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Star Wars: The Blueprints, Hardcover Book $49.99 Delivered from QBD


Pretty massive book, 336 pages, hard cover, weighs almost 4kg.

Bookdepository has this for AU$97.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Clever pricing, perfect timing.

    $50 delivered would cover a lot of people for Christmas present ideas, and I heard (just a rumour I think) that there might be a new Star Wars movie coming out. Don't hold me to it though.

    • -4

      "..there might be a new Star Wars.." I want to believe but veridicality it's spurious memory.

      • +1

        I Googled "veridicality", and still dont understand it :).

        Can someone explain it better than Wiki? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veridicality

        (I didn't neg you btw, maybe others didnt understand you either :))

        • lol it was suppose to be a joke(not very good) about your statement of a rumored movie and your avatar "I want to believe", maybe the neg was for the poor context of the word veridicality.

          Toward an Explanation of the UFO Abduction Phenomenon: Hypnotic Elaboration, Extraterrestrial Sadomasochism, and Spurious Memories.
          "…people develop a high degree of confidence in the veridicality of spurious UFO abduction memories"

        • @Fred:

          Nup… still dont get it.

          But thanks for trying :).

  • Awesome. Just ordered.

    It's over $90 on book depository…



  • +1

    and to think the Rebels bothered with spies when they could have just been on ozbargain ;)

    • +4

      Pretty sure they were. Why else would you choose to wear a highly visible color like orange?

  • +1

    Yeah it is an impressive book. I got it last week.

  • +1

    GF picked this up in store for me this week. Huge book, looks really good.

  • +4

    Just be aware, this book is heavy! I picked one up at QBD and almost walked away with a hernia! On the other hand if you do buy this you will eventually have people complimenting your rig saying: "Whoa! Do you lift bro?" To which you can reply: "no, I am just a Star Wars fan"

  • Good deal. Looked at this previously on Amazon but this is significantly cheaper. Bought!

    Thanks OP.

  • I wish the blueprints were blue.

  • This is great! Thanks, order a few as gifts and one for myself :)

  • Thanks for posting! This is one of our favourite products of the year. We currently have plenty of this title in stock, and it usually ships in 1-2 business days after your order is placed :)

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