This was posted 9 years 3 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Panasonic 25mm F1.7 MFT USD $99 (~ AU $138) + Shipping from B&H Photo Video

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I just ordered one and it was accepted. I'm not sure if this is a mistake. I hope my order gets fulfilled. DHL saver shipping was $12 for me to Adelaide. An absolute bargain for a new release, micro four thirds lens.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    No, it is not price mistake. Adorama is also selling $99. I guess this is similar to 50mm f/1.8 on dlsr that somehow easier to manufacture hence the price.

    • -3

      It's for a 2.0 crop factor sensor, so you're right about 50mm but f3.4

      • -2

        f stays 1.7, only focal distance multiplied by 2 i.e 25mmx2 = 50mm

        • +2

          When you compare the image to a FF system, it's the equivalent to a 50mm f3.4. It won't be identical to a 50mm f1.7 on FF.

        • +1

          @Raima: Only the effect of bokeh. Both lenses will perform the same in the same light. Only the depth of field is affected…

        • @Raima: Aperture f/1.7 is f/1.7 whatever the sensor size. Unless you modify the setup say using focal reducer etc.

        • @imnotarobot:
          Then that wouldn't be performing the same in the same light. You can say 'it lets in same amount of light' but not perform the same.

        • @tikei: semantics. You know what I mean.

        • @imnotarobot: and the depth of field is the most important part because most people buy fast lenses for subject and background isolation, not faster shutter speeds.

        • -1

          @Orpheus: Urghhhhh. mashes head into keyboard
          Ok. I was wrong. Bokeh is the one defining reason people buy a lens, and this M43 lens doesn't do it as good as a full frame version.
          Guess everyone should go buy full frame coz m43 will never be as good, yo!!!11!!!!one!!!!

        • +4

          @cheapo999: That is true but if one says it's equivalent to 50mm f/1.7 in FF system then he or she is wrong.

        • +1

          M4/3 has one quarter the sensor area of 35mm full-frame, so it will gather a quarter the amount of light. Shooting a M4/3 sensor at ISO1600, for example, will make it work around as hard as a 35mm full-frame sensor (of similar technology) at ISO400.

          So yes, this lens is a 50mm f/3.4 in terms of depth of field and also low light performance. That said, it's not a bad thing, I use M4/3 all the time (E-M1, G7) and it's great.

        • This is incorrect. f is f3.4 in 35mm equivalents. Raima is correct.

        • An explanation when comparing lenses to accommodate for crop factor, you need to multiply the focal length as well as the aperture


        • @paulsterio:
          I think M43 simply has the advantage of being lightweight, image quality wise mostly ok in daylight and on tripod at night.
          I haven't used a full frame yet, but I'd imagine unless you put the ISO up to at least 1600 or 3200, it's still very hard to get a clear no shake image when handheld.

        • @Raima:
          a reply to that video:

          So in short, just so people don't misunderstand this - you're actually talking about the the effective DoF, not the actual amount of light coming through the lens. Logically, an f/2.8 on a full-frame is still a f/2.8 on a m43-camera, however the effective depth of field is equivalent of a f/5.6. This has to do with the size of the sensor, as you very well explained.
          Great explanation, just some bits and pieces that could've been misunderstood.

          So I guess essentially it's still the same aperture, in this case F1.7 is F1.7 regardless of the fact that it's a M43 lens, but you will only see the shallow depth of field effect (bokeh) that is similar to a F3.4 full frame lens. (and 50mm focal length)
          Please correct me if I'm wrong.

        • @clse945111:

          That is correct. I appreciate the clarification.

        • @clse945111: Yes, you are right. The aperture stated on the lens is for the lens. Not sure why have to refer to other sensor sizes.

        • It doesn't matter if you're using full frame, but if you're using another sensor, it's good to understand the comparable effects. Different lenses on different sensors take different pictures in terms of field of view and depth of field. Marketing from manufacturers will lead you to believe the depth of field from a f1.7 lens for a four thirds will provide the same bokeh of a full frame f1.7. This clearly isn't the case.

        • @clse945111: I use both 35mm full-frame and M4/3 on a professional basis. I've shot M4/3 and clients have been very happy with the results.

          That said, the low-light performance on FF is simply a lot better and that's just physics. If you shoot at ISO6400 on M4/3, that's what ISO1600 will look like on FF. If you shoot a lot of low-light action, this is important. For low-light static shots, the E-M1 is a better choice because sensor stabilisation will give you back more than an effective 2 eVs of light.

      • My Hasselblad has a larger sensor than the "Full Frame" so your 50mm f1.8 DSLR lens isn't actually f1.8. Oh wait..;)

        • Yes, it also works the other way for medium format. The bokeh is much better on MF and the focal length provide a wider view compared to FF. FF is the bench mark reference that everyone generally uses.

