The Ultimate Incredible deal from a Martial Arts school is back!
Free Trial to Kung Fu Classes from Jow Ga Ken (VIC)

Last edited 28/02/2016 - 16:50 by 1 other user
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Pretty reasonable though. I spent more on taekwondo uniform and pads.
Not saying that it is not reasonable but it is an obligation, which contradicts what is said in the post :)
So… it's not really free OP, is it?
Hey guys, we have updated the registration form its not required to purchase any uniform during your trial. So it's a complete freebie, Cheers!
Well done op. Great response
Yeah, show them some jv fu
Only on the second trial month sounds reasonable. Not a bad deal though.
Excellent offer to genuine students. I suppose dropout rate must be high.
Hi Alex, we have 60-70 members in our school and we are a new martial arts school in the area that's why we are trying our best for growth by letting more people learn this style of martial arts for free. We started the trials last year and many students are still with us. The drop-out are the ones that are unable to attend our Saturday class due to other commitments, since in the end we only run one two hour class per week, and not everyone is free at that set time and day. Cheers!
"Ah, our new punching bags have arrived… welcome, please stand over there."
had almost that experience once… never went back.
At the same place as this deal's offering?
no! sorry for confusion, another kung fu place. had been going a few times only. one instructor was awesome, really great guy, when he was away the other guy made me hold a bag while he roundhoused kicked it full power. had neck whiplash for a few days after. guess he didn't want me around…
OH mannn please have an offer like this at sydney please!
At Kings Cross on Friday nights?
Are we still talking about Kung Fu?
Nah that's MMA.
Are runners preferable or a flatter shoe such as Converse Chuck Taylors more preferable for training?
Depends if they make you the punching bag or not…
Based on an earlier comment, I'd prefer the runners lol
I feel flat shoes provide more grip so you can stand your ground when being the punching bag whereas running will cause the whole dojo to kick your ass
Dunlop Volley is the best for kung fu training.
Hidden T&Cs:
In order to redeem a years pass, applicants must spar with Grandmaster Jow-Ga Kuen (9th Dan International Kung Fu Champion).
Oh cool, a few of my friends are actually students there
You know you want to tom ;)
Oh dang, they've got me
Any classes for kids from the age of 5?
Sorry pink currently we don't cater for students under the age of 13, cheers!
Nice try pink.. This aint a 1 year free child care pass for your kids… j/k ;)
School of hard knocks? ;)
So what sort of system is Jow Ga Keun, what are its fundamentals?
"This system is an aggressive system that emphasizes long range techniques and blitz attacks. The power is generated from the hips in a rotating fashion. Elusive footwork is also prominent in this system as are grappling, throwing, high and low kicks. Intercepting and jamming are favorite techniques employed."
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting.
Those kicks were fast as lightning.
I signed up :) Used to do wushu during my uni days so it would be nice to start over and keep at this! I am going to be away during Christmas and half of January though, is that okay?
Hi Crystalstar, no worries just come down on dec to confirm your registration in person so it's all good. Cheers!
Do you have to go EVERY Saturday?
Is this ok for a completely unfit person? lol
if i join to be long term member, is that possible not to wearing those shiny silky black pants?? it is really bothering me with such kind of uniform..
We actually got some non-shiny versions different materials but still silky. Its very light and comfortable, we chosen these specifically due to its lightweight to train martial arts with. Cotton pants tend to be very stuffy, sweating and hot especially if we were to train in 30-40 degree weather.
Great deal. I for one was gonna sign up but knowing myself I prob would hv not continued on next year so keeping it for another ozbargainer and helping out the business :)
Nice. I'd definitely sign up if there was a school near me!
Too bad you can't practice martial arts in real life in this country without having to deal with police, lawyer, investigators, etc afterwards. Even just to justify a self defense.
I recommend Iwama Aikido - it is one of very few true self defence martial arts ever taught (there are no attacks), it doesn't allow 'compliance' or 'choreography' like most other forms of Aikido and is one of the most scientifically complex martial arts.
Any art that involves kicking or groundwork is logically poor. Kicking is inherently unstable (standing on one leg can never be as stable as two) and groundwork can never defend against more than one attacker simultaneously.Congratulations on being officially clueless…kudos! ;)
People hate it when the shortcomings of their martial art is highlighted.
Thats a very myopic and flawed view of self defence. No wonder you got flamed. If there are more than 1 attacker, or if the attacker has a knife, I suggest you run, quickly. 1 on 1s, standup+ground game will pretty much own everything.
@clubhonda: there are plenty of martial arts, like Iwama Aikido, that provide weapons defences. Heck we even used to do public displays/demos showing defences to baseball bat, shotgun, knife, sword, etc, etc
As for more than one attacker, Iwama Aikido is designed on the assumption of multiple simultaneous attackers
Yup, totally agree if you're talking about walking up and trying to throw a roundkick to the head with no setup.
But knowing basic bjj to get up off the ground, or to smother or control someone bigger than you who is on top is very handy. I can play wrestle with bigger guys and while I suck at bjj, I can still use position and control in order to get back to my feet.
Next topic … which religion is the best.
All martial arts are flawed in some way, It could be argued that a martial art that only does blocks and counters is flawed .. if an attacker presents an opportunity to be struck with low risk to yourself then it should be taken as you may not block the next attack.
What happens if I can't make it on the 28th ? Can I come on December to redeem the 1 year pass?
Yes no worries as long as its during December, since we can only cater for a limited amount of people. First in first serve basis.
Can 4 year olds start?
Hi, I was on holidays til today, and didn't realise that there was no lesson tomorrow (26th). Is it still possible to come in and confirm my registration either tomorrow or on some other day?
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