Bought one of these last year for my brother for Xmas with this on it: (coppied the idea off one I saw on the internet) and he loved it.
Trying to decide what to put on one this year for him.
Bought one of these last year for my brother for Xmas with this on it: (coppied the idea off one I saw on the internet) and he loved it.
Trying to decide what to put on one this year for him.
It wasn't a original idea, I coppied this one:
But this year I'll try to find something original to put on it.
Possibly the best thing I have seen this year
George bush "mission accomplished" image ?
Why would you want a fat Asian on your mug.
I can't imagine why you'd want a coiling brown stream on your mug either, but each to their own 😝
i wonder if there's any rules as to what you want on the mug…
I bought 4 BigW photo mugs about a year ago for $5 each and I ended up having to return them all because the photos started peeling off 3 of them and the 4th one chipped on the inside (how is that even possible?). Still a great price for a novelty gift. Maybe their $6 cups are better quality ;)
Did you send them through a dishwasher, because they are not dishwasher safe at all?
I got a few last time they had $5 ones at Hardly Normals and one of the kids sent one through the dishwasher and the print start coming off a bit. Have been fine if handwashed.
Hand wash all of them you will have no issues
I've got one that's been through the dishwasher at least 50 times. Still looks good.
do they print porn?
Only the pigs would want to print porn.
Watch out for getting "charged" by law enforcements, not worth your $5
Hi OP,
can you help to list the expiry date for this great offer? I may do it tonight as i have photos but at home…..
I don't know, sorry.
When I click to buy it made me download the app. Did that, but can't find the mug at this price in the app.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Buy Now > Mugs and Drinkware > Mugs > Standard Mugs
That should show 4 styles for $6 each.
Mine actually goes right to the standard mugs when I click buy now but last night I remember I had to start from the start.
I was thinking this would be good on a mug..…
mine from Hardly Normal a couple of years ago:…
I've had them done at both HN and BigW and reckon that the BigW ones are better quality
Cheers just ordered a few!!!
I have the exact same photo on my mug haha. Great minds eh.
I probs wouldn't get full wrap around this time. You can't see the worker and the lube at the same time haha.
Are these comparable quality to the vistaprint mugs? The photos look much less grainy than the ones I have but none of mine have had any issue with fading/peeling in the dishwasher.
lol at photo. Nice one @ezarc. I also brought one of these cups last year for Christmas. Good stocking filler.