          I would love to get a Pentax 645Z :)

    • Really? These used to be around 250-300 so that's quiet the price drop!

      • You are right. Thats kind of price drop is unsual. Ebay sellers (us) are also selling for the same price. I wonder if this ia just a temporary price drop or new lower rrp.

        • +1

          Black Friday

  • thanks that very cheap - order one myself

  • I am considering other 25mm options: pana f/1.4 or mitakon f/0.95.

    • And they are how much?

  • This is the new midrange f1.7, sitting below the 25mm f1.4. I wonder how it stacks up against the Olympus 25mm f1.8.

    At this price, it's damn cheap for a micro four thirds natural focal length.

    • +1

      Cant resist, I just bought one 😊. Thanks OP.

    • +1

      Seems like flare is still a problem….

      Probably give a pass on this and stay with the 20.

  • Love a deal, but already got a "14-140mm/F4.0-5.8 ASPH./MEGA O.I.S." on my GH1. Looks like a big F stop difference though.

    Telephoto…that, I'd like! 280equiv just ain't enough sometimes.

    • +5

      When I first started using a digital camera, I used kit zoom lens and was happy with the result, then I made the silly decision to buy a 50mm and was like 'where have you been all my life'… The difference between a zoom lens and prime, especially with a large aperture is in a different league all together.. Images are crisper, more dynamic and the bokeh can be dreamy.

      While I'm not trying to push anyone here to buy this lens, if you don't own at least one prime lens (and a 50mm equivalent at that!) you really are missing out on some wonderful creative photographic opportunities….

      • Agreed.

      • +1

        In FF world, what you said is not necessarily true. Many new generation zoom lenses perform better or as good as the budget prime lenses because these prime lenses are usually not very good at its maximum aperture. For example Canon 24-70 f/2.8L II at f/2.8 is as sharp as Canon 50 f/1.8 or Canon 70-200 f/2.8L II at f/2.8 is as sharp if not sharper than Canon 85 f/1.8 at f/2.8. Of course the zoom lenses are much bigger, heavier and more expensive but you can't deny its convenience. If you were comparing it with only budget zoom lenses then I would agree with you.

        • True to an extent. There will be examples that is the case. But primes on average are better optically than zooms. Take the Sigma Art lenses for example. And the point you made about the weight, size and price of 2.8 zooms are big factors.

        • +1

          @Dan83: I did mention "budget" prime lenses. Sigma Art prime lenses are not budget prime lenses and they are almost as big or as heavy as the zoom lenses.

        • @KRRacing: True, you did mention "budget". Although where do you draw the line with that I wonder? And, yes, the Sigma's are pretty big and heavy, so maybe not the best example of you stick with "budget" primes!
          Don't get me wrong, the 2.8s are great, but even a "budget" prime can outperform. As an example, the budget Nikon 50 1.8g (doesn't get much cheaper) scores 33 and 22 P-Mpix/sharpness with a D810 on DXO. The Nikon 24 70 2.8 scores a 29 and 21 sharpness. Not a huge difference, but that 50 is very cheap, light and small, and outperforms the zoom. Of course, this might not always be the case, 2.8 zooms may outperform some budget primes, but generally I would expect not. Nikon's 1.8g series primes are awesome!

        • @KRRacing:
          The Sigma Arts (in M34 mount) are below $200 so how does that not qualify as budget especially as there's nothing from Olympus or Panasonic that good or cheap?

      • My lens isn't your typical kit lens, though. The quality for photo and 720p still blows me away, and that's without hacks.

    • How is a 14-140 at all similar to a 20/1.7?

      • I mentioned/noticed the big F difference. But I use the zoom-range a lot more than I would a faster lens. I s'pose we all have our habits, and learn to work wihin our possible-restraints.

  • Utopian, I have the similar Olympus lens. But you still need a fast lens for indoor shooting, or better bokeh.

  • Was looking for a used panna 25mm f1.4 but would settle for the 20mm f1.7 for size but couldn't resist this deal.
    Thumbs UP!

  • The compact 20mm f/1.7 lens has slow auto-focus speed. How is the auto-focus speed of this 25mm lens in comparison?

    • But oh so light n compact.

    • Very fast (and silent), from initial reports

    • +1

      Yes it'll work on all Panasonic and Olympus Micro Four Thirds cameras (including your GF6). Though Olympus bodies may experience more fringing and flare.
      I'd definitely pick it up, if I didn't already have the Olympus 25 1.8

      • Why more fringing and flare?

        • modern pana bodies has ca correction built-in for their own lumix g lenses

  • Nice find! Thanks for sharing

  • Already have the 12-42mm f2.8
    any situation that would realistically make me take that off and use this instead?

    • Significantly lighter, better bokeh @25mm and lower iso shooting indoor.

