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[XB1] Rock Band 4 Band-in-a-Box Bundle USD $224.99 + ~ $10 Shipping ($338 AUD Delivered) @Amazon

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10% off normal price
Good deal compared to buying locally ($468 from The Gamesmen)
No discount for the PS4 version but still cheaper
Shipping cost showing as USD 9.5 to Sydney, hopefully nationwide

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +1

    I bought the XBO BiaB bundle preordered from Amazon. Was so much cheaper than local, even at full price.

    No regional problems at all. I bought DLC on the Australian store for my Australian XBL profile and it all worked without any wrinkles with the US region game.

    • How much did it cost you in AUD?
      I'm mainly intersested in the game and previous gen controller adapter but could be pursuaded to buy the box

      • It was something like 370-380 AUD. Versus 500 locally. They really priced themselves out of the market for the Australian version imo.

  • Thanks, was holding out for a good price. $500 locally is ridiculous.

    Was $337.65 delivered to Sydney ($13.65 for shipping). 9-12 days delivery.

    • thanks, price updated

  • This would have been a good opportunity (first release on new consoles) for them to ditch their special drumkit.

    If they don't put out the volume of titles/songs like guitar hero franchise will (and you know GH WILL pump out songs regardless of quality) then when people decide storing two drumkits isn't possible (and you know the GH drumkit WILL come), people are going to choose the GH kit because there are more songs. Forget which franchise you personally prefer, that's the practical truth for the majority of people.

    These things are going to end up $30 on gumtree, just like last time.

    • +1

      If drums are your thing, then you can get an adaptor to use your old xbox 360 drum kit with Rock Band 4 on xbox one:

      With the Legacy Game Controller Adapter – Rock Band 4 for Xbox One seamlessly supports most wireless guitar and drum controllers from previous editions of Rock Band for Xbox 360®.

      The adapter supports up to four controllers simultaneously and enables players to use most of their existing wireless guitar and drum controllers from Rock Band 3, Rock Band 2 and most third party wireless instrument controllers for the Xbox 360.

      For a complete listing of supported wireless controllers visit: www.madcatz.com/rockband4roadie

    • Uh…. Rock Band had (and has) an order of magnitude more songs than the GH series. Better yet, they're (mostly) going to be compatible with the new RB game.

      As opposed to this:

      Based simply on the size of their song library and compatibility, RB wins hands down. On instrument variety, RB allows bass and drums right now, as well as backwards compatibility for instruments (with or without adapter, depending on platform).

      RB also lacks a FMV campaign (a plus to me) and allows you to replay DLC songs without jukebox microtrans (presuming you bought them).

      FWIW, I own all of the GH and RB games and spinoffs, including the new GH and with the new RB as the only exception - because of the ridiculous local price. So I'm certainly not partisan in the typical gamefanboi way.

      The local price is really where RB loses out, and it seems Amazon is the solution.

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