OzBargain has turned 9, and we are hosting a Treasure Hunt to celebrate the birthday! (10-27 Nov 2015)

UPDATE: OzBargain Treasure Hunt has finished. For those who have claimed treasures, please go to marketplace to fill out the delivery information.

TL;DR: To celebrate OzBargain's 9th birthday, we are running a treasure hunt / prize giveaways between 10 and 27th of November. Just log into this site to participate.

OzBargain is turning NINE on the 27th of November 2015. Instead of running silly (but extremely entertaining) competitions like last year and the year before, we are running a little game of treasure hunt this year, giving away a few very desirable prizes (according to an OzBargainer's standard, at least). To participate,

  • Make sure you are logged into OzBargain, and are not currently in the penalty box.
  • Browse around the website to spot treasure items.
  • Claim it when you spot one!
  • At the end of Nov 27, prizes will be given out for the treasures you have claimed.

Sounds easy? Here are the details.

Who can participate?

Everyone can participate. However you need to be a logged in user to see the treasures.

Users who are currently in penalty box will not be able to see scattered treasures nor claim them. Sockpuppeting or creating multiple accounts will also risk to have all your accounts banned — so don't even try. Users who have been found gaming the system (cheating, bots, programmatic, etc) will also be blocked from receiving the prizes.

When is the treasure hunt starting & finishing?

Treasure hunt will official start today (10 Nov 2015). I'll be seeding the site with treasures later this afternoon. The hunt will finish on 27 Nov 2015 at 11:59PM ADST, and the treasures you have claimed will be your winning items.

I will be buying and sending the prizes to the winners the following week after we have collected the delivery information. Since it's OzBargain and it makes no sense buying RRP — so the prize winners might need to wait a bit when I go and hunt the actual items.

What treasures?

Here is a rough list of products we are giving away:

  • OzBargain T-shirts
  • Eneloop AA 8pk
  • Eneloop Family Pack
  • Samsung microSD 32GB
  • Woodworm Umbrella
  • Quilton Toilet Tissues
  • Telstra $30 Pre-Paid SIM
  • Hoyts e-CineVoucher
  • Xiaomi Piston 3
  • Xiaomi Powerbank
  • Coles Myer Gift Card $25
  • WISH Gift Card $20
  • WISH Gift Card $100 [x] 2 parts
  • Chromecast [x] 2 parts
  • Getflix Lifetime Subscription [x] 2 parts
  • Crucial BX100 256GB SSD [x] 2 parts
  • LEGO 75102 Star Wars X-Wing [x] 2 parts
  • Fitbit Charge HR [x] 3 parts
  • Nespresso U [x] 3 parts
  • GoPro Hero [x] 3 parts
  • Xbox One Console [x] 3 parts

For products marked with [x], the treasures are split into multiple parts, and you need to claim all the parts to be the winner of the treasure. For example you need to claim all 3 parts of Xbox One Console in order to win the prize at the end.

We will also be adding more products throughout the treasure hunt. What other treasures should we give away? What other hot products that an OzBargainer should own? Suggest in comments!

How do I spot a treasure?

Treasures will be scattered around OzBargain website. Here is an example:

Click to Reveal the treasure

It's all in the probability. For example on each page loaded, 2% of the chance an OzBargain T-shirt will show up in the page, but the probability is lower for other higher-prized items. Basically if you are an OzBargainer that can't stop reloading the home page, sooner or later you'll spot one.

HINT: Treasures will only appear on

  • Front page (between the deals)
  • New deal pages (between the deals)
  • Deal/forum/competition pages that have (1) at least 15 comments (2) last commented less than 30 days ago (between comments)

Throughout the treasure hunt game, I will also place some treasures with higher probability in specific pages. More hints will be left in the comments on where to find them.

Also note that the treasure will only stay on the page for 15 seconds. So it might be wise to scroll up & down when you first load the pages to see whether there's a treasure.

How do I claim a treasure?

When you click on the highlighted row, you will be shown what treasure it is and a button for you to claim it. Once it is claimed it will be added to your inventory which you can then check in the marketplace page later. A user can keep at most 4 items in the inventory. Here is an example when treasure is revealed and ready to be claimed:

Click to Claim the treasure

Once a treasure is revealed you should have 3-4 minutes to claim it (before we expire it in the backend). If you already have 4 items in your inventory, you will then be given an option to drop an existing item to claim the one on the page. Dropped item will be released to the wild to be picked up by another lucky guy.


