Should Suspected Tree Vandalism Be Reported?

Read an earlier thread in OZB
The OP posted a question as to where to complain as he spotted an 80 year old tree was removed from an adjourned land.

Comments were more focused on OP's motive on reporting.
Majority of comments seems to be against reporting of tree vandalism.
I cannot understand.

Hence curious to find out (putting OP's motive aside)
the value of our society towards tree. Has it been changed?

Poll question:
Should Suspected Tree Vandalism be reported?

(Question is "should", not "will you")

Poll Options

  • 44
    Yes (Trees are for everyone and our next generation)
  • 23
    No (Mind your own business if it is over the fence)


  • +1

    Trees are important, but efforts should be focussed on commercial logging rather than your neighbour.

  • +1

    You have to know the reason behind it… sometimes trees need to be removed if they are causing damage to property or have the potential to do so in a storm or bushfire. Sometimes they can even be dangerous to people.
    Some are removed just to improve the view. which is wrong. but there are situations where it is necessary and this is not covered in your poll.

    • -1

      You don't have to know the reason behind it. if you suspect it was illegal report it. The outcome of your report might be that the work was legal, which is not a bad thing.

      On the other hand, letting someone vandalise a tree and get away with it is only going to end up with more tree vandalism.

  • +4

    Read an earlier thread in OZB

    He wanted to know:

    Besides council, which other people/organisations should I get in touch to make this known.

    Maybe the against comments were more about questioning OP's motives.

    I know this because I intended to buy that property and asked the council about it and they said you cannot cut it as it has an heritage overlay. Now it has been chopped off.

    Trees are important. Tree Vandalism should be reported.

    They took all the trees
    And put them in a tree museum
    And they charged all the people
    A dollar and a half to see 'em

    Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi

  • I am not sure society's "value of a tree" has changed but many people work damn hard to buy their home and frankly I do not care what anyone else thinks about what I do with my property especially if I for whatever want to remove a tree that is on my land.

    I suspect a tree on public property would be a different matter for many people, but sticking ones nose into what I do on my land when there is no danger to surrounding land or other people by my actions (before anyone starts carrying on about not being allowed to have a meth lab in their yard) is another story.

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