Mosquito traps - do they work and which one to use (for Brisbane)?

I've got a mosquito problem and am thinking of getting one of these traps:…

Has anyone tried them? Do they work for mosquitoes? Any other options that actually work? I've read that UV attracts moths, but not mosquitoes, so a normal bug zapper wouldn't be all that good. I'm not sure this one would generate enough heat and CO2 to attract them.



  • +1

    I got one of these last year (same eBay seller for $62.95 with free shipping - similar one at Bunnings Warehouse was over $100):…

    It works very well and stops mosquito's from going inside the house.
    We have it placed on the floor currently in the Alfresco area in the back of the house.

    • Thanks! Have you noticed a reduction in the number of mozzies since using it?

      • +1

        Yes, there are virtually no mozzies when we have the door open and the bug zapper turned on.
        We did also try a few other methods to keeo the mozzies out, but using this bug zapper was the most effective for us.

        • Huh. Originally I didn't really want a zapper, because of all the by-catch, but it's good to know it does work so I'll keep it in mind.

  • +1

    Plants might also help your problem: :)

    I have also seen the DIY plastic bottle/black tape/yeast to be quite effective at trapping them.

    • I've heard mixed results with the plants. The DIY version was something I was considering.

      • +1

        Yeah, plants probably need to be used quite thoughtfully to have a substantial effect.

        IMHO there's nothing to lose (apart from a couple of bucks and a bit of time) trialling some DIY traps - I was interested in a mozzie killing machine a while ago, but none seemed to have definite results, or were very expensive. From what I read, most people's failure with the DIY traps seemed to be from placing it where people were going to be, or not using the right mixture in the bottle.

        I assume you have already eliminated all stagnant water sources for them to breed, keep the grass short, trim trees etc? It can make a huge difference… although I back onto a canal and realise this isn't always possible (I harass the council to dredge it every now and then lol).

        • Yeah I might give the DIY ones a go. Apparently the Mosquito Slayer( is excellent but expensive ($325 to ~$500 for non-commercial models). I might try that if all else fails.

          Yes, I've worked on the stagnant water sources, checked the water tanks, and so on. I'm partly looking at traps because I've only got limited control of the area - I have several neighbours who could be keeping old buckets out for all I know.

          Why trim the trees and keep grass short though - how does that help? Reducing local humidity?

        • +1

          Trim back vegetation. Mosquitoes feast on plant nectar when they aren’t prowling for blood, so they spend a lot of time in tall grasses or around shrubs and bushes.

          “Mosquitoes like a place to hang out during the heat of the day,” Yates says. “If you’ve got heavy vegetation around the house, it’s cooler and it’s damp so they hang out on the leafy tissue on the bottom of those plants.”

          Yates says if you're wondering how to get mosquitoes out of your yard, you can reduce your mosquito population by trimming vegetation near the home and keeping lawns mowed.


  • +2

    I've used these also…seem to work fairly well…they usually specify placing them near, but away from the area of usage, as they do attract insects toward them. I've got one on either side of alfresco area

    I've tried several brands…the one you nominate is good, and you can get spares, but I found the "cage" portion at the bottom can tend to rust… the Bunnings one I tried had a plastic cage and didn't!

    • Do you find they catch mosquitoes or mostly moths and such? I'd prefer one that only caught mosquitoes, maybe by modifying it with a gauze or something to prevent larger bugs getting in.

  • I've got one of these for sale for $50.

    • Is that because it doesn't work? :)

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