  • -1

    not really surprised this is being sold on cheap. The 25mm lens is being given away as part of Panasonic's summer promotion.
    People who are not interested on a prime lens will be dumping these on ebay.

    • Not really, 2 different sides of world. Promo is only for Oz.

      • But picking up cheap on local eBay is interesting.

        • Extremely unlikely we'll see any sold as cheap as this deal. I reckon they'll still fetch $200+ on eBay. We are in AUS after all, not the US :)
          I'm more curious to see if the Oly 25mm will be shedding any $$ in competition

  • wow… Awesome price

  • Crazy cheap, but will have to pass as I can't see myself using it much when I've already got the panny 20/1.7 in my arsenal.

  • Brilliant timing, ordered me the 45mm 1.8 the other day and was contemplating the 25 1.4 for $600 so I've gone for this one for $150 to save a stop or so of light :)

    Thanks OP

  • Is this comparable to the Leica 25mm Summilux? I was just about to buy it.

  • This is essentially the new nifty fifty for m43 shooters.

    Here's another review.

    I'm not convinced I need one.

  • Ok just got an email to say there was an error in the listing and its out of stock when I purchased it. I ordered mine at about 35 clicks, has anyone got an email to say it will be shipped?

  • Should I get this if I have a Panasonic Lumix G 20mm f/1.7 II ASPH already? So tempting!

    • If you are a stills shooter then you don't really need it but for Video with auto-focus its a good upgrade. The focus speed will lock on quick on the 25mm where has 20mm hunts a bit in low light.

  • +1

    "we regret to inform you that due to a system error the ordered merchandise is not in stock"
    "you may leave your order active and we will ship your order as soon as the products become available, or you may cancel the order and receive a full refund"
    damn….. what to do….

    • checked Adorama site and shipping was $60 bucks!
      Do you think Bhpv would send it at this price when they get stock?
      websites nows says "new item : comming soon" instead of instock as before.

    • Yeah I got the same e-mail. It's a great price for a new lens so I'm going to wait it out.

  • Very tempted…..Already got the 20mm pana… Not sure if i'd use the 25mm that much…

  • damn! Very good price.
    Recently bought 25mm f1.8 Olympus for $350 for a mate.

  • How often do bhphoto make pricing mistakes? Have they honoured them in the past?

  • this deal is insanely good…i just really hope they honour the sale

    • +1

      I don't think it is a price error. I think it was a preorder and initialize listed with stock.

  • +1

    OH mannn, I would definately jump on this deal if I have not got my olympus 25 mm previously. This is a very good lense and a very good price.

  • -1

    Already got 25/1.4….

  • Great value, thanks for sharing. Had been waiting out for a good deal on the Olympus 25mm f/1.8.

  • now i just need a good body to replace the rarely used gf3.

    • Girlfriend 4?

  • Ordered one, thank you!

    • Thanks, ordered one. $160aud delivered to Adelaide. It's on back order so who knows if or when I'll get it but least it hasn't been cancelled.

      • "Processing Completed at Origin
        Secaucus, NJ, US" since 25nov. Getting impatient!

    • Finally posted after almost a month of "back ordering".

      • Worth the wait! I'm getting some great shots of the kids with pretty nice bokeh. Focus is fast. Used it to get shots on the slip N slide. Close ups of the cat with nose in focus but ear not. Cool

  • Yep got one too. $155 to Syd. Preferred using Paypal.

    Already have an Oly 45mm f1.8 but this one should have better background coverage for portraits.

  • +2

    Just got an email saying my order has been shipped.

  • My order page in Accounts on B&H says "In stock, order sent to warehouse DHL Saver "

    • now says shipped, still awaiting email tho.

  • I missed the deal but manage to bought from B&H used department for US$79. Order has been shipped.
    Never seen M4/3 fast lens at this price.

  • my order status is still on order. what does it mean?

    • same here! probably waiting for more stock?

  • Received my lens today.

    • Apparently mine is at Origin Secaucus, NJ, US. 😭

      • That was my last tracking update as well. I believe there's no more tracking once it's in aus. You'll probably get your lens pretty soon!

        • Thanks, I hope that's the case.

        • @reu: Mine is from Secaucus as well. It arrived this morning. Pretty good condition even it's from BHP used department.
          Sadly the tracking is not updated for inside australia

        • +1


          Mine arrived! It's low light performance seems to be quite a bit better than the zuiko 12-50mm f3.5- as expected. Now to get used to using a prime. 8-)

        • @ferolen:

          Used? I didn't think that these were supposed to be used. Mine seems new and there's nothing in the paper work that I can see that indicates that it might be used.

        • @reu:
          I did purchased the "used" one from BHP ($79). You can buy the used version (+- 20% OFF) from BHP, just look around underneath "add to cart" area. Not available on all items though.

          Pretty happy with the lense, although the build quality feels lower than the kit lense.

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