Shoppingsquare is offering the best price of Acer LCD Monitor on the market.
Now, you even can save the postage when purchase 2 x Acer LCD Monitor
- Acer X193W 19" LCD Monitor $199 each, Delivered (After $29 Cash Back)
- Acer X223W 22" LCD Monitor $295 each, Delivered (After $29 Cash Back)
- Acer AL2416WD 24" LCD Monitor $553 each, Delivered
- Acer AL2616WD 26" LCD Monitor $886 each, Delivered
"Acer AL2616WD 26” LCD Monitor $886 each" is a bit too much if compare with:
28" LCD Viewsonic VX2835WM $750
32" (80cm) Viewsonic N3240WB-E $749