Treasure Hunt Marketplace is the place where you can

  • See what treasures are currently in your inventory
  • Put items in your inventory to be traded on the market
  • See treasures other users are currently trading on the market
  • Request / Accept / Reject trades

When a treasure is first claimed, it would be private under Your Items. Click on the toggle "Trade on the Marketplace" to make it public, available for trade.

Your Items in Marketplace

Under Marketplace you will see a list of items that other users have made available to trade. Clicking on "Trade Item" will bring down a list of your own items that you wish to swap with.

When currently there are pending trade requests against the items under your inventory, there will also be a section Trade Request. You can then approve or reject those trade requests. Users will be notified when there's an incoming trade request, or when your trade request has been approved or rejected.

Please note that item trading is one to one only — one item in yours inventory trading with another item that's currently on the market. It is not possible to do one-to-many trading.

Trading Example

Two users, let's just call them Alice and Bob, have the following items in their inventory:

  • Alice: OzBargain T-Shirt, Xbox One Part 1/3, Xbox One Part 3/3, Eneloop AA 8pk
  • Bob: Xbox One Part 2/3

Since you cannot win by simply having part 2 out 3 of a high prized item, Bob puts his Xbox One Part 2/3 on the market. While browsing the marketplace Alice found that's exactly what she needed. So she clicked on "Trade Item" next to Xbox One Part 2/3. Being a cheapskate she decided to use her Eneloop AA 8pk to request the trade.

"WTF?!" as Bob already has boxes of unopened Eneloops at home, so he responded with "Reject" on the trade request. Not be discouraged by the rejection, Alice requested the trade again with her most valued possession — OzBargain T-Shirt. Moved by her determination, Bob accepted Alice's trade, items swapped inventories, and both live happily ever after (with their OzBargain treasures, of course).

Sounds exciting? Get your hunting hat ready and have fun!

closed Comments

    • +5

      Likely me. Unless I find a good click & collect offer and I will get the winners to collect at nearby Woolies.

  • +9

    I think i can recite the first page of bargains…..

  • +9

    Are you sure there is a 2% chance of an ozbargain shirt popping up? ive loaded about 500 pages and found nothing….

    • +2

      It was 2% when I posted at lunch time. Now quite a few T shirts have already been claimed so the probability is a lot less.

      I might load more t shirts into the system tomorrow.

      • +2

        I've been searching since 3 and had no luck :/

        • I got some eneloops which I think I'll keep but I'd love a t shirt as well. I can't use many of the items on the list so I'm hoping to get somthing else to trade on the marketplace. Thanks for posting the Treasure Hunt.

      • +1

        yes please. a shirt is all i want =D

        • I want one of those T-shirts SO BAD!!

  • I got an umbrella and some eneloops woot woot, I have been an ozbargainer for awhile but now, once I hav eneloops, i will be a TRUE ozbargainer

  • This is awesome, thanks Scotty and team!

  • +1

    awesome just claimed a t-shirt.

  • +1

    The trading part sounds awesome.

    Be disappointing if a couple of single users claim all the prizes.

  • +11

    Quick Update at the end of first day

    • Total number of treasures in rotation: 50
    • Total number of treasures claimed: 42 (84% found)
    • 1 user has claimed 3 items (we all know who that is :)
    • 8 users have claimed 2 items

    I was hoping the first batch of 50 items would run for a few days. Looks like I need to source some new prizes tomorrow.

    • +13

      I was hoping

      It's like you didn't know…

      we're professionals. ;)


      • +1

        Turnip, is that you?

    • Thanks for the update, guess will make sure I scour this site more often tomorrow :)

  • +2

    I have been refreshing like crazy (only got through 2 chapters of stats revision tonight) and still have nothing T.T

  • +7

    You should add "Replacable F5 Keyboard Button" as one of the treasures.

  • Is it a little outdated to mock Tony-Hairy-Abbott again this year?

    PS: got the g4 with ozb leather color . good enough. Just need to figure out to change g4 logo to ozb white. Ha

  • awesome idea!

  • love to win great prizes please Happy 9 years ozbargain

  • awesome idea scotty… happy birthday ozbargain and happy hunting everyone

  • +4

    Nov 11 Morning Update

    New treasures added to the hunt this morning:

    • 5x OzBargain T-shirts
    • 4x WISH Gift Cards $20
    • 1x WISH Gift Card $100 [x] 2 parts

    I have to take the probability a bit lower. Hopefully those will last me today.

