, but it comes with Access. Which the current online version dont include. I think it is a separate purchase. Not sure if he uses it as much anymore. Was tracking social group membership using access for mail merge. I think may have handed that onto someone else now.

Anyhoo, am I looking at 150 windows 10 oem, and basic office subscription?


  • Any way you can make use of the Microsoft Home Use Program?

    Friend, family, partner, maybe that spotty Uni kid from down the road? I have already claimed mine. $15 for the entire Office suite.
    Back in 2011, I was able to get Windows for something like $50 off the Home Use Program, but when I recently claimed my new one, I was unable to select any operating systems — perhaps they're no longer offered?

  • +3

    you can buy from Microsoft Software Swap subreddit. $20 USD will get you Win 7/Win8 somewhere along those lines.

    inb4 keys are not legit, we all already know.

    • Derp. Completely forgot about this black magic.
      Do this, OP. ^

  • unfortunately is running windows 2000.

    WOW seriously? That is disturbing that they were still able to do internet banking.

    If you are a student you can get office for free (I'm guessing you aren't though)

    I think Windows 10 would be difficult for them. You'd be better off getting Windows 7 and change the theme to make it look like windows 2000.

    Others have told you where to get Windows for free do that at your own risk…

    Besides if it is running windows 2000 you might be even better off buying a entire new computer (or upgrade yourself and give them your old one)

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