After some interesting discussions in this thread, we are trialing a simple way for people to submit deals anonymously. The barriers of submitting a deal can be summarized as follows:
Those who are associated with the deal such as employees or some other relationship. I can empathize as my previous job had a couple of deals which I would have liked to have posted however it would have opened up a can of worms. While rare, we have had to deal with a couple of situations where an employee posted a great deal for the company they worked at, only for the management (or different management) to catch wind and order the employee to remove the deal putting their job at risk.
Those who can't be bothered, not sure if it is a deal, don't have time, lazy, worried about feedback etc.
Those in the latter category are highly encouraged to submit the deals themselves.
How it works
- Forward/Send an email to [email protected] or use our contact formand select "Deal Submission" as the category.
- A mod will then remove any personal/identifying information and post it as a comment in this thread.
Anyone is then free to post it as a deal given it's verifiable. If time permits, moderators may post the deal themselves. We also get emails from affiliate networks which we can also post as a comment here.
Well, let's see how we go.
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