    • Are treasures going to appear in closed comp too?

      • As long as the condition meets:

        • Last commented less than 30 days ago
        • More than 15 comments
        • This comment is purely to fulfill first condition.

        • +2

          @savara: You just need to be a member and logged-in.

          (Pageview and 'new member /converted lurker' stats should be particularly impressive for November!)

          You do need to believe that the T-shirts are lovingly handcrafted by OzBargain Elves at the North Pole, and/or Santa's (jv's) auxiliary workshop in Melbourne

          The poll in that thread may need some updating…

        • +10



          We broke 1,038,000 pageviews for yesterday. Last 1m+ day was Aug 25.


        • @neil:

          How do you post an inline image!? :O

        • +1

          @Scrooge McDuck:

          I'm special :)

        • +1


          So am I but I still can't do that. :[

        • +3

          @Scrooge McDuck:

          We used to allow inline images but then people embedded images that were the size of a house that broke the Internet. Now only the chosen few have the power.

        • @neil:

          How can I be a chosen one? I won't post any longcats, promise!

          Couldn't you just automatically resize images over a certain size?

          I'm not really complaining, these forums generally look nice and neat — better for the lack of cluttered images. :)

        • @neil: Thanks.

          Few of those views by me, but I do remember clicking on the front page at one point and noticing (I reckon the most that I've ever seen - near to peak?) 1,199 members logged-in.

          Presume Scotty, not long after that, talking to the OzB bank manager /cat.

  • +5

    I give up. Spent wayyy too much time looking.

    • It's probably 1 giveaway per day. It's like looking for a needle in a giant haystack.

      • Spent more time looking than working, but I guess I don't have all the time in the world like JV…

        • It's probably buried in an old thread from months or years ago too. :)

        • @hollykryten: Trust me… I went back very deep.

        • @Clear:

          Yep. I say the Xbox One Console would be a nice prize to win. Pity got buckley's chance of finding it.

        • @Clear:
          As did I. Last night went through 20 forum pages opening up every thread with 15+ comments and nothing

        • @Puska:

          I must have been through about 50 forum threads so far and haven't found squat. Must be an absolute fluke to find one with the amount of Ozbargain threads there are.

        • @Puska:

          I don't think it's location specific. I think it's time specific. All you have to do is go to any eligible page and refresh the page every few seconds. I think the treasures are programed to appear at specific or possibly random intervals and they don't stay in the same place for any more than time timeout period mentioned. That's my theory anyway. I have no idea how they've programmed or coded everything.

      • Actually as it turns out it's a bit more than 1 giveaway per day.

    • Don't worry, I did the same thing yesterday but I'm back at it today in full refresh force! :D

      • Autorefresh is the way to go.

        • Is that even legal?

        • +1

          @rdx: It's built in…

  • Sounds like someone underestimated the appeal of the Ozbargain tshirt, when are will we be able to buy them. Oh wait you need to earn it lol

  • +10

    OMG, it's a bargain with in a bargain!!!

    it's Inbargainception!!!!!!!!!!!

    • +2

      Good Luck trying to find one.

      Maybe it would be fairer if prizes were capped at one each of a prize per person.

      That way more people will get Ozbargain tshirts :)

      • I think the cap of 4 is fair. This allows for more swapping around so you are less likely to end up with prizes you don't want.

      • +1

        That way more people will get Ozbargain tshirts :)

        I dunno, some people need 3 shirts. ;)

  • Anyone know of any deals on trained helper monkeys? I could do with a nap. ><

  • +1

    Do i get a prize if I spot JV's comment with more than 50 negs? haha

  • That person who's claimed part 2 of the Xbox One Console will have a real hard time finding the other 2 parts because you don't win the console unless you claim all 3 parts. Chances of that is extremely slim.

    • +2

      Hence the trading aspect.

  • +1

    Is it possible to find treasure on this very thread? That would be meta as heck… :D

    • +5

      I keep thinking I FINALLY found a treasure every time I open this thread!… Then I realise it's only the example :/

  • Happy birthday Ozbargain! We share the same Birthday!

    Now to hunt for a t-shirt.

  • gave up on finding anything yesterday

  • Ooh wouldnt mind the Samsung MicroSD, fingers crossed I find it :)

    • +1

      Sorry, I found it yesterday!

      • :( Oh that sux, oh well congrats tho :)

    • +1

      There are actually 3 Samsung EVO MicroSD 32GB in the hunt. One taken, 2 more to go. Optionally you can find something better and tempt Unbranded to trade with you.

