About two month ago, I flew Qantas Economy.
On the way back from Singapore to Brisbane, the in-flight system didn't work at all. Not just for me, for everyone at least in the Economy. (Later, I heard this is not a rare occurrence with Qantas.)
I thought we are paying to use that service. So, I have made an online complaint. The reply thanked me for bringing this into their attention so on.
So, I have replied and informed them that my interest is in getting back the money they charged me for the use of the entertainment system. Today I received this reply,
"I have reviewed your file and my response and having considered all the circumstances carefully, we feel that the action we took was appropriate on this occasion. While I appreciate you may be disappointed by this, regrettably there will be no further action"
I am wondering how to proceed and what any of you have done in similar situation.
Let it go, its not that an important issue to pursue at all.