I'm planning to buy Star Wars Battlefront so I wanna know if there's any chance of a price drop during Christmas sale even though it came out recently? If not, I'm planning to get the standard edition off GMG for $69.07 AUD.
Star Wars Battlefront for PC

How come?? Other than the maps, is there anything else that makes it not that good??
The visuals are stunning and the gameplay is simple. I don't own it myself but have watched reviews on youtube about it.
Ive got it on xbox one. Its pretty damn fun even with only a few maps. Completely intuitive too.
I really like Star Wars so I honestly don't think I'll be too disappointed
It's a very casual shooter game. There is not much emphasis on core FPS elements and the gameplay is very simple.
For e.g there is little to no gun recoil, you shoot as accurately while on the move as you are standing still, and there is no ammo management (all guns overheat if fired for too long) and even the skills or gadgets you use, tend to have short recharge times.
Unlike Battlefront II, you cannot play as a Medic (because of regenerating health), you cannot repair your team's vehicles (there is no Engineer class or Welding tools) and you cannot refill Ammo or place explosive charges (no demolitions or support items). In other words, there is no clearly defined role and teamwork is not as essential.
There's also a lot of grenade spamming (esp. barrage) which can be infuriating on certain maps.
There are only 11 main weapons.. Then again, the previous Battlefronts of earlier years also did not have many weapons, but you had different player classes. This time, there is no class-based selection, you simply roll with a selectable main weapon and three gadgets or abilities. No limit on usage, just based on refresh timers. Some of them are clearly overpowered atm, but it'll eventually get balanced out soon.
Teamplay — you get paired with a random buddy or your friend if invited into a game. If you have a Buddy, you can respawn on him but without one you respawn all the way back at the base and will have to walk all the way into the firefight. There's also no way to join a squad or manually partner up with somebody. Pretty big design oversight.
But if you like SW franchise and generally just enjoy playing for the Star Wars feel then I suppose it's worth buying, but its a very far cry from modern shooters like BF4 or COD. But the novelty will wear off quickly because there's not much depth to the game.
Thank you for the response. To be honest, I'm not getting Battlefront as an FPS since I spend many many hours on CSGO almost daily. I never got the chance to get into the older SW games so Battlefront would be the first but I do like FPS and the SW franchise in general.
Way to kill the fun. Its fun. End of thread.
Measuring games in 'fun' is like measuring rainfall by judging how many people said "Sure is raining pretty hard today". A kid can have fun with a ball on a cup for 5 minutes. There's arguably as much content with a Ball on a Cup than there is with this game. Anyway, the point is, fun is subjective, and I find a lack of content to be the antithesis.
EA did their usual shtick of taking something people already liked, ripped as much content as they could get away with (and then some), and made it almost dissimilar with an already popular franchise. Oh, and, of course, they hyped it as hard as they could get away with, (and then some). If it were so fun… Would the metacritic page really look like this? http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-one/star-wars-battlefron…
People need to stop listening to the hype-horns of the major companies. You could have an umpteenth amount of fun with a game that passes under the radar and isn't SHOVED IN OUR FACES. Like Binary Domain. Or Nier. Less so Nier…. Very less so.
I'd have to agree with this, EA / Dice haven't been making good games since BF3…
BF4 was pretty buggy at first and by the time the issues were fixed, 75% of the community lost interest.
BF Hardline was trash (single player was short but actually quite decent), online pc community is dead, last time i checked there were less than 32 players on at any given time.
From the reviews is SW BF I'm scared same thing will happen and I've been avoiding it until the hype settles.
Sorry to upset the fun police. No need to take
It so seriously, it's a cheap game.@thorton82: Is it? 67 bucks (from most places, on PC at least) is not, in my opinion, a 'cheap game'. Nor would I pay 67 dollars for an online only experience, especially, when given the nature of EA, there's probably already 3 DLC's and 8 on the way for $15 to $40 a pop.
It's not a cheap game. Undertale is a cheap game. Counter Strike Global Offensive is a cheap game. Battlefront is not a cheap game. Plus I don't need to give my computer a virus (trojan codename Origin) to install those games.
At the current price, when you have no story to make up for your lack of content, it has to be taken at a "What am I getting for my money's worth" face value, like a lunch or a service. Judging by scrimshaw's and rogr's content numbers; that's 6 bucks per gun, 10 bucks per map, and 20 bucks per mode, if you're thinking about the content you get for the money.
And $67 for the ability to regenerate hp. Oh goodie, sign me up for casual sewage, right into my mouth, please! Thankyou, EA.
@FrankMcFuzz: Dude, its a game, you care way too much. $67 for multiple hours entertainment is cheap entertainment. Analysing a game is like ripping the wings off a butterfly to see how it works.
@thorton82: Sure, sure. But you could spend the same $67 on 3 - 5 better games for 10 fold the amount of value and fun. Alternatively, you could just play Battlefront 2, which is easily better without argument. And i got it for 1 buck on steam on the 4th of May this year.
Everyone will be sick of this game in 2 weeks, but, judging by the media and metacritic pages, they already are. It's Titanfall all over again.
Dude, its a game, you care way too much
Why do you even play games if you don't care about them? It's extremely reasonable for someone to weigh up the pros and cons of a purchase before they drop money on it.
$67 for multiple hours entertainment is cheap entertainment
This is so ridiculously subjective. It's not cheap if you don't have any FUN in your "multiple hours". I was done with the game after an hour and a half with the beta. There are literally thousands of cheaper games that may offer drastically better value.
Analysing a game is like ripping the wings off a butterfly to see how it works.
The hell? What sort of nonsense is that? That analogy implies that a game reviewer goes into DICE and slaughters everyone in the building in order to give it a score.
It seems pretty clear that you don't understand anyone having opinions that differ to yours.
It's Titanfall all over again.
I would argue Titanfall is the better game. The Titans + pilot movement mechanics made for quite a unique FPS experience - but people got over it crazy fast and the playerbase just died. Battlefront is extremely pretty, and sounds amazing… but that's about as much as I got out of it. I'm a Star Wars geek, but I can't ever see myself buying this game.
@johnno07: Exactly. Titanfall had some unique ideas, but ultimately, it hyped itself way too much, claiming not only that it would be a wholly brand new experience but that it would kill CoD. And despite my opinion on that franchise, it's a dumb thing to claim.
Once again, a lack of a meaningful singleplayer or offline campaign turned players away. $80 Multiplayer only games hurt themselves, when you can start playing TF2 or Dota2 with your friends right now for free, which are, arguably, better experiences.
The sweet spot for MP only games seems to be in the $20-$30 range at the moment (on PC). I've gotten over a hundred hours of fun out of Rocket League for its ~$25 entry price. I've also had heaps of fun with 'Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes' with my non-gaming significant other for a sub-$20 outlay. This is just recently, too. Both of these games offer really unique multiplayer experiences for their comparatively small price tags.
The lesser financial barrier also means you get a bigger player base too. Obviously CoD is in it's own league here - being able to charge full price and ship millions of units of what is basically the same game every year is a publishers dream!
Its USD26.99 via Mexico origin at the moment following this guide https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/123829
Orgin mexico
US$23.99 ( about $34.76 with paypal rate )
It's not that good to be honest. There's less than five maps at the moment.