      • Oh I want to +1 your comment again, thats great news. Ok will keep searching the site and hopefully Ill find one of the other ones. Otherwise I hope I find something Unbranded would be interested in… Umm sooo Unbranded what would you consider swapping the Samsung MicroSD for?? :D

  • My work's network blocked ozbargain so I'll be spamming refresh on android instead. Can I still see the treasure with ad away?

  • Alright, going to join the hunt

  • Happy birthday Ozbargain. I think I'll leave this to people more committed than me (she says as she compulsively goes back to the home screen -just in case)

  • Think i refreshed to many tabs, not seeing any :/

  • +5

    Any good deals on F5 keys going around?

    • +2

      Give ALT+F4 a go, I heard it's faster. ;)

  • +3

    New Gravatar set, now to comment on a few deals :)

    might change my name to "Congratulations!"

  • Wait, so it's only possible for people with multiple prizes to accumulate all parts of a multi-part prize? Or is it possible to trade one prize for two others?

    • Or is it possible to trade one prize for two others?

      Not at the moment, unfortunately.

  • Trying since yesterday…seems like i am not getting anything :(

    At one stage, i was looking for treasure….not for bargains.

  • All I want for Xmas is just an OZBargain T-shirt. Sadly, it looks nigh impossible for me as I only check the website once every 10-15 mins :(

    • +1

      Cancel all prizes and replace with t-shirts for everyone

  • Im new to this site and to be honest even with all the details about (where) to search for this treasures, i feel stupid because dont know where to look :P, any tips guys? TA in advance.

    • +2

      Tightarse in advance?

      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • instead of running silly (but extremely entertaining) competitions

    ohh. I was looking forward to another comp :(
    I was going to make an Attenborough voice-over for him describing an Ozbargainer

    • It would be even more impressive if you could get the real David Attenborough to reference 'The Lesser-Spotted OzBargainer'. :)


      • +4

        here we find the endangered "OzBargainer" in their natural habitat scouring the rugged terrain we call the internet searching for the ultimate best bargain…but wait, a new type of bargain has emerged from the wild…it appears, only to disappear in 15 seconds near impossible to catch.

        • +1

          I am in semi-noble, 'selective-conservationist' mode.

          Happy to leave certain things for others.

          If I see a prize, or part thereof, that doesn't interest me - or is unlikely to be particularly tradeworthy (e.g. people understandably terrified at the thought that the Quilton prizes on offer may be 'pre-loved'), I'll probably just take a screenshot, instead of making a click'n'kill..


        • but wait, a new type of bargain has emerged from the wild…it appears, only to disappear in 15 seconds near impossible to catch.

          Better stock up on Ultra Balls.

        • @Scrooge McDuck:
          Can I upgrade my great balls ?.

    • A number of appearances by 'Sir David' on OzBargain:
      One fairly recent

      Slightly morbid curiosity from me:
      Does anyone know who DU122825 was?

      Lots of red in that U.S. app-deal shemozzle of a thread.
      Hopefully, there were no stray arrows from the dh dentist who then went on to kill Cecil. :(

      • +1

        Does anyone know who DU122825 was?


        • Ta.

          I recall the username - and some keen/fun comments associated.

          I did look for a cached account page, but just turned up an April 3, 403.

          'Looking for Bargains? Not on OzBargain? Access Denied', should probably be on an additional T-shirt up for grabs..

          Thanks, Thrift. I wish you treasure in your travels. :)

        • @Tas:

          I did look for a cached account page

          Google the DU and you'll see the replies that reference the original username :)

        • @Thrift:

          Ah. I should've done that and I still might do, but too many posthumous reminders of someone can be a bit saddening.

          It is Friday, after all.

  • After loading up well over 100 threads dating back months over the past few hours without finding any thing i can pretty much say i give up. I was looking very deep. It is just like looking for a needle in a huge haystack which i suppose why it's called a treasure hunt.

    • +1

      Waving a plump human in front of a crowd of zombies… that's what it is. Only the human is a T-shirt.

      • +1

        And the zombies are?… Oh I see.

    • yes for me is the same and been new also make it more harder to look, i only see ads everywhere :P (i guess that is how the website makes the money :P. Is all good im just gonna keep looking till i go blind lol

    • After loading up well over 100 threads dating back months

      You went too far unless you made a comment on those deals.

      (2) last commented less than 30 days ago (between comments)

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