This was posted 9 years 4 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Free Jack Link's Beef Jerky Sample (FB Required)


500 Samples only, 271 as of posting…

Sample Size, so I'm presuming 25g.

Related Stores

Jack Link's
Jack Link's

closed Comments

  • Cheers… now 103 remaining!

  • Got one thanks! Running out veryy quickly

  • nice thanks

  • Very nice, cheers!

  • Sweet finally got one of these

  • +2

    Got one before they ran out - were only 24 left

  • All gone now!

  • Gone…..

    • -1

      You're the lucky one then…

  • All finished, dang it :p

    • -3

      You ain't missing much…

      I threw them in the bin when I first tried them.

      • +4

        But they are free, he is allowed to be annoyed that he didn't get it.

        FWIW, some people might enjoy this jerky, jv, so please don't be a jerky-bout it.

        • +2

          But they are free

          So is herpes…

          he is allowed to be annoyed that he didn't get it.

          Just because something is free, doesn't mean you should want to get it…

          FWIW, some people might enjoy this jerky

          And lots of people think it's crap… If we can't express our opinions here, might as well not have any comments at all…

        • +1

          @jv: To be honest with you, jv, I just wanted to make the really bad jerky pun/joke thing. I'm really not fussed over Jack Link's jerky either.. but it's not THAT bad that I'd throw it in the bin.. Let's just be friends and hug it out :) Some people are pretty brutal with the negs though :|

  • How do these compare to Geronimo's Jerky?

    • +1

      They are quite sweet (probably in jv's eyes too sweet), but they are also soft (Probably better for jerky virgins imo)

      Geronimo's have a greater depth of flavour but are very tough and dry (Better for seasoned veterans of the jerky game)

      Only one way to find out; try them for yourself!

    • +1

      The comparison is close to say comparing McDonalds and a Michelin starred restaurant. It's highly processed, and plastic in texture. I tried one piece and spat it into the bin with the rest of the packet.

      I made a post in the Geronimo thread correcting a claim that all beef jerky is cancer causing, as per the recent WHO report, because Geronimo isn't highly processed and that's what creates the cancer causing compounds. I won't be correcting such claims in this thread.

      • The comparison is close to say comparing McDonalds and a Michelin starred restaurant

        Pretty good comparison I'd say…

  • Damn just missed out

  • Am I the only one who saw the logo as a micro-baby-wiener?

  • Jack links is meat flavoured candy than it is jerky.

    From experience go with the brands that put the least amount of effort into their packaging usually yields the better jerky.

    Of course i make my own and consider my own to be superior to all ;)

    • Or for those who cant, get them from asian stalls that crop up now and then. :D

      • Under what name Asian shops sell it, some kind of jerky?

  • -1

    Free is free, but Jack Link's (in my opinion) is pretty nasty. loaded with sugar.

    I normally opt for the Geronimo Jerky deals up here, or get a few packets of Mariani Jerky from Costco every so often.

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