This was posted 9 years 3 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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KitchenwareDirect - Click Frenzy Global Masuta 5pc Knife Block Set $169.86 Delivered


Awesome price for 5pc Global knife set. The ceramic sharpener itself is already around $100. The three knives included are the ones that I use all the time from my own 7pc set.

Cheapest elsewhere for this Global Knife Block set is $250+. It was already cheapest at KitchenwareDirect at $199.95, adding the 20% off coupon code makes it $159.96, + $9.90 shipping = $169.86.


  • 1 x Paring Knife 10cm (GS6)
  • 1 x Vegetable Knife 14cm (GS5)
  • 1 x Cook's Knife 20cm (G2)
  • 1 x Ceramic Sharpener 22cm (G74)
  • 1 x Bamboo Cutlery Storage Block

Original coupon code post

This is part of Click Frenzy deals for 2015

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Sharp deal… Moocher. wink

    • +3

      Nice stab at making a pun, sure he will be all cut up….

      • +1

        I see you got the point, now stick around…

        • +2

          Way to handle your comments, good to see you steel got it…

        • +2

          @clarky: You fight like a dairy farmer.

        • @arc4ne: looks like Ozbargainers are amongst the sharpest knives in the block (draw)

  • +1

    Very good price. Too bad my mundial knives are still great

    • I have Mundial knives too. They're so good!

    • Time to try Japanese then. Once you go Japanese you can't go back, and Global is probably the best entry Japanese knives to get familiar with.

  • +1

    Cut it out

  • -1

    What a steel, that's a sharp deal, better chop chop to it.

  • +2

    Five piece, three knives.

  • +1

    Got two, plus will claim back on GST as tools of trade! $165 each then! Awesome deal OP, (s)hears!

    • +2

      I think you cannot carry knives on board

      • +2

        Tools of trade (I assume @lordra is a chef), not TRS (tourist refund scheme).

      • Yes you can, it says here

        Just dont be silly and dont try to bring it inside the cabin. If you put it in your luggage you will be fine. Declare it if you must

  • everything you need except for a bread knife

  • +1

    It is a good price. Just bear in mind, that's not a sharpener, it is a honing rod.

    You'll want to get a whetstone to sharpen it every few months or so.

    • typically for rods made of steel yes, but the global sharpening steel is made of ceramic, so it actually does sharpen

      • +1

        tshow is correct.

        A sharp blade has a very fine apex and will roll over itself with normal use. Honing is the process of straightening the edge and should be done at least once every time you use your knife. Most commonly this is done with a honing rod (steel or ceramic) or a strop (anything from leather to newspaper). Global may call this a ceramic sharpener but understand that it's a honing rod and you'll eventually need something else designed to remove metal to sharpen your knives.

        Honing your knives with every use will keep a good edge longer and mean less frequent sharpening.

        Here's well written description of honing with a nice pic at the end that shows an edge that can no longer be repaired by honing. Just ignore statements like "blade must be professionally sharpened".

        • Let Mr Global San show you how to avoid having brunt Grobal knives

        • @Wally:

          Nice vid for learning how to sharpen with stones but doesn't really help the people here who are still confused by the difference between sharpening and honing.

          I'm not suggesting I know more than Mino but this video implies that Japanese knives don't need honing which I don't believe is correct.

        • @OzBragain:

          Japanese knives don't need honing which I don't believe is correct.

          My hubby has a set of japanese knives (two deba and yanagiba), they are flat on one side so only need to be sharpened on the side with the cutting edge (that's why there is a need for different knives for left handed vs right handed people). He was taught by japanese chefs to use two sharpening stones - one that is coarse grit and one that is fine grit. He sharpens them almost every time he uses them. No honing rod is used.

          Edit: Thanks for the article about honing vs. sharpening. I see what you mean now.

    • I use the same ceramic sharpener rod once in a while and it does sharpen. I test it by placing the blade vertically onto the surface of finger nail - if it 'catches', it's sharp enough for me.

      • It's probably because your edge had burrs that it straightened out, but I'm still sure that the global steel does sharpen. I'm quite sure they use the same material as the white sharpening wheel

      • +1

        I don't normally use my Global knives but I do notice they go blunt very quickly, even with regular use of the honing steel (by regular, I mean after every use). They are much better after whetstone sharpening.

        The globals cannot be sharpened to "extreme" sharpness as it is a fairly low hardness steel, typical of stainless steel.

        The knives that I put aside for myself are high carbon steel. I wouldn't even dare put it against my finger nail. They hold an edge unlike the global knives but they are a pain to sharpen.

  • -1

    Good deal for entry level but much prefer the 7 piece set for $299 which means you get SIX knives not 3…

    • -1

      Unless you have 3 people cooking in the kitchen at the same time you don't need 6 knives lol

      • +2

        Anyone who knows anything about knives knows that you need 3-4 basic knives for 90% of kitchen work:

        Chef's Knife
        Pairing Knife
        Serrated (Bread) Knife.

        The ones that global include in their 6 knife sets are gimmicky and unnecessary. I know this because i have one of these sets. The "vegetable knife" is just a shorter version of the chefs knife, and does the same job. The "Utility" knife is just a longer pairing knife.

        Given a budget of $300, i would buy myself:
        Tojiro DP 210mm chefs knife ~$100
        Mac Bread knife ~$120
        Tojiro DP 150mm pairing knife ~$50
        Kiwi Brand Cleaver $15

        Read this:…

  • -4
    • I'm gonna plus one for stiring the pot and having a chuckle.

  • didn't get the set in the title, but went with the synergy set - awesome deal for ~$240

  • Still a live deal. Just grabbed a set. Thanks OP been looking for these knives at a great price ;)

    • just ordered,the code still works

  • Just picked one up for Xmas for one of the team at work. Nice find!

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