Hi there. Long time lurker and first time posting dude etc.
I'm a student and recently got a new job for over the summer, as my other casual jobs wind down around the end of the year. This new job gave me a whole bunch of the usual documents to fill out and sign. One such document was the standard super choice form which you get at the start of any new job. However, the version they gave me had already been pre-filled with the details of their selected superfund and had the part where you would normally put your own superfund details crossed out. Obviously I was a bit confused and gave them a call, and they told me I couldn't select my own (I was told this was part of the EBA, although it was a little vague) but I could merge them later on.
I haven't had my first shift yet so I am not super (heh) keen on rocking the boat, especially if this is something normal that I had just never encountered before. But the job only lasts for a few months so I won't be getting much in the form of super anyway, so anything going into it would presumably be eaten up by admin fees and then a transfer fee when I want to add the funds into my favoured account at a later date.
Any ideas?
Correct. This is part of the union movement.
The fund will be an industry (union controlled) superfund.
The main aim of mandatory union superfund is to provide ex union bosses an alternative to retirements funds as overpaid directors in case they can't make it into parliament.
Check out who's director in I'll these superfunds.