Having been whipped into a frenzy by interest groups funded by the largest internet companies in existence, most notably Boogle, clueless "internet citizens" have been campaigning for "internet neutrality" for quite some time now.
The campaigning is accompanied by idiotic claims such as small businesses will no longer be able to usurp Boogle or Facecrack despite the fact that the campaigning is led by these companies through a myriad of front groups suggesting the opposite is true.
Anyhow the latest bleats out of this side of the internet nutters is that telco's offering zero rating services (doesn't count towards data allocation) is a violation of net neutrality and goddamit. Apparently you should just pay more for internet to keep the idiotic notion of "treating packets fairly" alive.
Sausage: http://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/15/11/15/208246/why-…
Boogle, Facecrack……